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How to Lose Fat at 50

Discover the best ways on how to Lose Fat at 50, shed unwanted fat and improve your overall health and fitness at 50. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can make losing fat a seemingly impossible battle. Metabolism slows, and muscle mass declines. To make matters worse, various hormonal shifts occur that affect sugar and fat metabolism.  Learn proven strategies and tips for losing fat and getting in shape.

Fortunately, with the strategies we’re about to share, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is still within reach. Read on to learn some proven tips and tricks to help you on your journey of losing fat at 50.

What Happens to the Body at Age 50?

Age and metabolism go hand-in-hand — the older we get, the slower our bodies burn calories.

At age 50, our metabolism starts to slow down for a variety of reasons. The most salient one is the decrease in muscle mass. Also, hormonal shifts like a decrease in testosterone in men can contribute to weight gain, especially around the midsection. 

To adapt to these changes, you must adopt a lifestyle that supports fat loss and overall well-being. The first step is by addressing your nutrition. 

What You Can Do To Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight: Choose Healthy Food Options

At 50, you must eat in a way that allows you to get all your nutrients in minus the calories. 

Fine-tuning your nutrition for fat loss at 50 may sound complex. However, a good place to start would be to prioritize natural protein. Consuming more protein from sources like meat, eggs, legumes, and poultry keeps you full and helps you rebuild muscles. 

Once you’ve covered your protein needs, eat a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables. These foods are natural and rich in micronutrients — things meat and poultry won’t always have. 

From here, sprinkle in some healthy fats like nuts and avocados. Also, avoid processed foods as these can be calorie-dense.  

Other Critical Tips for Fat Loss at 50: Exercise, Hydration, and Sleep

Indeed, diet is critical to fat loss success. However, getting enough exercise is also essential for fat loss and muscle building, regardless of age. For people aged 50 and over, an excellent exercise program should include both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. Cardiovascular exercise should be as low-impact as possible. Low-impact options are the following: 

Of course, staying hydrated is a must for sustaining the training you’re doing. Hydration allows your body to absorb nutrients better to support your training and health. Last, but not least, ensure that you get adequate sleep as well. 

Key Takeaway: Losing Fat at 50 Is Doable

It’s never too late to prioritize fat loss. By incorporating the tips we’ve shared here, you’ll be on your way to a leaner and fitter you at age 50.

Benefits of Getting B12 Shots

In the realm of essential vitamins, B12 reigns supreme, playing a pivotal role in maintaining our overall well-being. Discover the incredible benefits of getting B12 shots, including increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall health. Learn more here. While dietary sources can provide a portion of our B12 requirements, some individuals may find themselves deficient in this vital nutrient. Enter B12 shots — specifically administered through intravenous (IV) injections. In this blog, we delve into the remarkable benefits of the revolutionary vitamin and why it has made waves in the medical spa industry.

1. Enhanced Energy

If you find yourself grappling with persistent fatigue and low energy levels, B12 shots could be the solution you’ve been seeking. After all, this vitamin is essential in producing red blood cells, core components in transporting oxygen to every corner of the body.

By boosting B12 levels, you can revitalize your energy, fight lethargy, and regain a spring in your step. Unlike oral supplements that pass through the digestive system, an IV injection can deliver the vitamin directly into your bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and efficacy.

2. Improved Cognitive Function

B12 shots not only fight physical fatigue but also help boost mental clarity and cognitive function. Adequate levels of this vitamin are essential for promoting proper brain functions and supporting memory and concentration.

With B12 shots, you can alleviate brain fog, sharpen your cognitive abilities, and boost your overall mental acuity. Whether you’re a student looking to optimize your study sessions or a professional aiming for peak performance, B12 shots can be a game-changer.

3. Elevated Mood

The benefits of B12 shots extend beyond physical vitality and cognitive sharpness. Research suggests that the vitamin plays a crucial role in synthesizing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate mood.

Individuals with B12 deficiency may experience symptoms like irritability, depression, and anxiety. However, regular IV injection sessions can rebalance your neurochemicals, help you experience a mood uplift, and allow you to regain a sense of emotional well-being.

Discover the Power of B12 Shots

In a world where well-being is paramount, we highly recommend harnessing the benefits of B12 shots. Whether you want to overcome fatigue, enhance cognitive function, or improve your emotional well-being, B12 shots through IV injections offer an efficient and effective solution.

With their direct delivery into the bloodstream, they ensure optimal absorption, making them ideal for individuals with B12 deficiencies. So, unlock your vitality and embark on a journey towards optimal health with this remarkable vitamin.

Call us to book a session or learn more about the revolutionary treatment.

Health and Well-being for the LGBTQIA+ Community

Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are often denied the respect and compassionate services they deserve as human beings. Discover important resources and tips to prioritize Health and Well-being for the LGBTQIA Community. Now, it’s time to give our LGBT community the attention and care they need to not only survive in this world, but thrive — not just emotionally, but physically as well.

The Health of LGBT People

Gay individuals, lesbians, queer folks, bisexuals, and other members suffer from numerous health issues. The most notable ones are listed below. 


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are most common among gay and bisexual individuals. The most prevalent types of STIs are syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Having STIs can heighten the risk of either getting or transmitting HIV. 

Mental Health Issues

Due to the treatment that this particular community has received, such as bullying, discrimination, and avoidance, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals are more likely to develop mental health issues than heteronormative individuals.

Because of this, members of the LGBTQIA community are more prone to depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. 


History shows that the LGBT community experiences higher levels of violence than any other group. Whether it be in words or actions, LGBTQ people face unnecessary hate and hurt that trigger serious health concerns. 

Support the LGBTQIA Community

It’s not enough to recognize what the LGBTQ community is facing. We need to help them overcome these challenges and receive the healthcare they deserve. 

Fortunately, the government is taking action. But we also need to lend a helping hand and encourage the community to seek healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about their unique situation and can provide the support they need. 

Outside of professional assistance, we as a society need to advocate for acceptance and understanding so we can create a safe and healthy environment for those in the LGBTQIA+ community to thrive.

Best Doctor for Seniors

The older we get, the more our overall health needs and concerns change. This is why as we grow older, choosing the right doctor becomes increasingly more important. this guide will help you how to pick the Best Doctor for Seniors

Seeing geriatricians or doctors who specialize in senior care and elderly health issues will become a huge part of protecting your health. They can offer greater insight to seniors’ increasingly complex health needs.

However, not all doctors are the same. Finding the best doctor for seniors requires due diligence — you need to do your research and to ask the right questions.

Finding the Best Doctor for Seniors Near Me

Choosing a doctor to work with is essentially the same as putting your life in someone’s hands. Here are our top tips to help you find the best doctor for seniors, regardless of where you live.

Ask Friends and Loved Ones for Recommendations

Ask your other family members, friends, and loved ones to recommend a few senior-care physicians. Recommendations are always a great way to start, especially when they are from someone you trust. Actual patient experience and feedback is just as valuable as a doctor’s credentials.

Ask Doctors or Insurance Providers for Referrals

You can also ask your current primary care doctor or family physician for geriatrician referrals. Since they’ve been your doctor for many years, they are likely to have a better idea of your medical needs and the elder care doctor who can best meet them.

Furthermore, asking your insurance provider for referrals comes with the benefit of getting a geriatrician that’s already covered by your insurance plan. This can save you time trying to find a reputable, in-network doctor or figuring out how to bill an out-of-network physician.

Read Online Reviews

Similar to when we purchase anything online, it also pays to read reviews about a doctor you may be considering. This helps you gain a better idea of their bedside manner, communication skills, and their overall reputation. 

