Pain During Sex
Photo by VadimGuzhva on Adobe Stock

Pain during sex, also known as dyspareunia, can be a distressing and confusing experience for individuals. While some may assume painful sex is a common occurrence, it’s essential to understand that pain during intercourse isn’t always normal and may indicate an underlying issue. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of pain during sex and where individuals can seek professional help.

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Understanding Pain During Sex

Experiencing discomfort or pain during intercourse can manifest in various forms, each indicative of different underlying causes. Here are some common types of pain experienced during sexual intercourse.

Surface Pain or Deep Pain 

Scientifically known as intraorbital or superficial dyspareunia, surface pain typically occurs at the vaginal entrance. This type of discomfort is often associated with insufficient lubrication, causing friction during penetration. Factors contributing to surface pain can include lack of arousal, inadequate foreplay, or a decrease in estrogen levels, especially during menopause.

Deep Pain

Deep pain or collision dyspareunia occurs within the pelvis during thrusting or deep penetration. Conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or fibroids can lead to this type of discomfort. These conditions affect deeper pelvic structures and tissues, causing pain during intercourse.

Possible Causes of Pain During Sex

Depending on the type of pain you encounter, there are various factors â€” both physical and psychological — that can contribute to it. 

Where To Get Help

If you’re experiencing pain during sex, seeking professional help is crucial. Consulting with a healthcare provider specializing in female sexual health is the first step toward understanding and addressing the issue. In Las Vegas, there are dedicated specialists who focus on women’s sexual health and can provide personalized care and guidance.

Female Sexual Health Specialists in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, individuals can seek assistance from reputable clinics or specialists in female sexual health. These specialists have expertise in addressing issues related to sexual pain, providing a comfortable and understanding environment for patients to discuss their concerns.

What To Expect During Consultation

Consulting with specialists involves a comprehensive evaluation, including medical history, physical examinations, and possibly diagnostic tests to identify any underlying causes. Based on the findings, they offer tailored treatment plans, which may include medications, physical therapy, counseling, or other interventions aimed at alleviating pain and improving sexual well-being.

It’s important to prioritize seeking help and not allowing discomfort during sex to persist without addressing it. Remember, although pain during intercourse is a common issue, it is not normal and you don’t need to endure it silently. Seeking professional guidance can help identify the cause and provide effective solutions to improve sexual health and overall well-being.

Contact HEALOR for Help

Understanding the possible causes, both physical and psychological, and seeking help from qualified specialists in female sexual health is crucial. In Las Vegas, individuals have access to professionals who specialize in addressing these concerns, offering tailored solutions to enhance sexual health and quality of life.

If you’re experiencing pain during intercourse, don’t hesitate to reach out to a reputable specialist in female sexual health in Las Vegas, like HEALOR, for personalized care and support. Your comfort and well-being are paramount, and seeking help is the first step toward a resolution.

Contact HEALORâ„¢ today to remedy pain during sex.

Vaginal Yeast Infection

Candidiasis, often known as a vaginal yeast infection, is a common and unpleasant problem affecting many women. These infections are generally caused by an excess of the Candida fungus, most often Candida albicans, which usually inhabits the vaginal region.

While generally not severe, vaginal yeast infections can cause discomfort and disrupt daily life. In this article, we will discuss how vaginal yeast infections are treated, the duration of treatment, prevention strategies, and when it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional.

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How Are Vaginal Yeast Infections Treated?

  1. Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications: The most common and effective way to treat vaginal yeast infections is with over-the-counter antifungal ointments, creams, or suppositories. These medications often contain active ingredients like miconazole, clotrimazole, or tioconazole.
  2. Prescription medications: Your doctor may decide to switch you to stronger antifungal medicines, such as fluconazole, in more severe or recurrent cases. This oral medication can be more convenient than topical treatments but should only be used as directed by a healthcare professional.

How Long Does Treatment Typically Last?

The duration of treatment for a vaginal yeast infection can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the chosen treatment method. Generally, most uncomplicated yeast infections can be successfully treated with OTC antifungal medications within one to seven days. Depending on the physician's recommendations, prescription medications, such as fluconazole, may require a single dose or a longer course of treatment.

It’s crucial to complete the entire treatment course, even if symptoms improve before it’s finished, to ensure the infection is fully cleared. Stopping treatment prematurely can lead to a recurrence of the condition.

