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 stress and weight

The relationship between stress and weight is complex and can go both ways. When we are stressed, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can affect our appetite and metabolism. This can lead to weight gain or weight loss, depending on the individual. Chronic stress can also cause an abnormal ratio of DHEA to cortisol, which can result in a depressed mood. Unfortunately, depressed individuals often turn to unhealthy foods and sugary snacks for energy, leading to insulin resistance and weight gain. Additionally, chronic stress can prioritize essential survival mechanisms and slow down digestion by diverting blood away from the gastrointestinal tract to the muscles and brain.

How does one’s physical fitness affect one’s well-being?

Regular exercise and physical activity have been shown to have a positive impact on stress levels. One way it does this is by reducing the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone, that is released in response to stressors. High levels of cortisol can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, which can have negative effects on overall health. Additionally, exercise has been shown to increase testosterone levels, which can also help to reduce stress and improve mood.

In a study conducted in the 1980s, rats were subjected to stress and then either allowed to chew on a wooden stick or denied access to the stick. The results showed that rats who were allowed to chew on the stick had a significantly lower incidence of stress-induced stomach ulcers compared to those who were denied access to the stick.

Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on a person's overall well-being. One of the key roles of testosterone is regulating the body's stress response, and when levels are low, it can lead to an overactive stress response. This can cause a range of symptoms, including increased anxiety, irritability, and mood swings.

In addition, low testosterone levels can contribute to fatigue, decreased muscle mass and strength, and decreased bone density, all of which can further impact stress levels and overall health.

Certain lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, reducing stress levels, and getting enough sleep may help to boost testosterone levels naturally.

Tips for boosting mood over low testosterone level

Testosterone is an important hormone that can affect mood and overall well-being. To boost mood and support well-being, there are several tips to consider. Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, while also naturally increasing testosterone levels. Getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing stress levels are also important factors to consider.

Spending time in nature and staying connected with friends and family can also have a positive impact on mood. If low testosterone levels are contributing to mood changes, testosterone replacement therapy may be an option to discuss with a healthcare provider. It's important to weigh the risks and benefits before starting treatment.

Dr. Singh featured in TotalShape

Weight-loss Pill

Looking for the best weight loss pill? Obesity is a pressing health concern in America, with over two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children and adolescents classified as overweight or obese. Luckily, diet and exercise are not the only solutions to help those who want to get in shape.

Weight loss pills have become increasingly popular in recent years. If you take these pills for a year with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can lose up to 3% to 12% more of your total body weight than those who only diet and exercise.

This blog post explores several popular diet supplements and their effectiveness to help you find the absolute best weight-loss pill that works for you.

Top Three Best Diet Supplements

Here are the top three best diet supplements available on the market today.


Several sources, such as Yahoo and The Dallas Morning News, name PhenQ the absolute best weight-loss pill for 2023. It is an all-natural, multi-functional supplement that boosts metabolism, reduces appetite, and supports weight loss.

This super pill targets several areas simultaneously to achieve fast and effective results. It is popular amongst dieters because it works quickly and gives you more energy. Plus, it comes in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry flavors, making it more enjoyable than other alternatives.


Leanbean is a 100% natural supplement that helps you to reduce hunger and lose weight quickly. It is effective for women as they have more trouble resisting cravings and hunger pangs. It is formulated for women and contains many ingredients designed to help females lose weight.

Leanbean provides clean, healthy energy and helps block fat formation while delivering essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains appetite suppressants that keep you full for more extended periods, which is why it is one of the absolute best weight-loss pills available on the market today.

Instant Knockout Cut

Instant Knockout Cut is a revolutionary fat-burning supplement that contains natural ingredients and helps boost metabolism, burn fat, and reduce food cravings while maintaining muscle mass. It is especially effective for people who do intense and extensive workouts.

It was made with professional boxers, athletes, and MMA fighters in mind, making it the ultimate fat burner. It can help you reach your weight loss goals without losing all the muscle you’ve worked so hard to build.

The Takeaways

Whether you’re looking for an all-natural weight loss pill or something specifically formulated, plenty of options can help you reach your goals. Consider your lifestyle, dietary habits, and overall health when choosing the absolute best weight-loss pill that works for you.

At HEALOR™, we understand that losing weight with traditional dieting and exercise methods may not produce the results that you want or need, even after years of effort. Our highly skilled physicians in Las Vegas, NV can create a personalized program for your specific needs to help you lose weight and keep it off for many years.

 congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic health condition that can be fatal if it’s not addressed promptly and correctly. Heart failure does not mean the heart literally stops working. Instead, congestive heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood into the body.

This happens when the muscles of the heart are too weak or stiff to efficiently pump out blood — resulting in congested or backed up blood supply and not enough oxygen flowing through the body.

Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

Heart failure is primarily caused by weakened or damaged heart muscles. In turn, these are caused by other health conditions, severe infections, certain medicines, and poor lifestyle choices.

Some of these health conditions and lifestyle choices are:

Symptoms of Heart Failure

Symptoms of congestive heart failure generally develop slowly. This is why it can be harder to diagnose CHF in the early stages. However, there are also cases where the symptoms may start suddenly.

Common signs of heart failure include:

Treatment Options for Heart Failure

A combination of medications and lifestyle modifications are used to treat congestive heart failure. The prescribed treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the disease.

Medicines that are commonly prescribed to treat heart failure are blood pressure medications, such as beta blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Diuretics, digoxin, and positive inotropes may also be prescribed.

In some cases, coronary bypass surgery, heart valve repair, and similar surgical procedures may be necessary to treat heart failure. Installing a ventricular assist device to support the heart is another potential treatment.

Take note though, that no treatment option can fully cure CHF. The most these can do is to slow down the progression of the condition.

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Heart Failure

Lifestyle changes can significantly lower your risk of heart failure. Additionally, lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms and prolong your life.

Recommended lifestyle changes include:

Even if you have already been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, there are still steps you can take to boost your heart health. Aside from lifestyle changes, carefully monitoring symptoms and keeping a positive attitude are also important.

Schedule your appointment today at our primary care office

Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Excess weight, especially when it reaches obesity levels, diminishes almost all aspects of your health. For instance, it can cause certain cancer types, hypertension, and osteoarthritis.

If you feel your size negatively affects your physical, emotional, and mental state, it’s time to find the fastest way to lose weight. However, remember that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions for different body types.

With the help of a weight loss specialist, below you will find the fastest way to lose weight.

Eat Regularly

Skipping meals might seem like a great idea, but it’s not. Depriving your body of essential nutrition will slow metabolism, causing sluggishness and eventual weight gain.

Instead, our physicians recommend eating plenty of low-calorie, high-fiber food throughout the day, including fruits and vegetables. Three balanced meals and one or two snacks daily are ideal to burn fat fast.

Drink Plenty of Water

Sometimes, people think they’re hungry when they’re actually thirsty. For this reason, our experts recommend drinking plenty of water first before enjoying a meal or a snack. Doing so saves you unnecessary calories when all you need is hydration.

If you’re looking for the absolute fastest way to lose weight, it’s crucial to get enough water. We recommend having one to two liters per day, best consumed before meals.

Get Moving

While it’s true that diet plays a bigger role in weight loss than exercise, the latter can help you drop unwanted pounds more quickly. Plus, it can boost your mood, strengthen your bones, and reduce disease risks.

A combination of a good diet and exercise is the fastest way to burn body fat.

If you’re a workout beginner, try walking for at least 30 minutes per day.

It’s one of the most cost-effective exercises for weight loss because you won’t need to invest in expensive machines to get moving.

Bonus Tip: Create a Custom Medical Weight Loss Plan

At Healor, we understand the struggles of those who have tried countless diet and exercise methods and fads to lose weight. For this reason, our skilled physicians offer personalized programs to match various body, mind, and personal goals.

