Understanding Brominated Vegetable Oil

In recent years, concerns have arisen regarding the use of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in various food products and its potential health implications. As we delve into this topic, it’s crucial to understand what brominated vegetable oil is, where it’s commonly found, and the reasons behind the growing unease about its consumption.

What Is Brominated Vegetable Oil? 

Brominated vegetable oil is a synthetic additive primarily used as an emulsifier in various beverages and processed foods. Derived from vegetable oil sources such as soybean or corn, BVO is chemically altered through a process that involves the addition of bromine atoms. This alteration results in a compound that helps to distribute flavors evenly throughout a beverage, preventing the separation of ingredients, and enhancing the product’s overall stability.

What Makes BVO Different From Traditional Vegetable Oil?

If you’re wondering whether BVO is similar to traditional vegetable oil, the answer is no. Brominated vegetable oil and traditional vegetable oil are fundamentally different in their composition, purpose, and applications within the food industry.

Foods Containing Brominated Vegetable Oil

While its usage has decreased over time due to health concerns, BVO can still be found in certain items. Here is a list of foods and beverages that might contain BVO:

Brominated Vegetable Oil Health Concerns and Why Is Brominated Vegetable Oil Bad?

Much like with many chemical ingredients and food substitutes, BVO can affect the body negatively. Here are just a few reasons why many consider BVO problematic.

Bromine Accumulation

BVO contains bromine, a halogen element that, when consumed excessively, can accumulate in the body over time. Bromine has a long half-life and can potentially accumulate in fatty tissues, which could lead to health issues due to its persistence in the body.

Thyroid Disruption

One of the primary concerns with excessive bromine intake is its potential impact on thyroid function. Bromine competes with iodine in the body, which is crucial for proper thyroid hormone production. When bromine displaces iodine, it may disrupt thyroid hormone synthesis, potentially leading to thyroid dysfunction and affecting metabolism, blood pressure, energy regulation, and heart rate.

Potential Health Effects

Studies, primarily conducted on animals, suggest that prolonged exposure to high levels of bromine might lead to adverse health effects. These effects include potential damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys, as well as concerns about reproductive issues and behavioral changes. However, the evidence on the direct impact of BVO in humans is limited and requires further research.

Regulatory Concerns

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed BVO safe for use in limited quantities in certain food and beverage products in the past, on November 2, 2023, they have since proposed to revoke the regulation allowing the use of BVO in food. Additionally, some countries have banned or restricted the use of BVO in food due to safety concerns, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive understanding of its potential health impacts.

Lack of Clear Evidence

Despite concerns and some preliminary studies indicating potential risks associated with BVO consumption, there’s a lack of conclusive evidence specifically linking BVO intake to severe health problems in humans. The available research is limited, making it challenging to establish direct causation between BVO consumption and adverse health outcomes.


It’s essential to note that while BVO was more prevalent in the past, especially in citrus-flavored sodas, there has been a trend toward reformulation in the food industry due to increasing awareness of BVO’s potential health risks. Manufacturers are now exploring alternative emulsifiers and stabilizers to replace BVO in their products.

However, since food labeling regulations might not mandate explicit disclosure of BVO when it’s part of a flavoring or stabilizing blend, consumers should carefully check ingredient labels for terms like “brominated vegetable oil” or “BVO” and be cautious about consuming heavily processed or flavored products if they are concerned about BVO intake.

As always, staying informed about product ingredients and being aware of any potential changes in formulations by food manufacturers can assist in making more health-conscious food choices. discussed with your primary care doctor if you have additional concerns about brominated vegetable oil.

Foods That Cause Insulin Resistance

Discover the foods that cause insulin resistance, slow down your metabolism, and contribute to weight gain. Stay informed and make healthier choices. Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition that occurs when your body’s cells no longer respond effectively to the hormone insulin, which plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. When insulin resistance sets in, your body struggles to keep blood sugar in check, leading to a cascade of adverse effects, including a sluggish metabolism and unwanted weight gain. Let’s explore four foods causing insulin resistance and learn healthier alternatives to combat this condition.