Check the Physician’s Credentials

Referrals and recommendations are a great way to start, but always remember to check your potential doctors’ credentials as well. When looking for geriatricians, make sure to find one that is board-certified.

Some questions to keep in mind when checking credentials are:

More Questions To Ask When Looking for a Geriatrician

Aside from questions about their credentials or experience, it is also worth asking the following questions to help you narrow down your search for the best doctor for seniors in your area. 

Final Thoughts

Finding the right doctor for seniors or elderly adults can take some time and effort, but all these will pay off when you find the best one to take care of your health needs. If you are searching for a senior care doctor near you, try out the tips we discussed!

Does Blood Pressure Increase While Standing

Wondering does Blood Pressure Increase While Standing? With each beat of our heart, it pumps out blood through the arteries and into various parts of the body. Blood pressure is how we measure the force of each pump of blood that goes through the arteries. 

Both high and low blood pressure can be indicators of potential health problems. As such, taking blood pressure readings is important to have a clearer picture of our health and potential risk for other conditions or diseases.

Standing Up Vs. Sitting Down

Blood pressure is usually taken while the individual is in an upright sitting position. In some cases, such as a bedridden patient, blood pressure can also be taken while lying down.

People sometimes ask, “Does blood pressure increase while standing?” since blood pressure readings are typically taken while sitting or lying down.

Blood pressure generally falls slightly when we stand up, so lying or sitting down provides the most accurate readings reflective of one’s health. A significant drop in blood pressure when standing is referred to as orthostatic hypotension.

A study published in the journal Hypertension found such instances of the opposite happening, where standing up raised blood pressure levels. Researchers noted that individuals whose blood pressure went up or was higher while standing up were found to have a higher risk for both adverse cardiovascular and renal events. 

Although the study has its limitations, the findings point toward there being value in measuring blood pressure while standing and comparing it with readings while sitting down to help identify the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. This includes heart attack and stroke.

How To Read Blood Pressure 

Blood pressure readings have two numbers. The top number represents the systolic blood pressure or the force exerted by the heart on the artery walls with each heartbeat. The bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure or the force exerted on the artery walls in between beats.

In general, a reading of 120/80 or lower is within the normal range. A reading of 120 to 129 systolic while maintaining a diastolic reading of below 80 falls under the category of elevated blood pressure. 

Any higher systolic and diastolic reading than that is considered high blood pressure or hypertension. Blood pressure that is higher than 180/120 becomes a hypertensive crisis.

Symptoms of High and Low Blood Pressure

If you experience any symptoms of high or low blood pressure, it is best to have your blood pressure measured to help prevent worse health outcomes.

Symptoms of hypertension or high blood pressure include:

Symptoms of hypotension or low blood pressure include:

Seek Professional Medical Care

Simply measuring your blood pressure at home and resting may not be enough, especially if your blood pressure levels are extremely high or dangerously low. If you suspect you may be exhibiting signs of high or low blood pressure, it is always best to seek professional medical assistance. Visit your physician or the emergency room for immediate treatment if necessary.

Ear Candles Safe to Use

Are Ear Candles Safe to Use? Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy substance that is produced by glands in the ear canal. It is a mixture of secretions from these glands, along with dead skin cells and other debris. Ear wax plays an important role in protecting the ear canal by trapping dust, dirt, and other particles that could damage the delicate structures of the ear.

Ear wax

is typically light brown in color and has a sticky texture. It is naturally produced by the body and is usually pushed out of the ear canal by jaw movement, such as talking or chewing. In some cases, however, ear wax can build up and cause a blockage, which can lead to symptoms such as hearing loss, ear pain, or ringing in the ears.

Ear Candles Safe to Use?

While it is important to keep the ears clean, it is generally not recommended to try to remove ear wax yourself, as doing so can push the wax deeper into the ear or cause injury to the ear canal. Instead, it is best to seek professional care from a doctor or an audiologist if you have excessive ear wax buildup or other ear-related concerns.

Using ear candles to clean ears is not a good idea. Ear candles are hollow tubes made of fabric or wax that are placed in the ear canal and lit on the other end. The idea is that the heat from the candle will create a vacuum effect, drawing earwax and other impurities out of the ear.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of ear candles for ear cleaning, and they can actually be dangerous. The heat from the burning candle can cause burns or even melt the wax, which can then drip into the ear and cause blockages. There have also been cases of ear candles causing punctured eardrums or other injuries.

Instead of using ear candles, it is recommended to clean ears with a gentle ear cleaning solution or simply warm water and a washcloth. If you have excessive earwax buildup or other ear problems, it is best to see a doctor or an audiologist for professional treatment.

Ear candles are hollow tubes made of fabric or wax that are used for alternative ear cleaning. They are also known as ear cones or thermal-auricular therapy. The idea behind ear candles is that when one end of the candle is lit, it creates a vacuum that draws out earwax and other impurities from the ear canal. The process is also said to help with various ear-related problems, such as ear infections, tinnitus, and vertigo.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of ear candles for ear cleaning or any other ear-related issues. In fact, using ear candles can be dangerous and cause injury to the ear. Therefore, it is not recommended to use ear candles for ear cleaning or any other ear-related issues. Instead, it is best to consult with a doctor or an audiologist for proper ear care and treatment.

Primary Care Doctor Las Vegas

Are you looking for a Primary Care Doctor Las Vegas?

There are many options for finding a primary care doctor in Las Vegas. We will show you why we are one of the best places to seek medical treatment.

Qualified Medical Providers:

Are you tired of taking too many prescription medications and still not feeling better? We at HEALOR™ believe in and practice improving your overall health and wellness instead of writing many prescriptions without addressing the core cause. All our medical providers are trained in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine in addition to extensive knowledge in natural remedies, supplements, and nutrition. At every visit, we focus on reducing the number of prescriptions and improving the overall health of our clients.

Wait Times:

You have probably experienced wait times often exceeding an hour and only to be seen by the medical provider for 5 minutes. We do things differently in our primary care clinic in Las Vegas.

On-site Lab:

No more waiting hours at a large lab to get blood work done. We have on-site lab draw capability, translating to no lab work wait time. With our on-site lab work, you can expect efficient and reliable testing without the hassle of going to a separate lab.

On-site ultrasounds:

This allows for rapid diagnosis and treatment of many ailments, and since ultrasounds are done in our office, the reports are available in a short timeframe.

On-site pharmacy:

Our nonprofit pharmacy means deep discounts and is a massive time Saver for all our clients. No more waiting in line at your local pharmacy.

Medical Grade Supplements:

Medical-grade supplements are nutritional supplements designed to provide optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for good health. Unlike over-the-counter supplements, medical-grade supplements are only available through licensed healthcare providers. There are several benefits to using medical-grade supplements, including improved absorption and effectiveness, better quality control, and personalized dosing.

Our selection of supplements consists solely of medical-grade products of the utmost quality.

Insurances Accepted:

At our office, we are happy to work with a variety of major health insurance plans to ensure that our patients receive the care they need. We understand that navigating the insurance world can be confusing, so we strive to make the process as easy as possible for our patients. Whether you have questions about your coverage or need help understanding your benefits, our team is here to help.

No insurance:

For patients without insurance, we offer many affordable options to cover the cost of medical visits, discounted lab work, and discounted radiology. Plans start as low as $100 per month and provide excellent benefits.