Can Yeast Infections Be Prevented?

Preventing vaginal yeast infections is not always possible, as they can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, and overall health. However, there are several strategies individuals can adopt to reduce their risk:

  1. Take care of your personal hygiene: Gentle, fragrance-free soap and water should be used to clean the genital region. Harsh douches can damage the delicate vaginal ecosystem, so it’s best to steer clear of them.
  2. Wear breathable clothing: If you tend to have yeast infections, try switching to cotton undergarments and staying away from tight pants or pantyhose.
  3. Avoid excessive sugar and high-starch diets: Reducing the intake of sugar and high-starch foods may help prevent yeast infections, as excess sugar can fuel Candida growth.
  4. Practice safe sex: Yeast overgrowth can be avoided if you take precautions against transmitting diseases, such as by using condoms and maintaining healthy sexual habits.

When Should a Person See Their Doctor About a Yeast Infection?

While most yeast infections can be effectively managed at home, there are situations in which consulting a healthcare professional is advisable:

  1. Recurrent infections: If you experience multiple yeast infections within a year, it’s essential to consult a doctor. Recurrent infections may indicate an underlying issue that requires further evaluation.
  2. Severe symptoms: If you have severe symptoms such as intense itching, swelling, redness, or pain, consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
  3. Uncertain diagnosis: If you’re unsure whether your symptoms are due to a yeast infection or another condition, it’s best to seek professional guidance for an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Pregnancy or other health concerns: Pregnant individuals or those with compromised immune systems should consult their healthcare provider for appropriate treatment and management.

Wrapping Up

Vaginal yeast infections are common and can be effectively treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications. Prevention strategies such as maintaining proper hygiene and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of recurrence. If symptoms persist, worsen, or recur frequently, it’s essential to seek medical advice for proper evaluation and guidance on managing the condition. With the right treatment and prevention measures, individuals can regain comfort and quality of life when dealing with vaginal yeast infections.

Four Signs You May be Suffering From Female Sexual Dysfunction

Learn the Four Signs You May be Suffering From Female Sexual Dysfunction. Women often face different health issues than men but are reluctant to talk about them or seek help. Sexual dysfunction is a broad term but can include frustrating or painful problems that make you feel less like yourself.

Any person who experiences issues related to sex should speak with a skilled doctor in Las Vegas, NV, and get help. Early diagnosis and treatment may improve your quality of life. Here are four signs you may be suffering from poor sexual health.

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1. Decreased lubrication

Vaginal dryness and atrophy are common among post-menopausal women. This is because hormone changes during menopause result in thinning tissue that feels dry, itchy, and irritated. Over-the-counter lubricants can help but do not necessarily address the root cause of the problem.

Lack of lubrication can make sexual intercourse more painful. Women with this issue may feel a burning or stinging sensation during sex. This may even lead to avoidance of the act altogether.

2. Low libido

A woman's libido, or sex drive, can ebb and flow over the course of her life. However, a sustained and dramatic decrease in libido is a sign that something is wrong.

There are many possible causes of low libido. Hormonal imbalances, medications, relationship issues, and psychological conditions all play a role. Those who struggle with this sign of sexual dysfunction may feel like they have lost a part of their identity.

3. Difficulty with orgasms

Female orgasms require both mental and physical relaxation. It may be difficult to reach this state if you are constantly stressed or anxious. This means emotional issues do frequently lead to orgasm problems.

In addition, some physical conditions make it difficult to orgasm. For example, vaginal atrophy, vaginismus, pelvic floor disorders, and certain medications. As a result, many women in Las Vegas, NV, find it difficult to achieve a satisfying orgasm.

4. Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more common in women than men. This is because the female anatomy makes it easier for harmful bacteria to enter the urinary tract.

A UTI can cause a burning sensation when urinating, an urgent need to urinate, and cloudy or bloody urine. Anyone with these symptoms should call to see a doctor as soon as possible. A urinary tract infection may lead to more serious health problems if it is not treated promptly.

How does HEALORâ„¢ female sexual dysfunction clinic help?

HEALORâ„¢ female sexual dysfunction clinic offers comprehensive and compassionate care to women with signs of sexual dysfunction. We understand these issues are sensitive and difficult to discuss. We provide support and guidance every step of the way. During a consultation, we may ask you to describe your medical history and symptoms before developing a custom treatment plan.