Together, we can fight obesity complications like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. With the help of alternative medicine, you can get a fresh start on your wellness journey.

Are you ready to try the absolute fastest way to lose weight? We would love to help. Schedule an appointment now to transform your life.

Family Doctor in Las Vegas

Family Doctor in Las Vegas

One of the reasons why family doctors are essential in Las Vegas is because they provide lifelong care for you and your family. They also serve as your first point of contact in healthcare, so whenever you have any concerns with your health, you can reach out to them immediately, without having to go through all the trouble of visiting a far-off medical facility.

Because of the instrumental role they play in your health, it’s important to find the best family doctor Las Vegas has to offer. In doing so, be sure to keep the following considerations in mind.

Expertise of Family Doctor in Las Vegas

The first thing you need to consider is their expertise. Does their expertise meet your family’s needs? Many doctors identify as primary care physicians and can provide services in family practice, general practice, or internal medicine.

Logistics of Family Doctor in Las Vegas

Aside from expertise, you also need to consider logistics. Is your prospective doctor’s office located near your house? Do they offer Telehealth services in case you can’t reach them? What are their office hours? How often can you communicate with them?

These questions are vital to keep in mind because they can impact how you receive services. As much as possible, you need to find a doctor that’s flexible, easy to reach, and communicative to ensure you get the best care possible.


Granted, searching for the best doctor from a long list of established doctors in Las Vegas can be daunting. That’s why, we always recommend starting with referrals. If you have relatives, friends, or colleagues who have family doctors, it’s best to ask them for suggestions to jumpstart your search. This will make the whole process faster and more efficient.


Finding a doctor is only the first step. The next, and most important step, is to visit them. Monitor your health by seeing your doctor at least once a year. During this time, do a physical exam and routine screenings. If you also have questions, don’t be afraid to ask. After all, the primary purpose of finding a family doctor is to stay on top of your health.

signs of depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition affecting millions of adults worldwide. It can become debilitating and even take a person’s life if not addressed properly. Knowing how to recognize the signs of depression is critical to preventing it from becoming more severe or harmful.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you might be struggling with depression, recognizing these warning signs could be instrumental in getting them help before any long-term damage occurs.

This blog post will explore some of the common symptoms associated with depression so that those affected by the disorder can get on track for recovery as soon as possible.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a common mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness, emptiness, and worthlessness. Biological or psychological factors, such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, or stressful life events, can cause it.

Depression frequently co-occurs with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety disorders and substance abuse problems. It is important to note that there are different types of depression, including major depression, bipolar disorder depression, and postpartum depression.

A mental health practitioner, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, can help diagnose depression and recommend appropriate depression treatments.

Signs of Depression

Depression impacts people differently, but some common signs may indicate depression in an individual:

Signs and symptoms of depression can vary depending on the type. For example, signs of bipolar depression may include periods of depression alternating with episodes of mania. Depression can worsen without treatment and lead to self-harm or suicide if left untreated. It is essential to recognize the symptoms of depression and get help as soon as possible.

Causes of Depression

Various factors, such as genetics, certain medical conditions, or traumatic life events, can cause this condition. Some of the most common causes triggering depression include the following:

Other factors, such as social isolation, financial issues, and lack of physical activity, can also contribute to depression.

Depression Treatments

Depression is an incredibly challenging experience. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to manage without the proper medical care. This is why seeking a mental health specialist for treatment options is essential.

The types of treatments that healthcare professionals may recommend depend on the severity of depression and how long it has been present in a person’s life. Below are some common depression treatments.


Medications have become an invaluable tool in the management of depression. Antidepressants are frequently prescribed to treat depression, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants.

These medications can drastically reduce symptoms and enable individuals with depression to living more fulfilling lives.



Therapy is often recommended for managing depression over the long term. It involves engaging in a dialogue with a trained individual who can help to unravel entrenched behaviors and eliminate negative emotions. Typical forms of therapy that may be beneficial include cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and interpersonal therapies.

Interpersonal therapies focus on improving the current relationships of individuals suffering from depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy reinforces positive behavior patterns while transitioning from negative thoughts and actions. Similarly, psychotherapy will look at ways to resolve suppressed emotions or traumas that result in depressive symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes

Sometimes, therapy and medications aren’t enough to alleviate depression symptoms. This is why lifestyle changes can be so helpful in managing depression over the long term.

For example, getting more physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and connecting with supportive friends or family members can help reduce depression symptoms.

Closing Thoughts

Depression can be a serious obstacle to overcome, but it can be manageable with the right help and guidance. If you or someone you know are experiencing any of the symptoms discussed in this blog post, it is vital to reach out for help as soon as possible to get on the path to early recovery and improved mental health.

Seeking counseling services, therapy, or treatment plans tailored to your individual needs could be instrumental in overcoming depression and allowing you to lead a more fulfilling life.

Remember that no matter how difficult it may seem, there is always hope — so take that first step today and seek help.

It can be incredibly difficult to take the first step in seeking help for depression but know that reaching out for professional support is a powerful act of self-care and a courageous step towards healing. Remember, you are not alone in this journey and there is no shame in seeking help.

So take the first step, and know that you have the strength, resilience, and support to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Please make an appointment to see our depression experts in Las Vegas.

Hormone Disorders and Their Impact on Transgender Hormone Therapy

Hormone Disorders and Their Impact on Transgender Hormone Therapy

Hormone disorders can impact transgender hormone therapy by affecting the body's ability to absorb, metabolize, and utilize the hormones administered. Hormone disorders can occur when the body produces too much or too little of certain hormones or when there is an imbalance in the levels of hormones in the body. This informative article will discuss thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), adrenal disorders and hypogonadism and their effect on transgender hormone therapy.

PCOS and Transgender Hormone Therapy

Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with increased ovarian production of androgens such as testosterone, typically between ages 15-45. There is also an increased rate of anxiety and depression with PCOS.

Masculinizing hormone therapy is a medical treatment used to induce masculinization in transgender men or gender non-conforming individuals who wish to achieve a more masculine appearance or gender identity. This typically involves testosterone therapy, which can help promote the development of male characteristics such as cessation of the menstrual cycle, facial and body hair growth, a deeper voice, and increased muscle mass.

Masculinizing hormone therapy typically will begin producing changes in your body within weeks to months. In individuals with PCOS, the timeline of these changes may differ from those without PCOS.

Although this is an area of limited research, recent data has shown that starting testosterone therapy does not exacerbate PCOS symptoms and may help improve some of the metabolic problems associated with PCOS.

Thyroid disorders and Transgender Hormone Therapy

Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the function of the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that produces hormones that regulate metabolism and other bodily functions. The two most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, slowing the body's metabolic processes. This can cause fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, and cold intolerance.

Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, accelerating the body's metabolic processes. This can cause symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, sweating, and tremors.

Transgender individuals on feminizing hormone therapy

Transgender HRT with estrogen can have a higher incidence of hypothyroidism than the general population. Estrogen therapy is associated with increased production of thyroid-binding globulins (TBG), which bind to thyroxine or T4 and prevent conversion to the active or free form of thyroid hormones called Tri-Iodothyronine or T3 hormone. The net result is the thyroid produces more T4 to compensate for this effect. This can overstress a weak thyroid gland and cause long-term hypothyroidism issues.

Individuals on estrogen-feminizing therapy can have typical symptoms of hypothyroidism. However, thyroid-binding globulin levels are not routinely checked, and thyroid hormones can remain normal. This often results in an undiagnosed or undertreated thyroid problem and may exacerbate underlying depression and chronic fatigue in transgender patients. Transgender individuals on estrogen therapy with symptoms of hypothyroidism should request their doctor to order thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) and free thyroid hormone (FT4, FT3) levels to diagnose this condition.