Addiction treatments:

We offer innovative treatments and counseling to deal with all sorts of addictions. We have successfully treated addiction to opioids, alcohol, smoking or nicotine, cannabis, gambling, porn, caffeine, and other addiction with our customized protocols and treatment regimens. Don't let addiction control your life. Our Las Vegas addiction treatment programs offer a range of options to help you break free from substance abuse and reclaim your future.

IV Therapy:

Our IV Nutrition Center offers treatments for correcting nutritional problems, dehydration, hangovers, and many other health issues. We offer many types of IV therapies such as Myers cocktail, allergy drip, immune boost drip, antioxidant drip, NAD, and so many more. IV therapy is a great way to improve your overall health and wellness. If you're in Las Vegas, come see us for a customized IV treatment that meets your needs.

Nutritional counseling:

Our providers are trained in nutrition and provide guidance to improve health by modification in diet. Take control of your health with our nutrition counseling services. Our experienced professionals will work with you to create a customized plan for optimal nutrition.

Weight Loss Center:

We offer customized medical weight programs designed to shed weight safely and effectively. We are experienced in phentermine, naltrexone, and other FDA-approved Weight loss shots treatments such as semaglutide which is a generic version of wegovy or Monjaro or ozempic. Say goodbye to fad diets and ineffective weight loss methods. Our Las Vegas weight loss treatment offers a comprehensive approach to help you lose weight and keep it off. Did we mention that our weight loss patients get a free personal training session with a certified fitness instructor?

On-site clinical trials:

Did we mention that we are also a research site, so we stay on top of advances in medicine, and our patients have access to a large number of clinical trials and access to experimental drugs at no cost? Many trials also offer compensation for time and participation.

LGBTQ Friendly:

Healthcare is an essential aspect of everyone's life, and it is crucial that LGBTQ individuals receive the proper care that is inclusive, affirming, and respectful of their identity. We have a very diverse workforce that is trained to provide the best LGBTQ care in Las Vegas.

Transgender care:

Our providers are trained in managing transgender hormone transition and other health issues concerning transgender clients. We offer gender-neutral restrooms throughout our clinic. Our Las Vegas doctors and providers specialize in gender-affirming therapy for transgender individuals. Let us help you on your journey toward self-discovery and acceptance.

Hormone replacement:

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses hormones derived from natural sources, such as soy or yams, that are chemically identical to the hormones produced by the human body. BHRT can treat various hormone-related conditions, including menopause, andropause, and other hormone-related disorders. Our Doctors and Providers are experts at managing Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.


Telemedicine is a healthcare service that allows patients to receive medical care remotely through technology such as video conferencing, phone calls, or messaging. In Las Vegas, we offer telemedicine access to medical care without having to leave your homes. With telemedicine, patients can receive consultations, diagnoses, and even prescriptions from us without having to physically visit our office.

We believe in Education

Need more proof?

Check out our excellent reviews. Did you know that most of our current clients are referred by our existing clients?

Are you ready to take control of your health? Then allow us to serve you and find out why we are the best primary care doctors in Las Vegas.

We are accepting new patients and do accept Medicare and Medicaid.

Schedule your online appointment by visiting our website at HEALOR™ or by calling 702-362-2273.

Will a Change of Diet Boost My Immune System

Are you wondering will a Change of Diet Boost My Immune System. A good, healthy diet is essential if you want to maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help to build your immune system, which is great for your overall health. Preventive measures, such as eating low-calorie, nutritional foods, can give your immune system the strength it needs to ward off illnesses and chronic disease instead of focusing on the damage that unhealthy foods can cause. During a consultation with double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh at HEALOR™, he can explain the reasons why your diet is so important to your physical and emotional health, and what you can do to make the necessary changes so you can live a healthier, happier life in Las Vegas, NV. Read on to learn how your diet can give you an immune system boost.

How do I know if my diet is affecting my health?

If you feel like what you are consuming every day is negatively affecting your health, it’s important to reach out to HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, so Dr. Singh can give you a proper evaluation. Some tell-tale signs that your diet may be damaging your health are that you struggle to keep weight off, often feel sluggish and out of sorts, experience brain fogginess, and an increase in your levels of anxiety and depression. Healthy foods with the essential vitamins you need to function properly can help alleviate some of these issues without having to result in the need for medications or doctor care.

What can happen if I don’t change my diet?

Diets full of saturated fats, extra amounts of sugar, high in carbs, and other processed foods can lead to serious health issues, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, gut inflammation, and stroke. Plus, the lack of nutrition seriously affects the body’s ability to produce immune cells that fight off illnesses, such as influenza. If you feel like you are chronically feeling unwell or you are having to use more sick days than usual, your diet may be the culprit. At HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, we offer nutritional counseling as well as other alternative treatment plans to get your health where it should be with good eating habits and additional lifestyle changes.

Will a Change of Diet Boost My Immune System?

Foods with plenty of nutrients and vitamins, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, are great for the health and functionality of our immune cells. Foods packed with vitamin C, Vitamin D, iron, and zinc help give the body what it needs to reproduce more cells. Diets with more high-fiber plants, legumes, whole grains, and fish, and less red meats, high sugar foods, and refined oils are recommended. If you are not sure about how to change your diet, contact HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV and we can set up a nutritional diet plan that will get your weight and health back on track.

Where can I learn more about my diet and my immune system?

At HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh understands the important role a healthy diet and other positive lifestyle changes can have on your health. These preventive measures will help the body function properly and reduce the risk of illness and disease. For a complete evaluation and a diet plan that will help build your immune system, contact HEALOR™ today for a consultation.

Erectile Dysfunction Specialists in Las Vegas

Erectile Dysfunction Specialists in Las Vegas, Nevada

As men become older, male sexual health becomes an important concern. Male sexual health concerns can be related to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, pain during sex, decreased sexual desire.

In this blog we will discuss in detail issues related to erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is defined as inability to achieve erection sufficient enough for penetration, or the erection may not last long enough for a meaningful sexual encounter.

We are seeing a significant increase in the rate of erectile dysfunction, this is no longer considered a disease of the elderly. Environmental toxicity, excessive stress, highly processed diets, all of these can lead to hormonal disturbances which have been associated with decreased sexual desire, decreased morning time erections which in turn can lead to atrophy of the penile muscle and erections become difficult to achieve and maintain.

Major causes of erectile dysfunction:

Porn induced erectile dysfunction:

Pornography has been associated with increased rate of a sexual dysfunction, if you are interested in learning more about this topic, please click the link below to watch my detailed video on this topic.

Porn Induced Sexual Dysfunction

Psychogenic versus Organic erectile dysfunction

In psychogenic erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction appears rapidly, is only present in certain situations and not all the time. Most common causes are performance anxiety, depression, uncontrolled anxiety, lack of attraction for the partner.

Organic erectile dysfunction generally has an underlying pathology and erectile function declines over months and years

Medication induced erectile dysfunction

Certain medications are associated with problems with erection. All the list is quite extensive these are some of the common ones

Role of hormones:

Morning time erections are nature’s Way of keeping the penile muscle healthy by exercising it on a regular basis. When min get a erection in the morning, there is a significant amount of blood flow that is pumped into the penis, replenishing the penile vasculature.

As testosterone levels decline, man may notice a decrease in the frequency of morning time erections . Over time this leads to decrease in blood flow to the penis, which causes a weakening of the penile muscle and erections become hard to maintain.

Optimizing testosterone levels is extremely important to treat erectile dysfunction

Typical workup:

In our office at HEALOR™ ED clinic in Las Vegas , you will have a detailed evaluation by Dr. Raj Singh MD, FACP, FASN. Dr. Raj Singh has several years of experience in male sexual health, and he travels nationally to train other healthcare providers in management of erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health problems

Lab testing may include complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, testosterone levels, estrogen levels, progesterone levels, DHEA, prolactin levels, TSH

Penile Doppler to assess the blood flow in the arteries and veins.

