Today the topic of discussion is porn and its effects on health and relationships.
If you are not comfortable listening to discussions about sex and porn, then this would be a good time to watch a different video.
The reason behind making this video is that although porn is everywhere, its effects on health and relationships are not often discussed. Not only patient’s but also doctors are uncomfortable discussing this topic although it has so many effects on overall health, and sexual function.
Sexual dysfunction is becoming more common and I am seeing erection and orgasm issues in men as young as 30. This was never such a big problem in younger individuals in the past, so there must be something going on. We all know that we have more exposure to environmental toxicity, pollution, stress and all these factors do play a role in sexual dysfunction. However, one of the biggest factors leading to sexual dysfunction nowadays is exposure to porn and this is often not discussed
In our sexual health clinic, I am seeing so many individuals with diminished sexual drive, delayed ejaculation, and orgasm issues. Lack of sexual pleasure and satisfaction are so prevalent in both men and women. For men, its mostly erectile issues during real sex and for woman it is primarily issues with orgasm. Learn more at HEALOR™