Transgender Individuals on Masculinizing hormone therapy

Hypothyroidism is also associated with high total testosterone and low free Testosterone levels, possibly due to increased production of sex hormone binding globulin ( SHBG ) by the liver. This results in too much bound or inactive form of testosterone. Transgender men with untreated hypothyroidism can require higher doses of testosterone to achieve the desired results, which may result in accelerated aromatization to estrogen and a higher percentage conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which can lead to adverse effects.

Just like hypothyroidism, individuals with hyperthyroidism can have high total testosterone and low free Testosterone levels, (area of debate) associated with significant elevations of the mean total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels and significant reduction of free Testosterone.

In addition, elevated estradiol levels and enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) are common in hyperthyroidism, which can negatively impact a transgender person's masculinization journey.

Adrenal disorders and Transgender Hormone Therapy

The adrenal glands are two small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of the kidneys. They play an important role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, blood pressure, immune system function, and the body's response to stress.

Disorders of the adrenal glands can occur when these glands produce too much or too little of certain hormones, leading to a wide range of symptoms and health problems. Some common adrenal disorders include:

Addison's disease:

A condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol and aldosterone, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, low blood pressure, and electrolyte imbalances.

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APL) is a potential cause of Addison's disease. APL is a condition where individuals have a higher risk of developing blood clots. This can be particularly concerning for transgender women who are undergoing estrogen therapy, as they may be at an increased risk for blood clots and other complications.

Adrenal glands, also produce prohormones like dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate. People with Addison's disease may experience low libido and chronic fatigue due to the lack of these hormones. While DHEA supplementation can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall well-being, it can also complicate hormone therapy for transgender patients with Addison's disease. This is because DHEA can be converted into testosterone and estrogen, which can interfere with hormone therapy management.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH):

is a genetic disorder that affects the production of adrenal hormones, leading to symptoms such as abnormal genitalia, infertility, and electrolyte imbalances. In some cases, CAH can also affect the production of sex hormones, leading to variations in gender identity and sexual development. Individuals with CAH may experience differences in gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as physical changes such as ambiguous genitalia or early onset of puberty.

Some individuals with CAH may identify as transgender or may seek gender-affirming treatments such as hormone therapy or surgery. For transgender individuals with CAH, hormone therapy can be complicated due to the underlying hormone imbalances associated with the condition. Testosterone therapy for transgender men with CAH may increase the production of androgens, which can exacerbate symptoms of CAH such as acne and excessive hair growth. Similarly, estrogen therapy for transgender women with CAH may exacerbate symptoms of CAH such as menstrual irregularities and electrolyte imbalances.

Hypogonadism and Transgender Hormone therapy

Hypogonadism is a condition in which the body does not produce enough of the sex hormones testosterone and/or estrogen. For transgender individuals undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as part of their gender transition, hypogonadism may be a concern. This condition requires lifelong treatment with either testosterone or estrogen, depending on the individual's gender identity. Due to the lack of hormone production by their native glands, higher doses of hormones may be necessary to achieve the desired physical changes. Pellets are a form of hormone therapy that offers a unique advantage over other methods such as injections, gels, or oral medication. They provide long-term hormone therapy, making them an attractive option for those with hypogonadism.

Gender euphoria in PCOS

The relationship between PCOS and gender euphoria is complex and multifaceted, and the experience of gender identity and euphoria is unique to each individual. It is important to understand that not all individuals with PCOS identify as transgender or experience gender euphoria. However, for some transgender men with PCOS, the physical changes that come with the condition may align with their gender identity and be affirming.

As this is a relatively unexplored topic, I have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, I welcome any feedback or differing opinions you may have. Please feel free to share your own experiences and thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for Reading!

Raj Singh MD, FACP, FASN

"Is juicing healthy?" I often get this question of whether drinking juices is good or a healthy alternative to soda. In this video, we are going to discuss everything there is to know about juicing.

Juicing has become increasingly popular and is often promoted as a healthy alternative to sodas and other sugary drinks.

When referring to Juicing I am primarily referring to fruit juices and not vegetable juices.

When it comes to juices it means 100% fruit juice, a smoothie, juicing done at home with a blender, cold-pressed juices, and everything in between.

Let's start by looking at the benefits of Juicing:


Eating fruits is generally considered healthy however drinking fruit juices and smoothies is not. So why is that?

A commonly used medication for treating diabetes called trulicity works by stimulating GLP-1 receptors.

We have Built mechanisms to regulate hunger.

we have leptin, which is a hormone released by the fat cells and this suppresses hunger.

Insulin which is produced by our pancreas helps bring glucose levels to normal

Ghrelin you can remember by the sound Grrrr that our stomach makes when we are hungry, so in short Ghrelin makes us hungry

When the stomach is stretched by food leptin is released and when the stomach is empty Ghrelin is released.

The other important issue is that fructose which is a sugar found in fruits is not glucose. Fructose and glucose are very different in terms of their response to blood glucose levels.

Let's talk a little bit about glucose and fructose.

fructose and glucose have the same number of calories. Lets take a look at this picture for the next couple of minutes

Glucose is what we get in table sugar. Table sugar is a blend of 50% glucose and fructose. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the cells and is directly used by cells.

Since glucose is quickly reabsorbed and quickly used glucose rarely converts into fat. Any leftover glucose is converted by the liver to glycogen which is stored in the muscle for future energy production.

Consumption of glucose also will cause a release of insulin and leptin which lets the body know that we are full and sugar levels drop and hunger subsides.

How about fructose? fructose is what we get in fruits and honey. The problem with fructose is that it cannot be used by the cells for energy directly. Fructose has to be broken down by the liver and converted into glucose and only then the cells can use it. Because it is not a readily available source of fuel, all of the fructose gets converted into a type of fat that we call triglycerides. This fat then gets deposited in the liver, which causes liver enlargement also referred to as fatty liver.

In addition, fructose metabolism produces uric acid which causes Gout and raises BP

Since fructose does not stimulate insulin release, blood sugar levels remained elevated for longer, and since no leptin is released we also stay hungry

What about DETOX:

How often do I hear this, I am doing juicing for detox


The human body is so complex, we have the kidney and liver to detox.

Drinking juice to remove toxins from the body absolutely makes no sense.

Let's detox the body by not eating junk food, drinking plenty of water, and having a healthy fiber diet to regulate our bowels.

Take care of your gastrointestinal system, which means avoiding unnecessary antibiotics avoid taking over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and naproxen.

Limit eating meat and dairy products and have a more plant-based diet.

Avoiding juicing is especially important if you have a fatty liver or high triglyceride level.

So that’s it for today. I hope I was able to convince you to not rely on drinking juices too much. If you liked the content of this video please do like and subscribe.

Why Has Sex Been so Painful Lately

If you're asking yourself, "why has sex been so painful lately?", just know that you are not alone. It's normal for sexual intercourse to be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but when intimate moments become consistently painful, it can signify more significant problems. These situations may impact your health and quality of life.

If you experience pain during or after sex in Las Vegas, NV, consult with a primary care doctor to determine the cause of your sexual dysfunction and get treatment. A skilled professional can also offer guidance on how to make sex more enjoyable.

What causes painful sex?

There are many potential causes of pain or discomfort during intercourse. Some are more serious than others, but all warrant a trip to the doctor to rule out any underlying women's health issues. Here are some common causes of pain:

Women who experience painful sex also have problems with lower libido and infrequent orgasms. A loss of libido may result from stress, depression, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications.

What happens during a women's health appointment?

HEALOR™ employs trusted primary care professionals who understand the importance of women's health and a fulfilling sex life. During an appointment, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. Be prepared to answer questions about when the pain started, how often it occurs, and what seems to make your sexual dysfunction better or worse.