Bio ThesioMeter to assess Nerve Function

TM Flow Scan to assess for circulation issues and nerve testing

Treatment options:

Treatment plans are customized based on hormone levels, health of the penile tissue and many other factors.

Supplements for erectile dysfunction

Many supplements can be helpful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, while the exact mechanism of action off a lot of supplement is unknown, most of them promote increased blood flow in the penis, relaxation of blood vessels, increase sex drive and raise testosterone levels.

Prescription medications for erectile dysfunction

Other treatments for erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is common, is preventable and treatable. Key to success is to start treatment early before that has been a significant decline in penile health.

If you have concerns regarding erectile dysfunction or are interested in preventing erectile dysfunction in the future, please contact our office by calling 702-362-2273 ors visiting us at HEALOR™ to schedule a visit with one of our specialists to discuss your treatment options.

How Can Lesbian And Bisexual Women Prevent Cervical Cancer

Questions about how Can Lesbian And Bisexual Women Prevent Cervical Cancer? All sexually active people are highly likely to contract the human papillomavirus (HPV) at some point if they don’t have the HPV vaccine. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) and consists of more than 200 viruses that can affect the skin and mucous membrane. While it is usually asymptomatic and resolves on its own, unresolved infections caused by certain subtypes can lead to warts on and around the genital area, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, or in some cases, cervical cancer.

At HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, our double board-certified physician, Dr. Raj Singh, encourages patients in the LGBTQ+ community to prevent HPV by getting the HPV vaccine. Lesbian and bisexual women may be at a greater risk of getting cervical cancer because of HPV.

How is HPV spread?

It’s important to understand how HPV transmission works. HPV is spread through most forms of sexual activity, including anal, oral, or vaginal sex, and other close skin-to-skin touching.

Common HPV symptoms

During your visit to HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, Dr. Singh can explain the most common signs and symptoms of HPV. First, most men who get HPV don’t develop any symptoms. However, for women, HPV can be detected during a Pap smear by finding abnormal cells in the cervix. While a pap smear cannot test for cancer or HPV, it can notice abnormalities that may be caused by HPV. If you are experiencing anything new or unusual, such as lumps, sores, or warts, it’s important to schedule an appointment with Dr. Singh for a full evaluation.

HPV treatment

One of the most common concerns with patients with HPV is the amount of time it takes for it to go away. Ultimately, most infections will in fact go away on their own. While there is no cure for HPV, there are options available to treat the symptoms.

For female patients, Dr. Singh may recommend additional tests or treatment, including:

1. Colposcopy: This test looks at your cervix to detect precancerous cells.

2. Cryotherapy: This treatment will freeze and remove precancerous cervical cancer cells.

3. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP): LEEP removes precancerous cells from a patient’s cervix through electrical currents.

Can HPV cause cancer?

HPV is not a form of cancer, but it can create certain changes in the body that may lead to cervical cancer, anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, or penile cancer. It’s important to have regular well-woman exams from Dr. Singh at HEALOR™ for noticeable changes that can lead to early detection. He proudly treats the LGBTQ+ community and offers STI/STD testing in Las Vegas, NV.

How Can Lesbian And Bisexual Women Prevent Cervical Cancer

If you want to lower your chances of getting HPV and HPV-related diseases, it’s best to get an HPV vaccine and to practice safe sex through the use of condoms. The HPV vaccine protects both men and women, and condoms will reduce your chance of getting STIs, including HPV. Condoms will not protect you 100% and can still infect the areas of the skin that aren’t covered.

What are some risk factors for getting HPV?

Dr. Singh has noticed some of his patients are more likely to contract HPV than others. Some risk factors for contracting HPV include:

Learn how to protect your sexual health

Again, there is no cure for HPV, but you do have options to keep yourself healthy. Be sure to schedule your regular well-woman exams with Dr. Raj Singh at HEALOR™ LGBTQ center in Las Vegas, NV on a consistent basis so you can manage your sexual health effectively. He works directly with the LGBTQ+ community and offers HPV vaccines, STI/STD testing, and HIV testing. To schedule an appointment to learn more about how you can prevent contracting HPV, call our team today.

best form of estradiol therapy for Feminizing hormone therapy

Questions about the best form of estradiol therapy for Feminizing hormone therapy?

Feminizing hormone therapy with Estrogen is a treatment that can be utilized to help alleviate the symptoms of gender dysphoria. Often it's combined with progesterone and testosterone blockers, which can help transition more smoothly.

For some people, feminizing hormone therapy is an important part of their journey to authenticity. The goal for this type of treatment would typically be inducing physical changes that match gender identity and expression- like developing breasts or less facial hair.

For example:

Reduction in facial hair, most individuals will notice a decreased need to shave. For best results, we recommend laser hair removal or electrolysis. Laser hair removal may be the perfect solution for some individuals to reduce their need or desire in shaving. Laser treatments work by targeting and destroying hairs with high-energy light, while electrolysis uses an electric current that causes pores on your skin to strip away cells creating space between follicles causing them to die off over time.

The process of redistribution, or storing fat into different areas can cause a woman's figure to develop. Estrogen is what causes this change in shape because it increases the storage and development of body fats throughout your entire system - including breasts as well as hips. Here is a detailed article to address the development of breasts with hormone therapy

Before treatment can be started we require:

Dose versus duration:

Some providers are using much higher doses of estradiol therapy in an attempt to accelerate feminization. There is no data supporting this practice, however. The duration of hormones is an important factor to consider when it comes to physical changes. Hormone therapy can take up to 2 years before you start seeing maximal results, and those who use them for a long enough period will notice that their voice may change over time. We discourage the use of high doses and supraphysiological levels of estrogen as this can lead to significant side effects such as a risk increase in blood clots, cancers, anxiety/depression, and heart disease.

Potential side effects of feminization therapy

Best form of estradiol therapy for Feminizing hormone therapy


This is the mainstay of Feminizing hormone therapy. Estradiol is a steroid sex hormone that is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands in biological females. Individuals who are overweight also tend to have a conversion of testosterone to estrogen in body fat by an enzyme called aromatase. Estrogen therapy also helps suppress the production of androgen such as testosterone.

Types of estrogen therapy

Other useful tips

Have more questions? Schedule a consultation with one of our licensed providers to get started.

When Can I Expect to See Results with Medical Weight Loss

Curious about when Can I Expect to See Results with Medical Weight Loss? Do you struggle to lose weight even when you’re eating a healthy diet and exercising? At HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh understands that losing weight with diet and exercise alone doesn’t always produce the results that his patients are looking for in Las Vegas, NV. He specializes in creating a medically supervised weight loss plan for his patients that helps them to lose weight, get rid of stubborn belly fat, and improve their overall health and wellness. During a consultation, he takes time to evaluate each patient and their current health to design a plan that will work best for their body.

What is medical weight loss?

At HEALOR™ weight loss center in las vegas, our board-certified physician, Dr. Singh, helps patients achieve the weight loss they want with nutritional supplements and nutritional counseling. Ultimately, it’s no secret that being overweight or obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. All of these things can lead to a shorter and less productive life. With the help of a medical weight loss plan in Las Vegas, NV, our patients can increase their lifespan.

Am I a candidate for medical weight loss in Las Vegas, NV?