Treatments may include certain medications or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy based on your condition and concerns. We are proud to offer cutting-edge solutions that provide real and long-lasting results.

Improve your sexual health

Decreased lubrication, low libido, difficulty with orgasms, and urinary tract infections are all common but unwanted signs of sexual dysfunction. They interfere with your life and may cause you to feel embarrassed or ashamed.

There is no need to suffer in silence any longer. If you experience these issues and live in the Las Vegas, NV, area, reach out to HEALORâ„¢. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the rest of our team know how to provide the compassionate and individualized care you deserve.

What Are the Symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual health issues are a delicate topic for many women, but they’re quite common. Female sexual dysfunction affects roughly 40% of women at some point in their lives. The first step to regaining your sexual health is talking to a qualified physician. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh at HEALOR™ female sexual health clinic in Las Vegas, NV helps patients pinpoint the causes of female sexual dysfunction and helps identify solutions.

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It's often easier for patients to start a conversation about sexual health with their physician if they know more about potential conditions and causes. Below, we’ll discuss the types of female sexual dysfunction and what causes them.

What is female sexual dysfunction?

Female sexual dysfunction is a general term that encompasses a variety of conditions that interfere with a satisfying sex life. These conditions are characterized by symptoms that are persistent and distressing.

Sexual dysfunction is increasingly being studied in women now that researchers recognize it’s so common, but little attention was paid in the past to women’s inability to have enjoyable sex.

What are the symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women?

Female sexual dysfunction refers to a variety of symptoms that lead to unenjoyable, painful, or unsatisfying sex or a lack of desire to have sex. This can affect a patient’s relationship and overall quality of life.

Symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women include:

Patients who experience these symptoms may be reluctant to mention them to a physician. And many physicians are not trained in treating these issues. That’s why it’s crucial to identify a practitioner who is willing and capable of discussing and treating sexual dysfunction in women.

Those experiencing vaginal pain, trouble getting aroused, a decreased libido, or difficulty reaching orgasm in the Las Vegas, NV area can contact Dr. Singh and his team at HEALORâ„¢ female sexual health clinic in Las Vegas for a consultation.

What causes sexual dysfunction in women?

The variety of symptoms involved in sexual dysfunctions in women means there are also many causes. These can be physical or psychological in nature.

Some medical conditions that contribute to sexual dysfunction include:

Other factors influencing women’s sexual health include:

Regardless of the root cause of a patient’s sexual dysfunction, Dr. Singh and his team at HEALOR Primary Care are available to help.

Talk to a physician about female sexual dysfunction in Las Vegas, NV

The first step toward treating women’s sexual health issues is acknowledging the problem and uncovering the root cause with the help of a knowledgeable physician. Patients in the Las Vegas, NV area can contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Raj Singh and the team at HEALOR™ female sexual health clinic in Las Vegas.

How Can A Women's Sexual Health Change During Menopause

Discover How Can A Women's Sexual Health Change During Menopause. Menopause is a new stage in your life, and it comes with new benefits and challenges. While it offers no more menstrual periods and maybe even a new fresh outlook on life, you may also experience some struggles – one of which is unwanted changes to your sexual health. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV are experienced in addressing concerns about female sexual health. By identifying what the problem is, what might be causing it, and how to treat it, you can get back to enjoying your life – and sexual health – during menopause.

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What is menopause?

Menopause is the time in your life that occurs 12 months after your last period. Leading up to that point, you might experience anything from hot flashes to changes in your monthly cycles. This stage usually lasts about seven years, but it can last as long as 14 years.

Menopause is a completely normal biological process, and each woman experiences menopause differently. This is because your body’s production of estrogen and progesterone – both hormones made by the ovaries – are unique to you.

Unfortunately, menopause can come with a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, such as mood changes, weight gain, sleep problems, and sexual health concerns.

How can menopause impact sexual health?

During and after menopause, the drop in estrogen in your body causes many changes – some of which are welcome changes, some of which are less appealing. One change you might experience is with your sexuality.

To start, lower levels of estrogen can lead to a drop in blood supply to the vagina. As a result, you may experience vaginal dryness and painful sex. You may also experience a tightening of the vaginal opening, burning, and itching – all of which are related to the hormonal changes going on in your body.