A doctor may also perform a pelvic exam to check for abnormalities and assess the area for signs of infection, inflammation, or other problems in the vagina. Swabs are taken to test for STIs or other issues. HEALOR™ can order additional tests as necessary to get to the bottom of your pain.

How do you treat pain during sex?

After diagnosing the cause of your pain, we develop a personalized treatment plan. Some infections can be cleared up with antibiotics, while others require more long-term management. For example, we may recommend platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for vaginal dryness and atrophy.

If your pain is caused by menopause, we may prescribe hormone therapy to balance out your hormone levels. Treatment comes in many forms, such as topical creams or pills.

HEALOR™ also offers guidance on lifestyle changes that can improve your experience during sex. This may include recommendations on lubricants, position changes, or different ways of touching and being touched. We may offer this counseling if requested.

Reduce painful sex and enjoy intimate moments

Sexual dysfunction can be frustrating and embarrassing, and it may even interfere with your relationships. Now, you don't have to suffer from painful sex in silence. Schedule a women's health assessment at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV for expert guidance on how to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh knows how to get to the root of sexual issues and develop custom treatment plans for each patient.

Overcome Your Weight Woes With Medical Weight Loss Treatment

More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are considered obese, and the numbers only continue to climb. Unwanted weight gain leads to health complications like cardiovascular disease and decreases your quality of life. Men and women in Las Vegas, NV may consider medical weight loss treatment in addition to hCG treatments and medications to reduce their risk of developing obesity-related issues.

Medical weight loss treatment is a safe way to lose weight under the supervision of a trained medical professional. Finally, overcome your weight woes by reading the following information below.

What causes obesity?

An obese person has a BMI (or body mass index) of 30 or greater. Obesity may be present since childhood or develop later in life. Unfortunately, too much weight gain causes serious health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Mobility issues are often associated with obesity since the added weight places extra strain on the joints.

Many factors may contribute to obesity, including:

Overweight people tend to feel isolated and alone, leading to poor self-esteem and issues with depression. While short-term weight-loss programs may help you lose a few pounds, they are not always successful in the long run. In fact, many "fad" diets end up causing more problems than they solve.

Medical weight loss treatment is a highly recommended and sustainable solution for people who want to lose weight safely and improve their quality of life.

How does medical weight loss work?

Medical weight loss is different from fad diets because it involves the help of a medical professional, such as a primary care doctor. A doctor in Las Vegas, NV can create a long-term plan tailored to your individual health needs and weight loss goals, involving one or more of the following:

How does a primary care doctor ensure success?

A primary care doctor can ensure successful weight loss treatment by recommending proven methods like hCG treatments and medications in addition to custom programs.

hCG treatment is designed to help the body burn fat more efficiently. This is done by resetting your metabolism. Prescription medications may also help with weight loss by suppressing feelings of hunger. Both solutions are closely monitored to ensure your safety.

We are dedicated to helping obese and overweight patients no matter their starting point. Our treatments are science-based and have been proven to produce real results. We know losing weight can be a difficult process, but our team is here to cheer you on every step of the way.

Achieve your weight loss goals

Weight gain is not a problem you have to live with forever. Now you can improve your health and confidence by calling HEALOR™ for a custom medical weight loss program in Las Vegas, NV. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh is passionate about helping patients reach their goals and will ensure you are on the path to success.

Healor Primary Care

The unique concept offers access to complete medical services for everyone and extends a welcome to anyone who cannot afford to pay traditional fees.

An elite member program allows patients to receive unlimited visits for medical exams and consultation, prescription discounts at cost from the wholesale pharmacy and exceptional professional care.

“We improve patients’ quality of life and life expectancy through comprehensive treatment plans that everyone can afford,” said Dr. Raj Singh, M.D., FACP, FASN. “Our practice offers helping hands to ones who need it the most.”

At Healor, patients can receive the full range of health care services with wellness plans that cost as little as $100 per month. The primary care practice accepts Medicaid.

Access to the wholesale pharmacy allows patients to buy noncontrolled medications at cost, a significant reduction in expense for potentially life-saving drugs. Healor offers the discount as a community service that stands as unique in the state.

An emphasis on approaching each medical issue with curiosity about root causes supports the practice’s focus on wellness and prevention. The Healor philosophy incorporates accessibility and economy that encourages patients to seek medical attention sooner rather than later.

Typical services at Healor include annual checkups, blood and urine tests, X-ray interpretation, screening for dangerous illnesses and management of high blood pressure and diabetes. Patients may also seek treatment from specialists for weight loss, fatigue, male and female sexual health, hair loss, transgender issues and hormone balancing. The practice fills a space that Dr. Singh considered neglected by traditional medical approaches.

The need for weight management motivates the health care professionals at Healor who have concerns about the effects of obesity on patients and its influence on other health issues. The emphasis on wellness helps patients establish a healthy lifestyle that promotes good habits of diet and exercise with medical supervision.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point to the need for preventive medicine that forms the basis for treatment at Healor. The condition that affects type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer, heart disease and stroke occurs in more than 93 million American adults, about 40 percent of the population. As the leading causes that CDC presents as preventable, premature death, the condition may motivate patients to seek therapy through accessible treatment, low-cost medications and exceptional care at Healor.

The practice started in 2017 to offer lower priced services, accurate diagnoses and appointment availability. Dr. Singh practices internal medicine with a focus on wellness and health management, hormonal balance, weight loss and anti-aging therapies. An associate professor at the UNLV School of Medicine and speaker at national and international conferences, Dr. Raj Singh MD shares his knowledge of wellness and anti-aging best practices.

Las Vegas Affordable Care Practice. We care. We cure.

How Does My Diet Affect My Sexual Health

How Does My Diet Affect My Sexual Health?

Eating a balanced diet is important for our well-being – but did you know that food has a direct impact on our most intimate moments? Some foods may boost your libido, while others make you less interested in sex or unable to perform.

Have you experienced some unwanted changes in your sex drive? If you are concerned about your libido, eating well can improve your health and quality of life. A trained primary care provider in Las Vegas, NV can perform an evaluation of your health and nutritional sources. Read below for more information.

Can what I eat really affect my sexual health?

Yes! Food has an impact on our bodies, and that includes sexual organs. For example, issues like obesity and diabetes may be caused by a poor diet, and often leads to erectile dysfunction in men.

Another example involves high blood pressure and high cholesterol – two issues caused by a poor diet and eating too much sodium – which limits blood flow in the body. This is another contributor to erectile dysfunction in men. Women also need good blood flow to the sexual organs to become aroused and achieve orgasm.

Eating nutritious meals can prevent chronic health conditions and improve sexual dysfunction. While there is no one “perfect” diet, try eating a variety of foods from all food groups, including:

Tips for eating well

There are several ways to improve your diet for better sexual health in Las Vegas, NV:

How a primary care provider helps

It is possible to experience sexual dysfunction at any point in your life. These issues can be addressed with dietary and lifestyle changes, but it is important to rule out underlying health conditions. A primary care provider can provide a diagnosis and develop a comprehensive treatment plan moving forward. They may also provide guidance on diet and nutritional habits.

HEALOR™ is proud to offer a range of sexual health services for men and women. Our providers are experienced in treating many kinds of issues and provide top-of-the-line solutions that are specific to each individual.

Improve your sexual health

Sexual wellness is important for a happy and healthy life. Anyone experiencing sexual dysfunction should call a trusted primary care provider in Las Vegas, NV to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options.

Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh understands that sexual health is a sensitive topic and provides compassionate and discreet services to all patients. Call HEALOR™ and book an appointment today.

Addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV may include detoxification programs, medication therapy, counseling, or cognitive-behavioral therapy based on your unique needs. If you or a loved one struggles with addiction, don't hesitate to reach out. Call HEALOR™ to meet with an addiction specialist. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh can get you started on the road to recovery.

Premature Orgasm in women

Premature orgasm in women, also known as early or rapid orgasm, is a condition in which a woman reaches orgasm too quickly and before she desires it to happen. This can occur either during sexual intercourse or during other forms of sexual stimulation, such as oral sex or masturbation.

How common is a Premature Orgasm in women?

There is limited research on the prevalence of premature orgasms in women, and it can be challenging to estimate due to varying definitions and interpretations of the condition. However, studies have shown that premature orgasm does occur in women, and it is not uncommon. One study found that up to 15% of women reported experiencing rapid or early orgasms during sexual activity. It is important to note that this condition can be distressing for some women and can have an impact on their sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life.

What is a female orgasm?

A female orgasm is a pleasurable and intense sensation that occurs during sexual activity or other forms of sexual stimulation. It is characterized by a series of rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles, often accompanied by a feeling of warmth, increased heart rate, and breathing. The experience of orgasm can vary from person to person, and it may last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

The female orgasm involves the release of tension and a build-up of sexual arousal that results in a peak of sexual pleasure. The stimulation of the clitoris, G-spot, or other erogenous zones can trigger an orgasm in women. The clitoris is a highly sensitive organ located at the top of the vulva and is considered the primary trigger for female orgasms.

What is the cause of premature orgasm in women?

The causes of premature orgasm in women are not well understood and can vary from person to person. Some possible factors that may contribute to premature orgasm in women include:

  1. Psychological factors: Anxiety, stress, depression, or other emotional issues can interfere with sexual function and lead to premature orgasms.
  2. Physical factors: Certain medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or neurological disorders can cause a premature orgasm.
  3. Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants or blood pressure medications, can affect sexual function and lead to premature orgasms.
  4. Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as those that occur during menopause, can also contribute to premature orgasm.
  5. Sexual trauma or abuse: Past sexual trauma or abuse can lead to hyperarousal and premature orgasm.
  6. Relationship issues: Relationship problems or conflicts with sexual partners can also contribute to premature orgasm.

It's important to note that some women may experience premature orgasms without any identifiable cause.

What are some of the common responses of women with premature orgasms?

Women who experience premature orgasms may have different responses, both physical and emotional. Some common physical responses may include:

  1. Clitoral hypersensitivity: Women with premature orgasms may experience hypersensitivity in their clitoris, making it difficult to control their sexual arousal.
  2. Rapid breathing and heart rate: Women with premature orgasms may experience rapid breathing and an increased heart rate during sexual activity.
  3. Muscle contractions: Women with premature orgasms may experience sudden and intense pelvic muscle contractions during orgasms.
  4. The feeling of release: Women with premature orgasms may feel a sense of release and relief after orgasm, but also frustration and disappointment if it occurs too quickly.

Some common emotional responses of women with premature orgasm may include:

  1. Embarrassment or shame: Women may feel embarrassed or ashamed if they orgasm too quickly, and may avoid sexual activity or intimacy as a result.
  2. Frustration or disappointment: Women may feel frustrated or disappointed if their premature orgasm interferes with their sexual satisfaction or that of their partner.
  3. Anxiety or stress: Women may feel anxious or stressed about their ability to control their sexual response, leading to further difficulty achieving orgasm.

What are the treatment options for premature orgasms in women?

There are several treatment options available for premature orgasms in women. These include:

  1. Behavioral therapy: This therapy involves learning techniques to improve sexual function and increase control over orgasm. Techniques such as the squeeze technique or start-stop method can help delay orgasms and improve sexual satisfaction.
  2. Medications: Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can help delay orgasm. However, these medications should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
  3. Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy may be recommended if hormonal imbalances are contributing to premature orgasms.
  4. Counseling: Counseling or therapy can be helpful in addressing any psychological or emotional factors contributing to premature orgasms.
  5. Lifestyle changes: Simple lifestyle changes such as practicing relaxation techniques, reducing stress, and avoiding alcohol and drugs can help improve sexual function and control over orgasm.

What is sex counseling?

Sex counseling, also known as sex therapy, is a type of counseling that focuses on addressing sexual issues or concerns. This type of counseling can be beneficial for individuals or couples who are experiencing difficulties with sexual function, communication, or satisfaction.

Sex counseling typically involves working with a licensed therapist or counselor who has specific training and experience in addressing sexual issues. The counselor may use a variety of techniques and strategies to help clients address their sexual concerns, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques.

Sex counseling can address a wide range of issues, including premature orgasm, erectile dysfunction, low libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, sexual trauma or abuse, relationship issues, and communication problems.

During sex counseling, clients may work with the counselor to develop a better understanding of their sexual needs, preferences, and boundaries. They may also learn new skills and techniques for communicating effectively with their partner, exploring their sexuality, and improving their sexual function and satisfaction.

Sex counseling is a confidential and non-judgmental process that aims to help individuals and couples achieve greater sexual health and well-being. It can be a helpful resource for anyone who is experiencing sexual concerns or difficulties.

How does sex counseling work?

Sex counseling, also known as sex therapy, typically involves working with a licensed therapist or counselor who has specific training and experience in addressing sexual issues. The counselor will usually begin by conducting an initial assessment to understand the client's sexual concerns, relationship dynamics, and overall sexual health.

Based on this assessment, the counselor will work with the client to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of different therapeutic techniques and strategies, depending on the nature of the client's concerns.

Some common therapeutic techniques used in sex counseling include:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of therapy helps clients identify and change negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to their sexual concerns.
  2. Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques can help clients become more aware of their physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions during sexual activity.
  3. Sensate focus: This technique involves a series of exercises that help clients become more comfortable with touch and physical intimacy.
  4. Communication training: Sex counseling may include training in effective communication skills, which can help clients discuss their sexual needs, preferences, and boundaries with their partners.
  5. Sex education: Sex counseling may also involve education about sexual anatomy, physiology, and sexual health.

The goal of sex counseling is to help clients overcome their sexual concerns, improve their sexual function and satisfaction, and achieve greater overall sexual health and well-being. It is typically a confidential and non-judgmental process that emphasizes respect for the client's individual values, beliefs, and preferences.

It is important for women to seek medical help if they experience premature orgasms, as it can have a negative impact on their sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life. Our sexologists in Las Vegas at HEALOR can help!

Battling Erectile Dysfunction

Are you a man aged 40 to 60 concerned about erectile dysfunction (ED)? If so, you’re not alone. ED is incredibly common among men in your age group, and the truth is that almost all men will experience it at some point in their lives.

Unfortunately, too many people fail to acknowledge the issue or seek necessary treatment because of discomfort talking about it. Learning more about ED can help make the conversation less awkward and provide guidance for achieving better sexual health.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some fundamental causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction and various treatment options available that can be beneficial for obtaining improved health outcomes.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is a common condition where a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual performance. ED can significantly diminish a person’s intimacy and confidence.

It can be the result of many underlying health issues, like metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. However, it could also be due to lifestyle habits such as smoking, being overweight, or inactivity. No matter what is causing it, experts recognize that ED can take a serious toll on your life if left unaddressed.

Fortunately, there are effective treatments that involve lifestyle modifications, oral medications, or injection therapy, designed to increase blood flow to the penis.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

If you have been experiencing a loss of libido, decreased sexual desire, or an incapability to maintain an erection while engaging in intercourse for several months, then there is a good chance that you have erectile dysfunction. With ED comes the possibility of having either too soft of an erection or difficulties achieving and sustaining one.