The Culprits: Foods That Cause Insulin Resistance

Learning the foods causing insulin resistance is the first step toward managing this condition. Here are four culprits that could be sabotaging your efforts to stay healthy:

Sugary Beverages

Refined sugar and sugary beverages are notorious for their ability to cause insulin resistance. These drinks cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, prompting the pancreas to release a surge of insulin. Over time, the constant demand for insulin can lead to the cells becoming less responsive, resulting in insulin resistance.

Refined Carbohydrates

When you consume highly processed and high-glycemic carbohydrates, your body rapidly converts them into sugar, causing insulin to be released in large amounts. The body may eventually struggle to manage these constant spikes in insulin.

Processed Foods

Processed foods, including fast food, are another contributing factor to insulin resistance. These foods often have trans fats and high-fructose corn syrup, which are known to impair the body’s insulin sensitivity. Processed foods also usually contain additives and preservatives that can exacerbate inflammation.

Fatty Foods

Excessive consumption of fatty foods can lead to weight gain and increased abdominal fat, both risk factors for insulin resistance. Furthermore, they may promote inflammation and disrupt the function of insulin-responsive cells in your body.

Healthier Alternatives To Combat Insulin Resistance, Boost Metabolism, and Reduce Weight Gain

Now that we’ve identified the foods that can cause insulin resistance, we must explore healthier alternatives to mitigate this health issue. Here are five suggestions:

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, limes, lemons, and other citrus fruits are excellent healthy food choices. These fruits are high in fiber, packed with vitamin C, and have a low glycemic index.

High Fiber Foods

Fiber-rich foods slow the sugar absorption into your bloodstream and prevent spikes in blood glucose, helping regulate your body’s insulin use. Some examples include the following:

Protein-Rich Foods

Proteins take longer to digest, providing a steady source of energy, keeping you satisfied for a longer time, and preventing blood sugar spikes. Proteins also help in muscle building and repair, boosting your metabolism and assisting with weight management.

Foods With Antioxidants

Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, are excellent for combating insulin resistance as they help protect your cells against damage by free radicals. Antioxidant-rich foods can help reduce inflammation, enhance insulin sensitivity, and maintain a healthy weight.

Water and Unsweetened Beverages

Water, being calorie-free, aids in weight management, a key factor in combating insulin resistance. Water ensures the smooth functioning of your organs, assists digestion, and helps transport nutrients to the cells. Unsweetened drinks, such as green and herbal teas, are also rich in antioxidants, which can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.


Maintaining healthy blood glucose levels and managing insulin resistance largely depends on our dietary choices. The foods causing insulin resistance, such as sweetened drinks, refined carbohydrates, and processed and fatty foods, may satisfy us temporarily but can lead to long-term health problems. Remember, the path to a healthier you starts with mindful eating and staying well-hydrated. Let’s make the right choices today for a healthier tomorrow!

Are Veggie Burgers Healthier Than Regular Burgers

As vegetarian and vegan diets become increasingly popular (and convenient), you may wonder whether veggie burgers are a healthier alternative to regular burgers. In general, the answer is yes. Plant-based proteins have been shown to offer many health benefits, and the public needs to understand why they can be better for our bodies than animal proteins.

Veggie Burgers vs. Regular Burgers

Let’s compare the two burgers to see which one is healthier:

Saturated Fat

Regular burgers, often made with beef or other animal proteins, are typically high in saturated fat and cholesterol. This can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer over time. On the flip side, veggie burgers are usually made from plant proteins like beans or grains and contain little to no saturated fat or cholesterol.


Veggie burgers also contain more fiber than regular burgers, which helps keep you fuller longer and can help control blood sugar. Americans, on average, don’t consume enough fiber, so adding veggie burgers to your diet can be a great way to get more of this vital nutrient.


In addition to having lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, veggie burgers usually contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals than regular burgers. For example, many brands are fortified with B-vitamins like folate and B12, as well as iron and zinc. This makes them particularly beneficial for vegetarians and vegans who may not be getting enough of these essential nutrients from animal-based sources.

Healthy or Hype?

One crucial factor to remember, though, is that some processed veggie burgers may have just as much fat and calories as regular burgers. They may also have a high level of sodium due to the preservatives used to extend the shelf life of these products. Therefore, it is important to always read the nutrition label and ingredients list before purchasing a veggie burger.

A workaround for this problem is to create your own veggie burger with fresh, unprocessed ingredients. It’s easy to find recipes online that include a variety of vegetables and legumes to make a delicious and healthy meal.