Menopause can also impact other factors related to sexual health, such as:

Finally, some medications that are taken for menopause can impact your sexual health, as well.

What treatment options are available for female sexual health?

Your sexual health is an integral part of your relationships and who you are as a woman. While sexual health changes are very common for women going through menopause, you don’t have to live with these symptoms.

Dr. Singh helps ease menopause symptoms in patients to not only improve their sexual health but their overall quality of life, as well. At your appointment in Las Vegas, NV, we’ll discuss your individual situation, including what sexual health symptoms you are experiencing and for how long. Treatment options can range from medication to sexual health tips (such as using lubricant) to other options to alleviate your sexual health concerns.

Our compassionate and understanding approach helps you feel comfortable and honest discussing your sexual health – all while knowing you’re in the hands of experts at HEALOR™.

Contact us today to improve your sexual health during menopause

No woman should be unsatisfied with their sexual health, including during menopause. Instead of thinking that these changes are inevitable, take your sexual health into your hands with the help of board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the experts at HEALORâ„¢ in Las Vegas, NV. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with one of our highly skilled doctors to ease your menopause symptoms and embrace your sexual health once again..

Why Has Sex Been so Painful Lately

If you're asking yourself, "why has sex been so painful lately?", just know that you are not alone. It's normal for sexual intercourse to be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but when intimate moments become consistently painful, it can signify more significant problems. These situations may impact your health and quality of life.

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If you experience pain during or after sex in Las Vegas, NV, consult with a primary care doctor to determine the cause of your sexual dysfunction and get treatment. A skilled professional can also offer guidance on how to make sex more enjoyable.

What causes painful sex?

There are many potential causes of pain or discomfort during intercourse. Some are more serious than others, but all warrant a trip to the doctor to rule out any underlying women's health issues. Here are some common causes of pain:

Women who experience painful sex also have problems with lower libido and infrequent orgasms. A loss of libido may result from stress, depression, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications.

What happens during a women's health appointment?

HEALORâ„¢ employs trusted primary care professionals who understand the importance of women's health and a fulfilling sex life. During an appointment, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about when the pain started, how often it occurs, and what seems to make your sexual dysfunction better or worse.

A doctor may also perform a pelvic exam to check for abnormalities and assess the area for signs of infection, inflammation, or other problems in the vagina. Swabs are taken to test for STIs or other issues. HEALORâ„¢ can order additional tests as necessary to get to the bottom of your pain.

How do you treat pain during sex?

After diagnosing the cause of your pain, we develop a personalized treatment plan. Some infections can be cleared up with antibiotics, while others require more long-term management. For example, we may recommend platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for vaginal dryness and atrophy.

If your pain is caused by menopause, we may prescribe hormone therapy to balance out your hormone levels. Treatment comes in many forms, such as topical creams or pills.

HEALORâ„¢ also offers guidance on lifestyle changes that can improve your experience during sex. This may include recommendations on lubricants, position changes, or different ways of touching and being touched. We may offer this counseling if requested.

Reduce painful sex and enjoy intimate moments

Sexual dysfunction can be frustrating and embarrassing, and it may even interfere with your relationships. Now, you don't have to suffer from painful sex in silence. Schedule a women's health assessment at HEALORâ„¢ in Las Vegas, NV for expert guidance on how to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh knows how to get to the root of sexual issues and develop custom treatment plans for each patient.

Premature Orgasm in women

Premature orgasm in women, also known as early or rapid orgasm, is a condition in which a woman reaches orgasm too quickly and before she desires it to happen. This can occur either during sexual intercourse or during other forms of sexual stimulation, such as oral sex or masturbation.

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How common is a Premature Orgasm in women?

There is limited research on the prevalence of premature orgasms in women, and it can be challenging to estimate due to varying definitions and interpretations of the condition. However, studies have shown that premature orgasm does occur in women, and it is not uncommon. One study found that up to 15% of women reported experiencing rapid or early orgasms during sexual activity. It is important to note that this condition can be distressing for some women and can have an impact on their sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life.

What is a female orgasm?

