Can Transgender Hormone Transition Therapy Be Reversed?

Can Transgender Hormone Transition Therapy Be Reversed?

Can Transgender Hormone Transition Therapy Be Reversed?

At HEALOR™, we know how meaningful and exciting it is to move forward with gender transitioning and become the person you were always meant to be. Transgender hormone therapy is an integral part of gender dysphoria treatment, whether it takes place in the pre-surgical phase of the process or as a standalone approach. Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh MD has advanced expertise in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and has guided numerous patients in the Las Vegas, NV LGBTQ community throughout their gender reaffirmation journeys.

Before moving forward with this treatment, it is important to understand whether or not transgender hormone transition therapy can be reversed. Taking feminizing or masculinizing hormones will have a physiological and emotional impact, and we want to ensure you are fully aware of how this process will affect your body, health, and quality of life. Dr. Singh and our caring team are here to provide the information you need and will be with you every step of the way.

What is transgender hormone therapy?

Transgender hormone replacement therapy is the administration of hormones to help patients acquire the physical characteristics of their true gender. Feminizing hormone therapy is administered to individuals who wish to transition from male to female (MTF) and involves taking estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone blockers such as Aldactone, bicalutamide, and cyproterone acetate.

Female-to-male (FTM) transition patients receive testosterone throughout the course of their hormone replacement therapy. Hormones may be taken via oral pills, injections, or absorbed through the skin via a transdermal patch or topical cream. Another novel approach we utilize is insertion of hormone pellets under the skin. Hormone pellets provide several months of treatment without the inconvenience of pills, or pain associated with injection therapy.

Can Transgender Hormone Transition Therapy Be Reversed?

The effects of transgender HRT take place over time. While some are irreversible, many components of transgender hormone therapy for Las Vegas, NV patients can be reversed when the hormones are no longer administered. However, the extent to which a person might experience such effects is largely dependent upon the length of time the hormones have been taken, genetics, and other factors. During your consultation at HEALOR™ , Dr. Singh can talk with you about these effects and answer any questions you have.

Many of the physical characteristics that result from transgender HRT taken to block testosterone production in the body (in trans women) may diminish or be reversed when the hormones are no longer taken. Some of these include:

  • Skin texture (softer skin)
  • Increased acne
  • Distribution of fat
  • Less muscle mass

What elements of transgender HRT are irreversible?

Understanding the full scope of how transgender hormone therapy will affect your body as it changes is important for all patients who are considering this option. Certain effects of transgender hormone therapy are long-term changes and, generally, are not reversible. These may entail:

  • Decreased fertility. We recommend that sperm and eggs be banked at a fertility center before starting feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy
  • Enlargement of breast tissue (Gynaecomastia)
  • Growth of sex organ tissues such as clitoris
  • Voice changes are often irreversible due to changes in vocal cord muscle mass

Transgender hormone therapy in Las Vegas, NV

Transitioning to your true gender is certainly a thrilling, life-changing decision. For more on the effects of transgender hormone therapy, contact HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV and schedule your visit today. Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and our team have advanced expertise in guiding trans men and trans women through the transition process and are excited to help you achieve your treatment goals.

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Raj Singh MD

About the Author

Dr. Raj Singh MD
Dr. Raj Singh

Dr. Singh is a distinguished double Board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and nephrologist with an impressive career spanning over two decades. His extensive experience in both internal medicine and nephrology underscores his comprehensive understanding of patient care, making him a highly respected figure in the medical community.

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Ina Rose
Ina Rose
1 year ago

I need irreversible muscle reduction as I’m having severe body dysphoria. Though I’m female in mind, family pressure compelled me to go to gym center. Now my hand muscle is almost double than any male person around me.
What remedy you can suggest for muscle reduction?
Don’t give an advice of high rep exercise. It actually increased my bulk.

1 year ago

I’m a 47 year old biological male who is considering the prospect of HRT for the purposes of transitioning. I’m new to a lot of this, I’ve contacted a site who will provide medical consultation and therapeutic support. Can you please tell me, what does it mean in the “irreversible” list that “sex organ growth” is one of them? What does that entail? Thank you?

Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott
1 year ago

I wish you would stop using the term preferred gender. It is inaccurate. No one prefers to be a gender that is incongruent with their sex assigned at birth. Transpeople do not chooses to be trans. Transpersons are born trans and do not transition to their preferred gender. They transition to their true gender. Call it gender identify if you must but it is their true gender and you would better serve the community by replacing the term preferred gender with true gender.

Tomas Drakovsky
Tomas Drakovsky
1 year ago

Hallo dear doctor.
Im biological male 22 years old from Prague and during whole 2022 I have conducted HRT. Nevertheless I realized that Im not just biological man but also I feel myself by gender as a male. So after many consultations I quit HRT and quicky tried to reverse some of the changes.
But I still suffer from sever erectile dysfunction. I want to ask you, If there is any chance, that my erections will be back to normal.
Your sincerely
Domas Drakovsky

Savina Batres
Savina Batres
6 months ago

Hi I have daughter who was transitioning to male but now is detratransitioning back to female. They stopped taking HRT cold turkey and are having side effects. They have very low hormones and doctor told her to come back in a few months. In the meantime we don’t know what to do. The gender endocrinologist does not know what to do as they don’t have many detransition cases here where we live. Do you have any suggestions of what we can do to at least minimize the side effects?

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