Weight loss can be difficult for many reasons, regardless of your weight. Before we design a custom weight loss treatment plan for you, Dr. Singh must determine if you’re a candidate. Patients who aren’t eligible for medical weight loss treatment at HEALOR™:

What happens during a consultation?

To start medical weight loss treatment, you will first have a consultation with Dr. Singh. During this visit, he will ask you questions about your health, conduct any necessary lab testing, and perform a body composition analysis that calculates both your BMI and body fat percentage. Once you begin medical weight loss treatment, you will visit our office weekly. During these visits, we will give you necessary injections, including B12, BCAA, or carnitine. Some obesity management services we offer at our Las Vegas, NV office include:

  1. Behavior modifications: Diet and exercise suggestions are offered to help you reduce your caloric intake.
  2. Pre-packaged meal replacement plans: This helps you to transition to self-prepared meals that are both low-cal and low-fat, including OPTIFAST® and the Advanced Health System.
  3. Weight-loss medication: HCG medication helps reset your metabolism effectively when you start a medically supervised weight loss plan.

Results from medically supervised weight loss

Ultimately, the time it takes for you to notice weight loss results will vary. Factors such as your starting weight, your eating plan, your gender, and your medical history all can affect how you lose weight and how fast you do it. During a consultation, Dr. Singh can help his patients to have realistic expectations for their weight loss plan from the beginning.

Learn your options for medical weight loss

Losing weight under medical supervision with Dr. Raj Singh helps you to achieve the weight loss you’ve been working for. At HEALOR™ weight loss clinic las vegas, you learn how to change your lifestyle and lose weight healthily. We take care to create personalized medical weight loss treatment plans that work best for each patient’s medical history. To learn more about medical weight loss in Las Vegas, NV, schedule a consultation where you can learn how to begin improving your health today.

6 FAQ About Erectile Dysfunction

6 FAQ About Erectile Dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction causes problems with the normal sexual responses, which can interfere with a man feeling satisfied. As we age, our bodies are impacted in ways that can negatively affect our sexual experience. Ultimately, many men throughout Las Vegas, NV experience erectile dysfunction symptoms. At HEALOR™ , double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh specializes in sexual dysfunction treatment for both men and women. During a consultation, he can discuss erectile dysfunction symptoms, listen to your concerns, and offer treatments that can help treat your erectile dysfunction quickly.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to maintain an erection. Thankfully, at HEALOR™, it can be treated and managed properly. We work hard to help our patients improve their sexual health and quality of life. When you’re worried about ED or other sexual dysfunction issues, schedule an appointment to learn more about treatments available to you.

Erectile dysfunction causes

First, Dr. Singh tries hard to determine the cause behind your erectile dysfunction symptoms. This allows him to treat it the best. Some common causes of erectile dysfunction include:

Some medications, such as blood pressure medicine or antidepressants, can also affect how you sexually function. This is why it’s important to tell Dr. Singh all of the medications you’re taking during your initial visit to our Las Vegas, NV office.

Diagnosing erectile dysfunction

Diagnosing erectile dysfunction can occur without any testing and just a physical exam with Dr. Singh. When you have symptoms of erectile dysfunction in Las Vegas, NV, our doctor can pinpoint the cause of your ED so that he can resolve your dysfunction quickly. During your appointment, we will discuss your health and sexual history. From this information, he will recommend diagnostic tests that help him rule out different medical conditions that could be contributing to or causing erectile dysfunction.

6 FAQ About Erectile Dysfunction

At your visit, Dr. Singh can answer any questions you have about erectile dysfunction. Some of the most commonly asked questions include:

  1. What is the difference between erectile dysfunction and impotence? Most of the time, these terms are interchangeable. However, erectile dysfunction is usually used to describe a range of conditions – whether an occasional inability to maintain or sustain an erection or inability to maintain or get an erection. Impotence is the inability to have an erection completely.
  2. When is it important to visit a doctor when I’m experiencing potential symptoms of ED? It’s important to visit Dr. Singh whenever you’re experiencing changes with your sexual health, so he can determine the cause and treat it accordingly.
  3. Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging? No, it is not. While many older men require more stimulation to get an erection, they should still be able to.
  4. Can I prevent erectile dysfunction? You can reduce your chances of getting ED symptoms by reducing your risk factors for heart disease, maintaining a healthy diet, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, and keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels.
  5. How do you treat erectile dysfunction? Most erectile dysfunction is treated by determining the physical or psychological problem causing it. Some treatment options we offer at our Las Vegas, NV office include medication that helps improve sexual function; PRP therapy, which stimulates collagen in the penile tissue to improve blood flow; and shockwave therapy, which uses sound waves energy to help enhance flow.
  6. Does insurance cover this treatment? Ultimately, this depends on the treatment prescribed. If we can document a medical condition causing your symptoms, your insurance should cover at least a portion of it.

Learn more about erectile dysfunction treatment near me

At HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh specializes in treating erectile dysfunction symptoms in men throughout Las Vegas, NV. After a physical exam and a brief medical history discussion, he works hard to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. Next, he can determine which treatment will benefit you best. To learn more about erectile dysfunction treatments, call our office to schedule an appointment.

What Are Essential Vitamins

What Are Essential Vitamins. When it comes to vitamins, different ones play different roles in our bodies. Vitamins are organic compounds that you need in small amounts. Most vitamins need to come from food as our bodies either do not produce them or produce very little. Every person requires a different amount of each to remain healthy. At HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh can evaluate your vitamin and mineral levels from blood work taken at your annual exam. He works diligently to ensure his patients feel their best in Las Vegas, NV. This blood draw will detect current vitamin levels.

From these results, he can make professional recommendations on which vitamins and how much you should take to feel your best. He can help provide information on what vitamins give you energy, as when we age, our energy levels decline. Ultimately, vitamins and minerals help boost the immune system, support growth and development, and help your cells and organs do their jobs properly.

What are essential vitamins?

There are currently 13 different essential vitamins, which are important to our overall health, including:

  1. Vitamin A: This is fat-soluble and important for eye health. A deficiency can cause cloudy vision or night blindness. You can get this vitamin from carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, spinach, some cheeses, eggs, or milk.
  2. Vitamin B1: This water-soluble vitamin helps break down blood sugar. It can be found in potatoes, asparagus, brown rice, kale, pork, oranges, and eggs.
  3. Vitamin B2: Riboflavin is water-soluble and helps with the growth and development of cells. It’s also responsible for metabolizing foods. Good sources of Vitamin B2 are cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, fish, green beans, and bananas.
  4. Vitamin B3: Niacin helps the body’s cells to grow and work properly. Low levels of it can cause intestinal symptoms, including diarrhea. Find it in leafy vegetables, milk, eggs, lentils, tomatoes, tuna, salmon, beef, and chicken,
  5. Vitamin B5: This vitamin helps with energy levels and hormones. It can be found mostly in whole grains, meats, avocados, and yogurt.
  6. Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine is vital for red blood cell production. Low levels can lead to peripheral neuropathy or anemia. It can be found in bananas, nuts, squash, chickpeas, or beef liver.
  7. Vitamin B7: Biotin helps your body metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It also helps with skin, hair, and nail growth. Low levels of Vitamin B7 can lead to inflammation in the intestines and dermatitis. Find it in egg yolks, spinach, broccoli, cheese, and liver.
  8. Vitamin B9: Folic acid is essential for making RNA and DNA in the body. It’s especially important during pregnancy as it affects the fetus’ nervous system. Consume leafy vegetables, peas, fruit, fortified grains, or sunflower seeds for this water-soluble vitamin.
  9. Vitamin B12: B12 is important for a healthy nervous system. Low levels of it can lead to anemia or neurological problems. Find it in meat, shellfish, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and fortified cereals or soy products.
  10. Vitamin C: This vitamin is responsible for wound healing, the formation of strong bones, and collagen production. It also supports your immune system and how you absorb iron, and is an antioxidant, fighting against cancer cells. A Vitamin C deficiency can lead to poor wound healing, tooth loss, bleeding gums, and poor tissue growth. Cooking destroys vitamin C, so you must take it on its own for optimal benefits.
  11. Vitamin D: It’s a fat-soluble vitamin that helps with bone mineralization. You can consume mushrooms, fatty fish, eggs, or beef liver to gain some Vitamin D. However, most people cannot eat enough of it to get proper levels, so Dr. Singh can prescribe you Vitamin D supplements.
  12. Vitamin E: This vitamin is responsible for preventing oxidative stress, which can lead to inflammation throughout the body. Kiwis, eggs, almonds, nuts, leafy greens, and vegetable oils are all high in Vitamin E.
  13. Vitamin K: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, and low levels can lead to bleeding concerns. Pumpkins, figs, parsley, and leafy greens all contain Vitamin K.