A female orgasm is a pleasurable and intense sensation that occurs during sexual activity or other forms of sexual stimulation. It is characterized by a series of rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles, often accompanied by a feeling of warmth, increased heart rate, and breathing. The experience of orgasm can vary from person to person, and it may last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

The female orgasm involves the release of tension and a build-up of sexual arousal that results in a peak of sexual pleasure. The stimulation of the clitoris, G-spot, or other erogenous zones can trigger an orgasm in women. The clitoris is a highly sensitive organ located at the top of the vulva and is considered the primary trigger for female orgasms.

What is the cause of premature orgasm in women?

The causes of premature orgasm in women are not well understood and can vary from person to person. Some possible factors that may contribute to premature orgasm in women include:

  1. Psychological factors: Anxiety, stress, depression, or other emotional issues can interfere with sexual function and lead to premature orgasms.
  2. Physical factors: Certain medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or neurological disorders can cause a premature orgasm.
  3. Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants or blood pressure medications, can affect sexual function and lead to premature orgasms.
  4. Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as those that occur during menopause, can also contribute to premature orgasm.
  5. Sexual trauma or abuse: Past sexual trauma or abuse can lead to hyperarousal and premature orgasm.
  6. Relationship issues: Relationship problems or conflicts with sexual partners can also contribute to premature orgasm.

It's important to note that some women may experience premature orgasms without any identifiable cause.

What are some of the common responses of women with premature orgasms?

Women who experience premature orgasms may have different responses, both physical and emotional. Some common physical responses may include:

  1. Clitoral hypersensitivity: Women with premature orgasms may experience hypersensitivity in their clitoris, making it difficult to control their sexual arousal.
  2. Rapid breathing and heart rate: Women with premature orgasms may experience rapid breathing and an increased heart rate during sexual activity.
  3. Muscle contractions: Women with premature orgasms may experience sudden and intense pelvic muscle contractions during orgasms.
  4. The feeling of release: Women with premature orgasms may feel a sense of release and relief after orgasm, but also frustration and disappointment if it occurs too quickly.

Some common emotional responses of women with premature orgasm may include:

  1. Embarrassment or shame: Women may feel embarrassed or ashamed if they orgasm too quickly, and may avoid sexual activity or intimacy as a result.
  2. Frustration or disappointment: Women may feel frustrated or disappointed if their premature orgasm interferes with their sexual satisfaction or that of their partner.
  3. Anxiety or stress: Women may feel anxious or stressed about their ability to control their sexual response, leading to further difficulty achieving orgasm.

What are the treatment options for premature orgasms in women?

There are several treatment options available for premature orgasms in women. These include:

  1. Behavioral therapy: This therapy involves learning techniques to improve sexual function and increase control over orgasm. Techniques such as the squeeze technique or start-stop method can help delay orgasms and improve sexual satisfaction.
  2. Medications: Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can help delay orgasm. However, these medications should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
  3. Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy may be recommended if hormonal imbalances are contributing to premature orgasms.
  4. Counseling: Counseling or therapy can be helpful in addressing any psychological or emotional factors contributing to premature orgasms.
  5. Lifestyle changes: Simple lifestyle changes such as practicing relaxation techniques, reducing stress, and avoiding alcohol and drugs can help improve sexual function and control over orgasm.

What is sex counseling?

Sex counseling, also known as sex therapy, is a type of counseling that focuses on addressing sexual issues or concerns. This type of counseling can be beneficial for individuals or couples who are experiencing difficulties with sexual function, communication, or satisfaction.

Sex counseling typically involves working with a licensed therapist or counselor who has specific training and experience in addressing sexual issues. The counselor may use a variety of techniques and strategies to help clients address their sexual concerns, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques.

Sex counseling can address a wide range of issues, including premature orgasm, erectile dysfunction, low libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, sexual trauma or abuse, relationship issues, and communication problems.

During sex counseling, clients may work with the counselor to develop a better understanding of their sexual needs, preferences, and boundaries. They may also learn new skills and techniques for communicating effectively with their partner, exploring their sexuality, and improving their sexual function and satisfaction.

Sex counseling is a confidential and non-judgmental process that aims to help individuals and couples achieve greater sexual health and well-being. It can be a helpful resource for anyone who is experiencing sexual concerns or difficulties.

How does sex counseling work?

Sex counseling, also known as sex therapy, typically involves working with a licensed therapist or counselor who has specific training and experience in addressing sexual issues. The counselor will usually begin by conducting an initial assessment to understand the client's sexual concerns, relationship dynamics, and overall sexual health.

