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Skin Issues

Acne, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and rosacea are just a few of the numerous skin conditions that often affect men and women of various ages.
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Numerous problems can leave your skin looking less than its best. Whether due to acne, hyperpigmentation, melasma, rosacea, or various other conditions, you may not be happy with the current appearance of your skin. These conditions can significantly affect your life, not only from a cosmetic standpoint but from an emotional one too. Fortunately, the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, can utilize a wide array of techniques in order to aid in treating skin issues and blemishes. Meet with us today to have a custom treatment plan built to cater to the specific needs of your skin in order to restore it to its former tone and texture.


There are a number of different conditions that can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the size and severity of the outbreak, as well as the preference of the patient themselves. We often treat skin issues through methods including prescription medication, peels, and other forms of noninvasive treatments. During your initial consultation, a member of our staff will assess your skin and listen to your goals and preferences before building a plan with your precise needs in mind. The length of this plan will differ from one patient to another depending on the techniques chosen for their plan, though they can rest assured that our vast experience will almost certainly grant them the results they seek.


What are the most common skin issues?

The top ten most common skin issues are:

  1. Acne

  2. Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

  3. Shingles

  4. Hives

  5. Sunburns

  6. Contact dermatitis (skin reaction to an irritant)

  7. Diaper rash

  8. Rosacea

  9. Athlete's Foot

  10. Basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer)

What causes most skin issues?

Skin issues can be caused by a variety of factors that include genetics, allergies, a compromised immune system, environmental irritants, bacteria, fungus, viruses, and parasites living on the skin.

When should I see a doctor for a skin issue?

If you've tried over-the-counter creams, ointments, and anti-inflammatories without any effect and if the rash or skin issue covers more than 10% of your body, it is recommended to schedule an appointment at HEALOR Primary Care. If your symptoms also include muscle pain, joint aches, fever, sleep problems, or difficulty swallowing, these may be signs of a serious health condition, and you should seek immediate medical help.

What are the most common symptoms of a skin issue?

People with a skin issue can typically experience:

  • Rashes

  • Bumps

  • Red, flushed skin

  • Itching or burning skin

  • Opens sores, lesions, or ulcers on the skin

  • Excessively dry, cracked skin

  • Skin discoloration or spots

  • Loss of pigment (vitiligo)

  • Peeling skin

  • Changes in the size or color of a mole

Skin Issues in Las Vegas?

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