When is it best to take vitamins?

At HEALOR™, Dr. Singh agrees that morning is best to take B vitamins and multivitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are best absorbed on an empty stomach. This means 30 minutes before eating. These vitamins dissolve in water, so your body can use them properly. Vitamin C, all B vitamins mentioned, and folic acid are considered water-soluble. During your visit to our Las Vegas, NV office, we can give you a schedule of when to take your vitamins daily.

What is a vitamin deficiency?

A vitamin deficiency occurs when you’re lacking a vitamin. When it’s caused by not enough intake, it’s called a primary deficiency, while an underlying disorder that causes it is known as a secondary deficiency.

Some common symptoms of vitamin deficiency anemia include:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Dizziness
  4. Pale skin
  5. Irregular heartbeat
  6. Weight loss
  7. Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet

Learn more about which vitamins are essential for optimal health

Most people don’t think that they need to take vitamins. However, at HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh is committed to ensuring all of his patients throughout Las Vegas, NV are taking essential vitamins for optimal health. He can evaluate your current levels and make suggestions on which ones to take and when. Many of our patients admit that they feel dramatically different after beginning to take them. To schedule an appointment to learn more about vitamins, call our office today.

Early Signs of Being A Diabetic

Curious about The Early Signs of Being A Diabetic. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when your glucose is too high. Glucose is what your body uses for energy. Your pancreas produces insulin that helps convert this glucose from the food you eat, turning it into energy. When you don’t produce enough insulin or your body doesn’t produce any at all, your glucose won’t reach your cells for energy. This is what leads to the development of diabetes in Las Vegas, NV. At HEALOR™ , Dr. Raj Singh can help treat patients with diabetes with medication and insulin treatment. If you’re experiencing signs of diabetes, you should schedule an appointment at our office as soon as possible.

What are the The Early Signs of Being A Diabetic?

The common symptoms of diabetes include:

When we can detect diabetes early at HEALOR Primary Care, it helps decrease the risk of developing diabetes complications.

Can symptoms appear suddenly?

For those with Type I diabetes, symptoms can occur suddenly, while type II diabetes patients may have gradual symptoms. For most of our patients, their symptoms occur after a viral illness. For some cases, a person may reach diabetic ketoacidosis before any diagnosis is made. This occurs when the blood glucose is dangerously high, and the body can’t get nutrients into its cells because of the absence of insulin. This causes the body to break down muscle and fat for energy, leading to the accumulation of ketones in the blood and urine. It’s important to contact Dr. Singh immediately if you’re experiencing these signs of diabetes.

Type I vs. Type II diabetes

When it comes to diabetes in children and diabetes in adults, the causes can vary. There are two types of diabetes, including:

  1. Type 1: This can occur at any age. Type I diabetes is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. This causes the body to break down carbohydrates that you eat into blood sugar for energy. With insulin therapy, patients in Las Vegas, NV can live a healthy life.
  2. Type II: With Type II diabetes, this means that your body isn’t using insulin properly. With healthy eating, exercise, and insulin, you can manage your diabetes well.

At HEALOR™, Dr. Singh can help patients with Type I and Type II diabetes manage their disease.

Early diabetes diagnosis

Recognizing the early signs of diabetes allows you to get an early diagnosis and treatment from Dr. Singh sooner. Getting treatment, making lifestyle changes, and controlling blood sugar levels help improve your health and quality of life in Las Vegas, NV. Without treatment, persistently high blood sugar levels can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, neuropathy, and sexual dysfunction. The longer that blood sugar levels remain uncontrolled, the higher your risk of developing health problems is.

Get screened for diabetes today

When you’re experiencing common diabetes symptoms, it’s important to schedule an appointment at HEALOR™ with Dr. Raj Singh. He helps his patients to determine if they have diabetes and to manage their disease. Getting diagnosed early is best for your health. To schedule an appointment at our Las Vegas, NV, office, call our team today.

10 best high fiber foods

Discover some of the best high fiber foods to enjoy a well-balanced diet. Maintaining optimal health requires that you include all essential components of a healthy diet, which includes fiber.

Fiber offers numerous health benefits, such as promoting digestive health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and supporting weight management. In this blog, we explore the ten best high-fiber foods that you can incorporate into your daily meals for a healthier lifestyle. Take a look.

1. Legumes (Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas)

Legumes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, protein, and various essential nutrients. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion and providing a feeling of fullness. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central, cooked lentils can contain about 7.9 grams of total dietary fiber, making one cup have approximately 15.6 grams, which is roughly half of a person’s total suggested dietary fiber intake.

2. Chia Seeds

Despite their small size, chia seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are an outstanding source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. A single ounce of chia seeds provides an impressive 9.75 grams of fiber, based on the USDA’s FoodData Central information. You can easily incorporate chia seeds into your diet by sprinkling them on yogurt, or oatmeal, or adding them to smoothies.

3. Whole Grains (Oats, Quinoa, and Brown Rice)

Whole grains are unrefined grains that retain their bran, germ, and endosperm, providing a wealth of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Oats, for instance, are particularly rich in soluble fiber, which aids in lowering cholesterol levels. One cup of cooked quinoa contains around 5.18 grams of fiber, while a cup of cooked, medium-grain brown rice offers approximately 3.51 grams of fiber.

4. Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries, and Blueberries)

In addition to being delicious, berries are also incredibly nutritious. They are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are particularly high in fiber compared to other fruits. One cup of raw raspberries contains eight grams of fiber, while the same serving size of raw blackberries provides 7.63 grams. Meanwhile, one cup of raw blueberries offers 3.55 grams of total dietary fiber. Add your favorite berry to your next meal or dessert!

5. Avocados

Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and fiber. One cup of cubed raw avocados contains about 10 grams of total dietary fiber, which you can get from all commercial varieties. You can enjoy these cubed avocados as a snack with a drizzle of condensed milk, simply as they are if you like the flavor, or add them to your favorite salad for an even more balanced diet.

6. Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Pistachios, and Flaxseeds)

Nuts and seeds are convenient and tasty snacks that are also rich sources of fiber. Almonds, pistachios, and flaxseeds, in particular, stand out for their fiber content. One 100-gram portion of almonds contains approximately 10.8 grams of fiber, while the same serving size of pistachios provides seven grams. Meanwhile, flaxseeds are exceptionally high in fiber. One cup of whole flaxseeds offers around 45.9 grams of fiber. You can add these nuts to your breakfast cereals.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Cauliflower)

Cruciferous vegetables are excellent fiber sources packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are some of the top choices for their fiber content. One cup of cooked broccoli contains around 5.14 grams of fiber, while the same serving size of Brussels sprouts provides approximately 4.06 grams of fiber. One cup of one-inch cauliflower pieces can contain around 2.86 grams of fiber.