Based on this assessment, the counselor will work with the client to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of different therapeutic techniques and strategies, depending on the nature of the client's concerns.

Some common therapeutic techniques used in sex counseling include:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy helps clients identify and change negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to their sexual concerns.
  2. Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques can help clients become more aware of their physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions during sexual activity.
  3. Sensate focus: This technique involves a series of exercises that help clients become more comfortable with touch and physical intimacy.
  4. Communication training: Sex counseling may include training in effective communication skills, which can help clients discuss their sexual needs, preferences, and boundaries with their partners.
  5. Sex education: Sex counseling may also involve education about sexual anatomy, physiology, and sexual health.

The goal of sex counseling is to help clients overcome their sexual concerns, improve their sexual function and satisfaction, and achieve greater overall sexual health and well-being. It is typically a confidential and non-judgmental process that emphasizes respect for the client's individual values, beliefs, and preferences.

It is important for women to seek medical help if they experience premature orgasms, as it can have a negative impact on their sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life. Our sexologists in Las Vegas at HEALOR can help!

What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Sexual Dysfunction In Females?

If you’re like most people, sex and intimacy play a major role in your relationship and overall psychological well-being. So, when something doesn’t feel quite right in that area, it can have a profound effect on countless aspects of your life. For men, sexual issues – such as erectile dysfunction – are fairly openly discussed and treated. Unfortunately, female sexual dysfunction is often hidden or misunderstood and, ultimately, left undiagnosed or untreated.

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The compassionate team at HEALOR™, including double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh, fully understands the sensitive nature of female sexual health issues and is dedicated to providing discreet, personalized, and effective diagnosis and care to help Las Vegas, NV patients, including those in the LGBTQ+ community, regain control of their sexual health and enjoy intimacy once again. Use this helpful information to learn more about female sexual dysfunction, including what signs and symptoms may indicate it’s time to consider treatment.

What is sexual dysfunction in females?

Sexual dysfunction in women can be complicated and multifactorial, making it even more important to seek the advice and care of a qualified physician. For some women, sexual dysfunction comes in the form of a psychological lack of sexual desire, while other women suffer from physical symptoms that make intercourse difficult, uncomfortable, or even painful. Some of the most common female sexual dysfunction conditions include:

Whether your sexual problems are physical, mental, or both, its effects can certainly be devastating for your relationship and self-esteem.

What are the signs of sexual dysfunction in women?

Understanding sexual dysfunction in women can often be much more complicated than diagnosing male sexual dysfunction. While diagnosis and direction from a qualified physician is undoubtedly the most effective way to begin understanding and treating your condition, it is also essential to know what signs may indicate there is a treatable problem in the first place. Common female sexual dysfunction symptoms include:

If you are experiencing any signs of sexual dysfunction, it may be time to visit a doctor to learn more about your condition and treatment options.

What causes sexual dysfunction in women?

There are several female sexual dysfunction causes, some of the most prevalent of which include:

How to treat female sexual dysfunction

While female sexual problems can certainly be frustrating, embarrassing, and discouraging, many can be treated effectively with dramatic and long-lasting results. The specific treatment will depend on the diagnosis, the underlying cause, the nature of the patient’s symptoms, the severity of the complaints, and other factors. Dr. Singh takes great pride in keeping up with the most innovative and cutting-edge female sexual dysfunction treatments in Las Vegas and often utilizes Platelet Rich Therapy (PRP therapy), advanced medications, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and other options to help women achieve their ultimate goals.

During your initial consultation at HEALORâ„¢, Dr. Singh will thoroughly discuss your symptoms and health history, explain all of your options in detail, and answer your questions fully to recommend a female sexual dysfunction treatment option that best meets your needs.

Regain control of your life and enjoy intimacy again with women’s sexual dysfunction treatment in Las Vegas, NV

If you are experiencing uncomfortable, disruptive, or frustrating sexual symptoms that are negatively impacting your relationship and life, female sexual dysfunction treatment in Las Vegas can help. Call the friendly team at HEALORâ„¢ to schedule your one-on-one consultation with renowned double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh, and discover how enjoyable, pleasurable sex can be possible for you!

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction or sexual problems occur when an individual or couple faces an issue during any phase of the sexual response cycle. This issue prevents them from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity.

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There are four main phases of the sexual response cycle: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.