Veggie burgers are typically healthier than regular burgers, and they’re a great way to get plant-based proteins into your diet. If you want to make sure you’re getting the most nutrition out of your veggie burgers, look for ones that are made with whole grains and legumes, as well as healthful fats like avocado or nuts.

Common Foods That Could Be To Blame for Your Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is an adaptive immune response that helps us recover from or avoid further injury, infection, or other potentially harmful stimuli. Discover Common Foods That Could Be To Blame for Your Chronic Inflammation in your body and learn how to make healthier choices for better overall health. However, this reaction can become problematic when it persists over time. Arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and possibly cancer have all been related to chronic inflammation.

While several factors contribute to chronic inflammation, including genetics and lifestyle choices, one significant factor is our diet. Certain foods can trigger and exacerbate chronic inflammation, making it essential to be aware of what we consume. This article will explore common foods that can cause chronic inflammation and suggest healthier alternatives.

What Is Chronic Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is a prolonged and persistent state of inflammation in the body that lasts for an extended period, often months or even years. It differs from acute inflammation, a short-term response to injury or infection.

Chronic inflammation can occur when the immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response and fails to shut it off. This sustained inflammation can damage healthy tissues and organs and is associated with various health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

What Are Common Foods That Can Cause Chronic Inflammation?

Certain foods have been linked to promoting chronic inflammation in the body. These include:

What Can People Eat Instead To Reduce Chronic Inflammation?

To reduce chronic inflammation, it’s beneficial to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. These include:

Other Tips for Alleviating Chronic Inflammation

In addition to making changes to your diet, there are several other tips that can help alleviate chronic inflammation:

Wrapping Up

Our diet plays a crucial role in determining our overall health, including inflammation levels in the body. We can prevent chronic inflammation by avoiding or minimizing the consumption of inflammatory foods like processed foods, sugary beverages, refined carbohydrates, red and processed meats, and certain vegetable oils.

Instead, incorporate fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, whole grains, healthy fats, and spices into your meals. These dietary changes and adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce chronic inflammation and improve overall well-being. need additional help, schedule a consultation with our chronic inflammation experts in Las Vegas.

10 best high fiber foods

Discover some of the best high fiber foods to enjoy a well-balanced diet. Maintaining optimal health requires that you include all essential components of a healthy diet, which includes fiber.

Fiber offers numerous health benefits, such as promoting digestive health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and supporting weight management. In this blog, we explore the ten best high-fiber foods that you can incorporate into your daily meals for a healthier lifestyle. Take a look.

1. Legumes (Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas)

Legumes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, protein, and various essential nutrients. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion and providing a feeling of fullness. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central, cooked lentils can contain about 7.9 grams of total dietary fiber, making one cup have approximately 15.6 grams, which is roughly half of a person’s total suggested dietary fiber intake.

2. Chia Seeds

Despite their small size, chia seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are an outstanding source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. A single ounce of chia seeds provides an impressive 9.75 grams of fiber, based on the USDA’s FoodData Central information. You can easily incorporate chia seeds into your diet by sprinkling them on yogurt, or oatmeal, or adding them to smoothies.

3. Whole Grains (Oats, Quinoa, and Brown Rice)

Whole grains are unrefined grains that retain their bran, germ, and endosperm, providing a wealth of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Oats, for instance, are particularly rich in soluble fiber, which aids in lowering cholesterol levels. One cup of cooked quinoa contains around 5.18 grams of fiber, while a cup of cooked, medium-grain brown rice offers approximately 3.51 grams of fiber.

4. Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries, and Blueberries)

In addition to being delicious, berries are also incredibly nutritious. They are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are particularly high in fiber compared to other fruits. One cup of raw raspberries contains eight grams of fiber, while the same serving size of raw blackberries provides 7.63 grams. Meanwhile, one cup of raw blueberries offers 3.55 grams of total dietary fiber. Add your favorite berry to your next meal or dessert!

5. Avocados

Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and fiber. One cup of cubed raw avocados contains about 10 grams of total dietary fiber, which you can get from all commercial varieties. You can enjoy these cubed avocados as a snack with a drizzle of condensed milk, simply as they are if you like the flavor, or add them to your favorite salad for an even more balanced diet.

6. Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Pistachios, and Flaxseeds)

Nuts and seeds are convenient and tasty snacks that are also rich sources of fiber. Almonds, pistachios, and flaxseeds, in particular, stand out for their fiber content. One 100-gram portion of almonds contains approximately 10.8 grams of fiber, while the same serving size of pistachios provides seven grams. Meanwhile, flaxseeds are exceptionally high in fiber. One cup of whole flaxseeds offers around 45.9 grams of fiber. You can add these nuts to your breakfast cereals.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Cauliflower)

Cruciferous vegetables are excellent fiber sources packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are some of the top choices for their fiber content. One cup of cooked broccoli contains around 5.14 grams of fiber, while the same serving size of Brussels sprouts provides approximately 4.06 grams of fiber. One cup of one-inch cauliflower pieces can contain around 2.86 grams of fiber.

8. Apples

The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true due to the fiber-rich nature of this fruit. Apples come in different varieties, including Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious. With the skins, 100 grams of each type offer approximately two grams of fiber. Granny Smith offers the most dietary fiber per 100 grams at about 2.5 grams of fiber.

9. Sweet Potatoes

One hundred grams of orange flesh sweet potatoes are delicious sources of dietary fiber. At 4.44 grams per serving, these vibrant root vegetables are perfect for balancing your diet without compromising on flavor.

10. Artichokes

Artichokes are a unique and flavorful vegetable that is rich in fiber. One medium-sized artichoke contains about 6.84 grams of fiber. Additionally, they offer other health benefits, such as supporting liver function.

Final Words: Boost Health and Wellness With the Best High-fiber Foods

Incorporating high-fiber foods into your daily diet can have a significant positive impact on your overall health. From legumes and chia seeds to berries and whole grains, these fiber-rich options can improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Embrace these delicious and nutritious foods for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Which is better? Himalayan or Sea Salt

So when referring to salt, we generally mean sodium chloride. Although, Often Used synonymously sodium is not salt as no chloride is attached to the sodium molecule. There are non-chloride versions of sodium, such as sodium bicarbonate, often referred to as baking soda and monosodium glutamate or MSG. Monosodium glutamate is an additive used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods, and its safety remains controversial.

As humans, we do not need much sodium to survive; however, most of us consume a very high sodium diet (3 grams of sodium per day), and the current guidelines recommend restricting sodium to less than 2.3 grams per day. Most of the sodium in our diet comes from processed food and eating out at restaurants.

So let us dive in and discuss different types of salts available in the market.

Table salt

is highly refined and processed with anti-caking agents such as calcium silicate (Reduces moisture and clumps and keeps the salt freely flowing) and has other additives such as iodine. Most of the table comes from mining deep underground salt deposits and by evaporating seawater.

Sea Salt

is derived after evaporating seawater from salt Lakes or ocean water. Sea salt is being promoted as much healthier than table salt; however, the sodium content in both sea salt and table salt is identical. Sea salt has some trace minerals like zinc, iron, and potassium which are beneficial. The problem is because of rising pollution in the oceans; the sea salts may contain high amounts of lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals.

Himalayan salt or pink salt?

is sourced from mines in Pakistan. The distinct pink color of the salt is because of the presence of iron oxide. Himalayan salt has some trace minerals such as iron manganese, zinc, calcium, and potassium, and its overall sodium content is lower when compared to table salt or sea salt. Because of this reduced sodium content and presence of trace minerals, the Himalayan salt gets marketed as a healthy alternative to regular salt. Himalayan salt has no added iodine, which may cause hypoactive thyroid in iodine-deficient individuals. There are no proven health benefits to using Himalayan salt, just like there is no benefit of using Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan salt is also 20-30 times more expensive than regular salt, and it would be wise to spend that money on another good quality nutritional supplement.

Kosher salt

is regular salt without the addition of anti-caking agents such as calcium silicate, so it tends to form clumps.

Celtic salt

sourced initially from the Celtic sea, is also regular sea salt. These days most of the Celtic salt comes not from the french coast but from Guatemala and Hawaii.

In summary,

Limit salt intake, and although the ideal amount of salt consumption remains controversial, there is no scientific benefit to substituting table salt with pure sea salt, Himalayan salt or Celtic salt. With the consumption of unrefined sea salt, exposure to ocean pollutants such as lead, microplastic, and lack of iodine are real concerns.

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