8. Apples

The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true due to the fiber-rich nature of this fruit. Apples come in different varieties, including Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious. With the skins, 100 grams of each type offer approximately two grams of fiber. Granny Smith offers the most dietary fiber per 100 grams at about 2.5 grams of fiber.

9. Sweet Potatoes

One hundred grams of orange flesh sweet potatoes are delicious sources of dietary fiber. At 4.44 grams per serving, these vibrant root vegetables are perfect for balancing your diet without compromising on flavor.

10. Artichokes

Artichokes are a unique and flavorful vegetable that is rich in fiber. One medium-sized artichoke contains about 6.84 grams of fiber. Additionally, they offer other health benefits, such as supporting liver function.

Final Words: Boost Health and Wellness With the Best High-fiber Foods

Incorporating high-fiber foods into your daily diet can have a significant positive impact on your overall health. From legumes and chia seeds to berries and whole grains, these fiber-rich options can improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Embrace these delicious and nutritious foods for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Regular Health Screenings Are Important For LGBTQ

At HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh helps his patients in the LGBTQ community to treat chronic or acute medical conditions that affect their daily lives. Many people believe they don’t need regular physical exams, especially when they feel they are in good health. However, many people live with chronic diseases and don’t even know it. Preventive care helps our team to address a health problem before it worsens and affects other systems of your body. We work diligently to help our patients throughout Las Vegas, NV to keep their health intact.

What is a health screening?

A health screening is a series of tests that look for diseases before a patient has symptoms. Screening tests help Dr. Singh to find diseases early when they're much easier to treat. You can get these screenings at HEALOR™ . Some conditions that we screen patients for at our Las Vegas, NV office include:

Which tests you need will depend on your age, your gender, your family history, and if you have risk factors for certain diseases. LGBTQ health care is an important issue to Dr. Singh as he has helped countless patients in the community to resolve health problems they’re experiencing.

What do we do at a wellness check-up?

During an annual examination at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, we evaluate a patient’s health to detect health problems early on. During your wellness check-up, we:

LGBTQ health risks

The LGBTQ community is more at risk for sexually-transmitted diseases, cancers, cardiovascular disease, suicide, mood disorders, substance abuse, and depression. This is why it’s so important for the community to have regular health screenings with Dr. Singh at HEALOR™. He is fully committed to LGBTQ mental health and providing professional help to patients who need it most.

Importance of preventive care

When you visit HEALOR™ for a regular health screening, you are making a decision to be responsible for your health. Rather than just treating something after it has developed or progressed, preventive care focuses on preventing disease or medical conditions from developing at all. Dr. Singh can make preventive care suggestions to patients, depending on their medical and family history, health, gender, and age.

Schedule regular health screenings for optimal health

When you want to make sure that your health is at its best, schedule a regular health screening at HEALOR™. Dr. Raj Singh can evaluate your entire health to ensure that your body is functioning well. To learn more about this important visit to our Las Vegas, NV office, call us today.

medical weight loss

Just wanting to lose 10 lb quickly. Our medical weight loss program can help

Are you struggling to lose weight even when you are eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly? At HEALOR™, Dr. Raj Singh understands that losing weight with dieting and exercise doesn’t always produce the results that his patients are looking for. He can create a medically supervised weight loss plan in Las Vegas, NV for his patients that helps them lose weight and improve their overall health and wellness. He takes time to evaluate each of his patients to assess their current health and design a plan that will work best for their body.

What is medical weight loss?

At HEALOR™, our experienced board-certified physician, Dr. Singh, helps patients achieve the weight loss they want with a low-calorie diet, nutritional supplements, and nutritional counseling. Obesity can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. All of these things can significantly shorten your life. With the help of a medical weight loss plan in Las Vegas, NV our patients can live healthier and longer lives.

Am I a candidate for medical weight loss?

Weight loss can be difficult for many reasons, regardless of how big or small you are. This means that you can get medical weight loss help, even if you’re just ten pounds away from your goal weight.

Before we design a custom weight loss treatment plan for you, we must determine if you’re a candidate. Patients who aren’t eligible for medical weight loss treatment at HEALOR™:

What happens during a medical weight loss consultation?

To begin medical weight loss treatment near me, you will first have a consultation with Dr. Singh. During this visit, he will assess your health, conduct any necessary lab testing, learn about your medical history, and conduct a body composition analysis that determines your BMI and body fat percentage. Once you begin medical weight loss treatment, you must visit us weekly at our Las Vegas, NV office. During these visits, we will give you necessary injections, including BCAA, carnitine, or B12.

Our obesity management services include:

  1. Behavior modifications: This includes suggestions for diet and exercise that help to reduce caloric intake.
  2. Pre-packaged meal replacement plans: This helps patients transition to self-prepared meals that are low-cal and low-fat, including OPTIFAST® and Advanced Health System.
  3. Weight-loss medication: HCG medication and a low-calorie diet can reset your metabolism.

Improve your health with medical weight loss

Losing weight under medical supervision with Dr. Raj Singh can allow you to achieve the weight loss you’ve been striving for. At HEALOR™, we help our patients change their lifestyle and lose weight the healthy way. This has improved their health and, at the same time, increased their life expectancy. We create personalized medical weight loss treatment plans that work best for their medical history. To learn more about medical weight loss in Las Vegas, NV, schedule a consultation by calling our office to learn how you can begin improving your health with our weight loss management doctor today.

Primary Care Doctor

A journey that leads to good health starts with a primary care doctor. When you wonder what can I expect from my primary care doctor in Las Vegas, you can rely on our attentive and compassionate medical treatment for you and your family. Our skilled physicians diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions to help you achieve the quality of life that you deserve. Our focus on your long-term health may help you choose the best primary doctor in Las Vegas.

Knowing What You Can Expect from primary care doctor

When you visit our primary care and internal medicine clinic, you receive the best comprehensive primary care by our Board-Certified physicians. Our commitment to providing superior medical attention immediately and our dedication to preventive medicine over the long term inspire us to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.

On a visit to our clinic, you receive a thorough checkup that provides a basis for our treatment. We read x-rays and interpret the results of blood and urine tests. Our primary care doctors in Las Vegas screen for dangerous illnesses and help patients manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Meeting the Costs of Healthcare with Our Wellness Plans

Your health insurance plan probably requires a referral from a physician who provides primary care in case you need a specialist, and we provide the best primary care in Las Vegas. However, we go a step further with a welcome to patients who struggle with the costs of healthcare. We serve the community with pride as primary care doctors in Las Vegas that accept Medicaid.

Our wellness plans for uninsured patients can cost as little as $60 per month. You may use our onsite pharmacy to purchase non-controlled medications at our wholesale cost which includes no profit to us. We want you to sign up for wellness plans and use our wholesale pharmacy as a start on a journey to better health.

Getting Effective Primary Care at HEALOR

Our specialists offer a range of specific therapies that can help make your life easier. We provide exceptional health treatment in one location for your convenience, and you can get an appointment without a long wait to get the care that you need.

Balancing Hormones

Your body relies on hormones to control growth and support digestion, brain functions, sleep patterns and sexual activity. When changes in them occur, some symptoms may show up. We can prescribe bio-identical hormones (BHRT) for men and women who need to achieve a balance that makes the body function properly.