If these symptoms persist despite significant efforts to make positive changes, it’s essential to seek medical help and be honest about the current difficulties that you are experiencing. Doing so can lead to effective treatments for the underlying cause of your ED.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Although ED can result from many factors, some common culprits include:

Other potential causes for ED could be an injury or the development of an illness such as Parkinson’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury.

Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction

Arrange a visit to a doctor or urologist if you suspect that you have ED. The physician will perform an examination and physical tests to assess your overall health and determine if there is any underlying cause for ED. Tests can include:

Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction

For most people, there are factors in their life that increase their risk of developing ED. These include underlying physical and psychological health conditions, urinary flow symptoms, age, smoking or nicotine consumption, lack of exercise, and intense alcohol consumption.

Stressful life events and psychological disorders such as depression can also have an excess amount of negative implications related to sexual functioning.

Specific medical treatments, like prostate surgery and radiation therapy for cancer, can cause permanent damage to the nerves and arteries critical for erections.

Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

The treatment of erectile dysfunction is no small matter. It impacts millions of men and couples worldwide, and patients deserve the highest quality of care.

Fortunately, medical science and technology provide several viable solutions for those looking for a way to treat their ED. From lifestyle changes and medications to more advanced procedures like the vacuum erection device, options are available for different needs. Here are some of the most commonly available treatments:

It is essential to discuss all the treatment options with an erectile dysfunction doctor to determine which one is right for you. If you and your partner struggle with ED, the proper treatment could mean a world of difference.

By selecting an option specific to the type and seriousness of your condition, your quality of life may be increased while intimacy in your relationship can blossom.

Let Our Las Vegas Erectile Dysfunction Doctor Help You

If you are looking for an erectile dysfunction treatment in Las Vegas, our experienced doctors are here to help. With years of experience treating ED, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to all patients.

Our doctors understand the sensitive nature of erectile dysfunction and will discuss your options with you in a private and supportive environment. If erectile dysfunction in Las Vegas negatively impacts your life, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Guide to Treating Common Skin Issues

Guide to treating common skin issues

Issues like acne, hyperpigmentation, and eczema are major sources of discomfort for many people. When over-the-counter creams fail to provide the relief you want, consider working with experienced skin care professionals. A primary care provider in Las Vegas, NV can offer medical-grade treatments that are more effective than anything you find at the drugstore. Read our guide to treating common skin issues and how our team helps you achieve a clear and healthy complexion once again.

Common causes of skin issues

There are many reasons you may have problem skin. Hormone changes, certain medications, and even stress can trigger unwanted flare-ups. Some may be the result of an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed. For example, rashes and dry, scaly skin are symptoms of eczema and contact dermatitis.

Many people feel self-conscious about skin that looks and feels less than perfect. You may avoid social situations or constantly scratch or pick at your skin, making the existing problem even worse. A primary care provider in Las Vegas, NV employs specialists who can diagnose and treat a wide range of problems.

What skin conditions do you treat?

HEALOR™ can treat a number of conditions based on the size and severity of the issue. This includes:

How are skin issues treated?

The best way to treat a skin issue depends on the underlying cause. A consultation with our team is the best way to determine which option is right for your needs and goals. We begin with a thorough examination of your skin to rule out any serious problems. Our staff also takes into account your medical history and any medications you are currently taking. Solutions may include topical creams and prescription medications.

Improve your skin health

Even minor skin issues can cause a great deal of pain and anxiety. A trusted primary care provider in Las Vegas, NV can offer a wide range of treatments for bothersome conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Learn more about HEALOR™ and the services we offer by calling for a skin assessment today. Trusted experts like board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh know how to get your skin looking and feeling its best.

Womens Hormones Can Affect Weight Loss

Womens Hormones Can Affect Weight Loss significantly. Going on a weight loss journey is filled with many ups and downs, and the challenges along the way can test one’s discipline. However, aside from the typical factors that go into weight loss, there are some key players that we might not be able to identify. Women's hormones, like estrogen determine how we use glucose (or sugar) in our bodies, and it is just one of the hormones that play a crucial role in weight loss. Understanding the way these different molecules affect our bodies can make it easier to push weight loss efforts in the right direction for faster results. Here’s how hormones can affect weight loss and what you can do about it:

How Hormones Affect Women’s Weight Loss

Both women and men are affected by hormones in their weight loss journeys. For instance, leptin and ghrelin affect us in similar ways as they regulate weight gain and appetite. Cortisol is another hormone that regulates stress, which can lead to changes in appetite as a response. While studies from Columbia University’s obstetrics and gynecology program show that obesity is triggered by socioeconomic, behavioral, and medical factors too, there is no doubt that female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone play an essential role in weight gain and loss. These hormones are responsible for the regulation of appetite, eating behaviors, and energy metabolism in women. The balance of these hormones can have an impact on fat loss and overall health.

Hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle are also responsible for weight gain and loss. Many women experience cravings during the luteal phase of their cycle and so consume more calories in the days leading up to their period. This is why starting diets or losing weight may be more manageable during the follicular phase. It is here that the effects of progesterone on the thyroid hormone tend to reduce a woman’s appetite. Given the effect of these specific hormones on women, knowing how to control them can aid in successful weight loss.

How does medical weight loss work?

While hormones are naturally occurring molecules that depend on the body’s chemical makeup, there are measures you can take to balance them out as much as possible. Apart from the obvious need to exercise, here are a few ways you can manage your hormones for more effective weight loss:

Eat enough protein.

Consuming the right types of food is essential for anybody looking to lose weight. In this case, it is especially important to eat enough protein. Dietary protein provides your body with the building blocks to maintain muscle, bone, and skin health. It can also influence the production and release of hormones that control appetite. In this case, it may be helpful to get nutritional counseling to ensure you are eating enough of the right macronutrients depending on your body’s needs.

Manage your stress levels.

Although stress is a normal response that protects you from threatening situations, too much stress can have a negative impact on your health. An article by Symptom Find explains how “stress can lead to cardiovascular disease and hypertension over time”. Stress can also throw your hormones off balance. Having constantly elevated levels of cortisol in your body can lead to excessive calorie intake and increased belly fat. Activities such as meditation, yoga, and walking can help you reduce your stress significantly and prevent unnecessary weight gain.

Consult a medical professional.

Weight loss should always be approached carefully and safely. Drastic weight loss measures can be terrible for your wellbeing, so any weight management programs you follow should always be approved by a medical professional. An effective program should also be well-suited to your overall health plan, especially if you have issues with balancing hormones. Medical experts can recommend the right treatments throughout your weight loss program and guide your weight management in relation to your holistic health. Our medical weight loss programs on Healor are guided by the right medical professionals, so you can see results faster than if you were following exercise and nutrition programs that are not optimal for your individual needs.

We hope the above tips prove informative if you are struggling to lose weight.

Writer: Allie Cooper | Penned for healor.com

Treatment for Addiction

Getting treatment for addiction is never easy. Addiction is a serious disease that has negative consequences on an individual's health and personal relationships. No one intends to develop an addiction, but sometimes substances can take hold of your life before you realize what's happening.

If you or a loved one have an addiction to tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, it's important to seek assistance right away. Fortunately, a primary care clinic can offer help for substance use. Here are six signs you may need addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV, and how a trained professional can provide much-needed support.

1. You use substances to cope with negative emotions

This involves using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs to numb your pain or escape from difficult emotions or situations. Many people use substances to cope with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Others want to forget about their problems or feel more confident and outgoing. Regardless of the reason, these habits are ultimately harmful and often lead to further distress.

2. You tried to quit in the past but were unsuccessful

You may have tried – unsuccessfully – to quit using substances on your own. Perhaps you participated in a treatment program but relapsed soon after. This is because addiction is a chronic disease that requires professional assistance on a long-term basis. A primary care provider can develop a treatment plan that addresses the underlying causes of your addiction as well as ongoing support.