Only 43% of women with sexual dysfunction report this issue, making it a widespread problem that often goes ignored. People may be hesitant or embarrassed to discuss this issue, but it is essential to remember that it is treatable. Sharing your concerns can make your sexual life much healthier.

Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction is attributed to two main areas: psychological and physical.

Physical causes can include different medical conditions. You may face problems due to heart disease, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, neurological diseases, menopause, chronic diseases like liver failure, and drug or alcohol abuse. Certain medications can also have side effects that affect sexual function and desire.

Psychological causes can include depression, anxiety, stress, guilt, relationship problems, concerns about sexual performance, or past sexual trauma.

Female Sexual Dysfunction Effects on Women

There are some common problems that women may face due to female sexual dysfunction. These can include:

Inhibited Sexual Desire can result in a lack of interest or desire for sex. It can be attributed to hormonal changes, medical conditions, medication, pregnancy, depression, fatigue, and stress. Dull, regular sexual routines can also lead to low enthusiasm for sex and exhausting lifestyle factors such as caring for children.

The inability to Become Aroused can be due to insufficient vaginal lubrication due to inadequate stimulation. The blood flow can also affect the clitoris and vagina in some cases.

Anorgasmia is the inability to achieve an orgasm that women often face. It can be caused by sexual inhibition, lack of knowledge, inexperience, and insufficient stimulation. Certain medication and chronic diseases can also prevent sexual climax. Psychological factors such as guilt, feelings of sin or shame, anxiety, and past sexual trauma or abuse can also negatively affect orgasms.

Painful Intercourse can be caused by poor lubrication, pelvic mass, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, or the presence of scar tissue from surgery. Many of these diseases are not in the common knowledge of women and often go undiagnosed even after many checkups due to bias in medicine. The fear that women may have about the pain of intercourse or past sexual trauma can also cause sexual problems. This issue is relatively unknown to people and can go untreated.

Diagnosis of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction diagnosis is a complicated process. A woman’s pain is often undermined and goes undiagnosed due to bias in medicine. Women need to ensure that their doctor takes a thorough physical examination, evaluation of symptoms, and medical history. Pelvic exams to check the health of reproductive organs and a Pap smear may also be needed.

Diagnosing psychological causes can be essential to address fear, anxiety, relationship problems, drug or alcohol use, and past sexual trauma or abuse.

Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Unlike male sexual dysfunction, there is no Viagra pill that women can take to cure female sexual dysfunction. The best approach possible is to treat the condition through the combined efforts of the patient, their doctors, and trained therapists. Treatment strategies can include the following:

Is There a Cure for Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Treatment for female sexual dysfunction can be successful, depending on the underlying cause of the problems. If a reversible or treatable condition causes sexual dysfunction, the outlook for positive results is good. Even mild dysfunction due to anxiety, stress, or fear can be treated with improved communication between partners, education, and counseling. However, treatment for more significant underlying issues is more complex due to a lack of research and possible treatment strategies.

Effect of Hormones on Female Sexual Dysfunction

Hormones can affect sexual function and desire in women. Many women may experience changes in sexual function as they age, as a decrease in the female estrogen hormone occurs due to menopause and aging. Aging can also decrease genital sensation and vaginal lubrication. Low testosterone levels can also cause a decline in genital excitement, orgasm, and sexual arousal. Research on the effects of medication and hormones is still being conducted to treat sexual problems in women.

Effect of Hysterectomy on Female Sexual Dysfunction

Changes in sexual function can occur after a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), which includes the loss of desire, genital sensation, and decreased vaginal lubrication. This problem may be caused by the hormonal changes after such a procedure. Blood vessels or nerves can also become damaged, affecting sexual function.

Effect of Menopause on Female Sexual Dysfunction

The loss of estrogen during menopause can lead to changes in sexual function. Emotional changes may also cause inhibited sexual desires. Vaginal lubricants or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can improve such conditions.

Some postmenopausal women may also experience increased sexual satisfaction. They may stop taking birth control pills that are affecting their sexual desires. They may even have decreased anxiety with regard to becoming pregnant. Fewer child-rearing responsibilities can allow them to enjoy intimacy and relax with their partners.

It is essential to seek help if you face female sexual dysfunction. There is also a need to conduct more research into female anatomy and female sexual issues to help women in a better way.

schedule a consultation at our office to learn more.

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