Age and other factors can reduce the natural production of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Our primary care clinic in Las Vegas clinic can treat symptoms that result from hormone imbalance.

• fatigue and lack of energy

• memory loss

• weight gain

• less muscle mass

• night sweats and hot flashes

• mood changes

• lost interest in sex

• foggy thinking

Anyone who suffers from symptoms of hormone imbalance can find relief from trusted bio-identical hormones and plant-based supplements and products that we may prescribe. Our concern for our patients’ well-being extends to improving the quality of life that a proper hormone balance helps provide.

Losing Weight with Medical Supervision

We understand that losing weight by dieting and exercise may not produce the results that you want or need. Our primary care doctors in Las Vegas can provide a program for your specific needs to help you lose weight and keep it off. We evaluate each patient for physical, emotional and mental influences to design a plan that works.

The benefit of losing weight under our medical supervision can make the difference between getting the success that you want or receiving disappointing results. With our guidance, you may achieve the weight loss that you wish through a program that includes a low-calorie diet, supplements or other recommendations. We know that obesity can lead to issues that include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Our practice incorporates the benefits of alternative medicine in Las Vegas that enhance traditional treatments. You can get a fresh start on losing weight with our personalized approach to your specific needs. We use FDA-approved medications such as phentermine, and naltrexone, and weight loss shots such as semaglutide.

Maintaining Male Sexual Health

We can work with you to resolve problems that affect your sex life. Whether your issues result from psychological or physical causes, we can assure you that most male sexual health problems respond to treatment. Many symptoms of psychological factors may include some that you want us to treat.

• anxiety

• depression

• guilt

• marital problems

• sexual trauma

• stress at work

• worry about sexual performance

Physical causes that can affect male sexual health may present symptoms that we can address to help you cope with them.

• alcoholism

• diabetes

• drug abuse

• heart and vascular disease

• hormonal imbalance

• kidney failure

• liver disease

• neurological disorders

As your primary care doctor in Las Vegas, we assure you that sexual dysfunction happens to more men than you may imagine. Only a third of them report it, but you may have the courage to seek the help that you need. Some antidepressants may cause the condition, but we can develop a plan to help you maintain male sexual health.

Eating disorders are difficult for anyone, but they affect transgender people differently and harshly. Trans people have a very high prevalence of eating disorders due to our intersecting mental health difficulties, and we deserve treatment all the same. Stick with me for a discussion about this important topic, and learn some ways to care for nutrition during transition.

A quick intro: Hi, I’m Summer and I’m HEALOR™ new blog writer. I hold a Master’s in Psychology, and I’m keenly interested in wellness, mental and physical. For my first piece, I’d like to explore an under-discussed topic that’s pretty close to my heart.

Eating Disorders in transgender minds

Eating disorders are an umbrella of experiences and diagnoses involving eating habits that are damaging to well-being. They appear in many thought patterns and behaviors and do not always correspond to high or low body weight. Many people who have eating disorders appear ‘healthy’ but experience serious emotional distress. Once the disorder progresses, it can weaken the immune system, worsen mental health, and permanently damage the vital organs.

Eating disorders are strongly related to self-esteem, social settings, and feelings of control. Many disordered behaviors involving food can be traced to a loss of control or an intense desire for control. These are often tied to cultural expectations of how a person ‘should’ look in their family or society.

While not all transgender people experience gender dysphoria, most of us do. Gender dysphoria often manifests as a negative feeling about our appearance. Gender dysphoria is also a massive contributor to depression and anxiety, which can disrupt our self-image and eating patterns. There are also emotional consequences to being transgender in the face of discrimination: we often have a punishing desire to be read as our gender (or ‘pass’) so that we can live peacefully. We’re also influenced by expectations of how cis and trans people ‘should’ look in media and society.

To recap: our self-esteem is often shaken and tied to a desire to change our bodies. We are at enormous risk of depression and anxiety. We live with high social pressure to change ourselves for the benefit of others. For these reasons, being transgender places us in a perfect storm of risk for eating disorders.

Can eating disorders affect trans people differently?

Short answer: yes!

Most research into eating disorders is done on cisgender people. It also prioritizes the young, cis women who make up the majority of diagnoses. This isn’t unreasonable, but the data has left trans people behind.

Eating disorders are very gendered, and trans people experience gendered expectations and roles differently to cis people. Cisgender American women are diagnosed more than twice as often as men for anorexia and bulimia nervosa but are by no means the only people affected.

Where trans people differ is that we experience eating disorders alongside the bodily dissatisfaction of gender dysphoria and other mental health challenges. This leads to higher rates of eating disorders among adolescent and young adult trans people. Our situation is made worse by the fact that treatment can be very trans-exclusionary.

Some of the ways these disorders can manifest in trans people are:

What can trans people do about this risk?

It’s important, to be honest, and willing to ask for help. Eating disorders thrive on dishonesty: they fill our minds with falsehoods about how we look, and how we ‘should’ look to be more valid human beings. They prey on our anxieties and trauma to warp our self-esteem. Mental distress like anxiety, depression, and eating disorders are insidious because they damage the ability to self-assess our well-being or make recovery decisions. Mental distress is punishing because it damages our agency.

If you see warning signs like a strong interest in modifying body weight or starting heavy, unsupervised exercise, it’s good to seek other opinions. Healthy weight loss is possible, but it is best done with medical supervision. If you're interested, read resources from advocacy groups to see if your feelings align with eating disorders. If you have a GP or therapist, consult them for an expert opinion.

Remember that eating disorders aren’t just about weight. They’re about emotional distress and control (or loss of control). Distressed thoughts and behaviors merely become a vehicle for the bodily changes. Managing weight without addressing the underlying thought patterns is often unsustainable. Recovering from harmful mental patterns can bring wholesome well-being, even if bodily health takes time to follow.

Reflect on your eating as part of your collective well-being. Disruptions in eating or sleep are one of the first signs that something is amiss and there’s a reason that doctors ask about them. Reflection is really important for dysphoric trans people impacted by dysphoria and other mental stressors. Ask yourself if you’ve been eating as much as you’d like to. Ask yourself if you’re comfortable with how much you eat. Ask yourself if other stressors in your life are challenging your self-esteem.

And lastly, remember the difference between healthy and unhealthy desires. Most trans people are familiar with the dreadful assertion that being transgender is something that needs to be 'treated'. Having gender dysphoria and an eating disorder can entrench this because the dysphoria and eating disorders often stem cast similar shadows. Both stem from profound disruptions in self-esteem and bodily satisfaction, and both come with a strong desire for changing oneself.

The reason that eating disorders should be countered and transition should be supported is a fundamental difference in outcomes. The natural outcome of letting a well-supported gender transition is a happier, more vibrant person. The natural outcome of an unmanaged eating disorder is physical and mental deterioration, with a high risk of death. The harms of transition are often attached to discrimination and healthcare denial. The harms of eating disorders are societal and psychological. Always remember that your gendered self is valid, with or without the challenges that accompany it.

But most importantly…

Seek help when the time is right. Once you feel ready to talk to a clinician about your eating habits, don’t hesitate to make the call. Like any form of mental distress, earlier is better for long-term care. Mental distress isn’t always treatable through medicine alone, and disordered eating is a star example of this. The best cases of recovery come from dedicated clinicians, social support (family and friends), and personal effort. Recovery isn't a slope of continuous progress, either. It's full if missteps, relapses and learning.

But from someone in recovery – it’s never too late to try.

Note: This article was reviewed by Dr. Raj Singh prior to publication.

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