3. You are neglecting your responsibilities

Addiction causes people to miss work, skip classes, and neglect important events or milestones with family and friends. As your addiction progresses, you may find it increasingly challenging to meet certain obligations. If you have a hard time fulfilling professional responsibilities or maintaining healthy relationships due to substance use, it may be time to start addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV.

4. You engage in risky behavior

Substance use often leads to risky behavior, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex. Financial troubles also arise from addiction, as people often spend money on drugs or alcohol instead of paying bills. These activities lead to serious consequences and put yourself and others in jeopardy. Seek help before you or someone you care about suffers serious harm.

5. You are dishonest about your substance use

If you hide your substance use from family, friends, or employers, you may feel ashamed or guilty about your addiction. Many people who struggle with addiction lie about their use in order to avoid judgment or consequences. It's time to be honest about your dependence and get the help you need to recover.

6. You have withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms occur when you suddenly stop using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs after being dependent on them for a long time. These symptoms can be physical and mental, and they range in severity based on the substance being used. Common withdrawal symptoms include hot/cold flashes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, dizziness, insomnia, and extreme mood swings.

Severe withdrawals can also lead to life-threatening complications such as seizures. If you experience any kind of withdrawal symptom, seek medical attention immediately.

Get help today with addiction

Addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV may include detoxification programs, medication therapy, counseling, or cognitive-behavioral therapy based on your unique needs. If you or a loved one struggles with addiction, don't hesitate to reach out. Call HEALOR™ to meet with an addiction specialist. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh can get you started on the road to recovery.

Lower My Cholesterol at Home

If you're wondering, "How can I lower my cholesterol at home?", then you've come to the right place. We pride ourselves on providing all the treatments and care you need to improve your everyday health and live a long, happy, active life. But we go beyond medical care, offering a personal patient-doctor connection and a relationship that respects your unique personality, needs, and desires.

Our expert team, led by double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh, is excited to help you improve your health and reap all the benefits that follow. So, reach out to us today at HEALOR Primary Care, or visit our practice in Las Vegas, NV for a professional consultation!

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid, or fatty substance, made in the liver and supplied through the diet. Like other substances we commonly consume, it’s not inherently bad. And its overall effects depend on many factors, including personal health, medical history, genetics, and, of course, how much we eat. The undeservedly vilified cholesterol also performs many necessary functions throughout the body. It helps create cell membranes, is a precursor to vitamin D, is needed to make certain hormones, and even aids in digestion by supplying the materials to make bile salts.

How does cholesterol affect you?

Cholesterol is transported through your bloodstream inside lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are spherical proteins that wrap around fats (which hate and avoid water), so they can be carried through the (very watery) bloodstream. There are two types of cholesterol-carrying proteins. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the ones termed “bad” cholesterol, while high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are dubbed “good” cholesterol. “Bad” cholesterol is linked with significant health problems. And if you have too much, it accumulates on the walls of blood vessels, hindering blood flow.

The result is an increased risk of cardiac events and strokes. The “good” HDL reduces these risks because it absorbs cholesterol and transports it to the liver, which tosses it from your body. To find out more, or for a personalized cholesterol-busting plan devised by experienced and knowledgeable Dr. Singh, contact us at HEALOR Primary Care as soon as possible.

How to lower your cholesterol in the comfort of your home

Here’s the good news: it’s up to you. The primary treatment for high cholesterol is to make lifestyle changes by focusing on proper dietary choices and being physically active. It’s also important to address lifestyle factors, like stress and smoking, which negatively skew good and bad cholesterol levels. “Eating right” includes staying within the boundaries of your daily caloric intake limit to avoid unhealthy weight gain. It’s also recommended that you limit the consumption of trans and saturated fats. By replacing these with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, you can lower your level of LDL cholesterol. For those who are overweight, shedding the pounds will reduce health risks and correct related problems, including metabolic syndrome, which encompasses low HDL levels, high triglyceride counts, and the large waist circumference (40+ inches for men, 35+ inches for women) associated with being overweight.

It’s also important to include lots of lean meats, grains, and plants in the diet. In addition to the protein, fiber, and other nutrients offered by a sensible diet, plants are full of phytosterols that could help you decrease your cholesterol levels. In plants, phytosterols act as structural components in the cell membranes. And they’re so similar to cholesterol that they compete with actual cholesterol in your body, blocking it from being absorbed. A phytosterol supplement could help you get the recommended daily amount.

And, of course, dietary changes are always more effective when complemented with physical activity. It’s recommended that you aim for at least 30 minutes of some type of daily exercise or activity in Las Vegas, NV. Medicines such as statins may be necessary if lifestyle changes are not adequate in lowering cholesterol levels. A professional consultation with Dr. Singh can help you choose the right one based on your medical history, current health, and other factors.

Many people also turn to supplements, but it’s essential to seek a professional opinion, as there’s no clear consensus on their efficacy and safety, especially if combined with prescribed medications. Get in touch with us for a personalized plan to slash your cholesterol in Las Vegas, NV

As always, double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and our experienced team would love to help you live a healthier, happier life. So, contact us today at HEALOR™, or visit our practice in Las Vegas, NV, to explore your options.

DOT Physical Exam

DOT Physical Exam

A career as a commercial driver in Las Vegas may give you the type of work you enjoy. The opportunity to do something different every day instead of sitting at the same desk or workstation has its advantages. A commercial driver's license (CDL) requires a dot medical exam las vegas by a Certified Medical Examiner on the National Registry (NRCME). These twenty-one tips can guide you through the process.

1. What is dot physical exam?

The Department of Transportation requires dot physicals las vegas before anyone can get a CDL. The requirement means that you need to pass an approved physical exam before you may use your license. The exam checks to make sure your physical and mental health qualify you to operate a commercial vehicle safely.

2. What does the dot physical exam consist of?

We give you a series of tests and ask questions about any current or past medical problems that you may or may not realize you have. As we discuss your health history, we want to hear about anything that concerns you. During the exam, we test your vision and hearing acuity, blood pressure and pulse rate. In addition, we perform urinalysis and give you a physical examination. When we finish, we give you an assessment of the test and document our findings for your health history.

3. What happens when I pass the exam?

When you pass your physical, the doctor gives you a copy of the results and submits information to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to update the records. In addition to providing the dot exam las vegas, we have a full-service clinic that can serve all your medical needs.

4. Do I really get a DOT medical card?

When you pass the dot exam las vegas, it qualifies you to get a DOT medical card. The paperwork that truckers call a DOT card has too much information to fit on a wallet card. However, it does fold down to a size that you can fit in your wallet. You need to keep it with you all the time, and your employer wants a copy that you provide.

5. What happens if I fail the test?

While not passing the exam prevents you from your goal of becoming a driver right away, you can try again. The exam may become a helpful experience for you if it detects health issues you had not noticed. We can work with you to develop treatment options that improve your health and help you get a DOT card.

6. What can make me fail the DOT physical?

Some physical restrictions may prevent you from passing the physical exam. In addition, seizures can disqualify you. A history of addiction to alcohol or sedative drugs can prevent you from passing the exam. Undergoing any treatment that includes prescription drugs can prevent or delay approval. Our doctors can recommend care that can help you with treatable conditions.

7. Why do I need a card?

A DOT card allows you to use your commercial driver's license. Anyone who operates a commercial motor vehicle needs a dot medical card. Also, you need one if you drive a vehicle that can carry more than 10,000 pounds of gross weight, and a card qualifies you to carry more than eight people. In addition, hauling hazardous materials requires you to have a dot card. When you pass all test requirements, we give you a DOT medical card.

8. What results do I need to pass the vision test?

When you wonder what is dot medical exam, you may also wonder about passing the vision portion. Your eye test must show that you have 20/40 vision with or without glasses or other corrective visual aids. In addition, each eye must provide at least 70 degrees of peripheral vision.

9. May I use my glasses or contacts for the vision test?

Yes, please do. The vision test allows you to use your regular visual correction equipment as you usually do when you drive. However, your glasses, contact lenses and any related medicines need to use the latest prescription.

10. What about hearing?

If you have any hearing loss, you may wonder what does the dot physical exam consist of. The test for hearing requires you to hear a forced whisper within 5 feet in any direction with or without a hearing aid. In addition, it includes a required audiometry test that checks on your inner ear functions if the whisper test fails.

11. What blood pressure reading does the test require?

A reading that registers below 140/90 lets you pass the blood pressure portion of the exam. We can help you control your blood pressure if the tests show you need it.

12. How often does DOT require a physical exam?

Most medical certifications last for two years. However, blood pressure levels that tests show as too high or too low may allow only a three-month certificate. If they improve, you may qualify for a one- or two-year DOT card. Our doctors can recommend a treatment plan to manage your blood pressure.

13. Does the exam include a urine test?

Yes, the test checks for conditions such as diabetes, drug use or other underlying conditions.

14. What does a doctor look for in a physical examination?

The overall appearance of your body lets doctors notice any unusual sounds, functions or conditions that may present concerns. It makes sense for you to wonder what is dot physical exam. The DOT wants to make sure you can drive safely, and the exam proves it. In your exam, our doctors check your overall appearance for any functions or conditions that may present concerns.

15. How do I improve my chances to pass the test?

As Certified Medical Examiners, we know what it takes to do well on the DOT physical. Therefore, for your peace of mind, you need to know that your best shot at passing the test improves with preparing for it. For example, use the week before your exam to focus on healthy eating and drinking.

You may get better blood pressure readings when you leave junk food, salt, sugar and caffeine out of your diet. Our recommendations for healthy living include leaving them out entirely or reducing them as much as you can.

16. Do I need to continue taking my regular medications?

Yes. Stick to your schedule of taking your medications as usual. Changes at the last minute may produce readings that do not reflect your everyday lifestyle. We can review the medicines that you use and make recommendations if needed.

17. What do I need to bring on exam day?

Not all doctors can perform dot physicals las vegas that DOT requires for commercial drivers. We qualify as Certified Medical Examiners, and our name appears in the National Registry. When you can bring the required pieces of information and two optional ones that we need to know, it gets your exam off to a good start.

• Medical History

A copy of your medical records lets us catch up on your history as the best place to start.

• Hearing Aids

You may use hearing aids to pass the portion of the test that requires you to hear a forced whisper in whichever ear works the best.

• Glasses or Contact Lenses

Our examiner can know you use glasses when you wear them, but contacts do not provide as much information. Therefore, you may need to let your examiner know if you wear them.

• Prescription List

The name of each medication that you take and the dosage that you need can inform our doctors about your general health.

• Health History Questionnaire

Our paperwork takes some time to complete, and you can take care of it when you arrive. We can maintain it as a record of your health background.

• Optional Lab Results

If you have diabetes, we need a copy of your newest lab report that shows your Hemoglobin AIC (HgAIC) and your fast blood sugar.

• Optional Cardiology Report

If you have heart-related problems, we need a letter from your cardiologist that your health allows you to work.

18. How long does the test take?

At our medical clinic, we need about 45 minutes to give you a physical that meets DOT requirements. Then, when you pass it, you assure your employer and the motoring public that your health allows you to drive safely.

19. What can I expect after my physical?

When we determine that your health qualifies you to own a commercial driver's license and drive commercial motor vehicles, we give you a copy of the results. In addition, we send the report to the DOT for inclusion in the Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS).

20. What happens if I do not get a physical exam?

The validity of your license depends on passing the physical exam. Without it, you can expect to hear from CDLIS that you do not have medical certification to drive a commercial motor vehicle. On the other hand, your DOT medical card proves that you passed a DOT physical exam by a Certified Medical Examiner on the National Register.

We can provide the certification that makes you eligible and prevents a downgrade to a lesser status. In addition, we can help you receive a driver exemption if you do not meet the portions of the exam that concern diabetes, physical impairment or vision.

21. Where can I get a DOT physical?

At our medical clinic, we provide the dot medical exam las vegas at our convenient location. In addition, our range of occupational health services offers treatment for any issues that may concern you. You can schedule an appointment directly on our website or by calling us at 702-362-2273.

Learning How to Pass Dot Physical Exam

Passing the DOT exam can pose no problem when you eat a healthy diet, take your medicines regularly and bring your glasses and hearing aids with you. You have no reason to worry about it when you maintain your usual lifestyle. Then, it takes only a short time for us to check your health and issue your DOT medical card.

Please note that due to burdensome requirements, HEALOR™ has stopped offering DOT exams as of 2022.

Semaglutide Injections

Are you ready to lose unwanted weight and improve your overall health? Methods like restrictive eating and extreme exercise programs can be difficult to maintain long-term, but there is another way. Semaglutide injections can help you feel less hungry without making major changes to your lifestyle. FDA has approved this weight loss shot with results showing average of 25-30% body weight loss.

If you want a real solution to your weight loss woes, speak with a healthcare provider about semaglutide injections in Las Vegas, NV. You may be surprised at how easy it is to reach your goals with this powerful medication.

What is semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a medication used to help control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The medication mimics the hormone GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) to lower blood sugar after a meal. GLP-1 is also known for slowing down how fast your stomach empties food, a process called gastric emptying. Both of these effects together help you feel less hungry, causing you to eat less and lose weight.

When it comes to semaglutide, no special diets and no challenging workouts are required.

How does medical weight loss work?

Patients interested in medical weight loss should attend a consultation at HEALOR, where we can assess their health and ensure there are no contraindications to semaglutide injections in Las Vegas, NV. Those with a history of thyroid cancers, type-1 diabetes, or pancreatitis may not be eligible at this time. Semaglutide should be used cautiously if you take medications to lower your blood sugar.

Once we determine your candidacy for weight loss, we develop a custom plan for your care. This includes how often you should receive an injection (usually once per week), as well as other recommendations to help improve your health. HEALOR may start patients on a lower dose at first (0.5mgs) and increase to a higher dose (2.5mgs) as tolerated.

When to expect results from semaglutide injections

During clinical trials, participants worked their way to a target dose (2.4 mg once weekly) over 20 weeks. This was the dose at which they saw the greatest amount of weight loss. They continued to see results over the remaining 48 weeks at the full dose. Though some people experience weight loss sooner, you may not see significant changes until you hit the 20-week mark.

Semaglutide injections should also be combined with a healthy lifestyle for the best results possible. This means eating a well-balanced diet with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and exercising regularly. Our team at HEALOR™ can provide additional guidance on these topics during your consultation.

What are the side effects of semaglutide injections?

Semaglutide does have the potential to cause low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), especially if you take blood sugar medications. The most common side effects of hypoglycemia include dizziness or lightheadedness, blurred vision, changes in mood, sweating, confusion, shakiness, weakness, and headache.

Patients on semaglutide can develop a condition called gastroparesis that prevents the stomach from emptying. This may lead to prolonged vomiting and dehydration. Contact HEALOR if you experience any of these or the above side effects. Rest assured, however, that the majority of patients tolerate semaglutide injections very well.

Get started on semaglutide injections to lose weight

Now there is no need to suffer through fad diets or grueling workouts to lose weight. Speak with our team at HEALOR™ about medical weight loss and whether semaglutide injections in Las Vegas, NV could be the answer you are looking for! Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh is proud to offer this revolutionary medication to our patients. Schedule your consultation with us today.

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