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Six Types of Food to Eliminate From Your Diet for Healthier Eating Habits

Weight loss can seem daunting and difficult. But we’re here for you, so you don’t have to go it alone. We offer nutritional counseling to help you make the best, most sustainable dietary choices possible. So, get started today by contacting us at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV and scheduling a consultation with double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh.

How you can become a healthier, happier, slimmer version of yourself through nutritional counseling

By honing in on your likes, dislikes, and lifestyle factors, we’d love to show you that healthful eating can be something you’ll enjoy the rest of your life. And even though we understand it can be tough to change oft-practiced habits, we’d like to assure you that it will become a lot easier and more enjoyable once you get used to your new routine. And Dr. Singh bets you’ll be glad you made the switch – your body sure will be and will reward you in numerous ways. You’ll feel more energetic, you might notice a boost in mood, you’ll have an easier time performing at work or school, and you’ll see an increased sense of accomplishment and contentment throughout your day. One way to dramatically improve your culinary habits is to avoid the following types of food:

1) Faux healthy foods, like granola, energy bars, trail mixes, and so on. These foods are incredibly calorie-dense. Some of these “better for you” bars – like those made with honey or natural syrups instead of refined sugar – still have close to as many (or as many) calories per serving as a candy bar. Plus, whatever sweetening compound they use, it’s basically sugar. There’s nothing inherently wrong with sugar, but it’s added to foods in copious amounts and can really balloon the calories.

2) Sugary drinks, such as juices, sodas, and even smoothies made using only fruits, are not a great culinary choice for those seeking to slim down. Sure, they may contain vitamins, but they also have hundreds of calories, while their liquid form does nothing to stem your hunger. In contrast, the sweetness may make you likelier to crave a snack and then overeat.

3) Snack foods, like chips, popcorn, and pretzels, especially those eaten in front of the TV. Mindful eating is a great way to feel fuller and increase the enjoyment you get out of food. This helps you feel satisfied while eating healthier or while eating less of the things you enjoy without the urge to overconsume.

Therefore, snacking while watching TV, or doing other tasks, tends to pack on the calories while robbing you of that satisfaction. So, we suggest having your meals when you can truly pay attention to what you’re eating and draw the most satiety from the process.

4) Unhealthy breakfast fare, like cereals, pancakes, waffles, and sugary toastable treats. Starting the day with the correct food choices is a great way to set yourself up for a day of eating right. But these breakfast foods are specifically formulated to make you overconsume. By choosing foods higher in protein, fiber, and nutrients, and lower in sugar or unnecessarily added fats, you’ll feel better and achieve more dramatic results. All while improving your performance at work, school, or wherever else life takes you.

5) Fast foods, like pizza, burgers, sandwiches, etc. We know these choices are all delicious, but they’re full of hidden calories. Everyone knows these aren’t low-calorie foods, but they probably contain more than most people think – thanks to all the toppings, fillings, and sauces that are sneakily loaded with hidden fats and sugars.

6) Desserts. Laden with fats and sugars and devoid of more essential substances, like protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals, desserts generally sabotage our attempts to lose weight. Even small items, like candies, can be dietetically dangerous, as it’s easy to think we’ll have just one – but one can quickly turn into ten.

Get in touch with us today so we can help you become a healthier, happier version of yourself in Las Vegas, NV!

Reach out to us today at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV. Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh will show you how nutritional counseling can help you reach a healthier weight and enjoy a long-lasting, life-changing sense of well-being.

Treatment Options For Alcohol Addiction

Addictions have always affected our society, though the stressors of the last few years may have triggered more cases of addiction than ever before. Without a doubt, one of the most prevalent types of addiction is alcohol dependency. Unfortunately, thousands – if not millions – of men and women each year suffer the devastating consequences of alcohol addiction, which can include losing a job, destroying a relationship, being diagnosed with cancer, and even dying.

At HEALOR™ addiction treatment center in Las Vegas, NV, board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and our caring team of providers understand the complex and sensitive nature of alcohol addiction and are dedicated to helping patients restore their physical and emotional health with a comprehensive range of addiction treatments and therapies. Read on to learn more about your options for alcohol addiction treatment, and find out why it’s critical to get help now.

How do I know if someone is an alcoholic?

In many cases, simply asking whether you are drinking too much is the first sign that you may be drinking too much. Likewise, noticing a consistent pattern of drinking in a friend or loved one may be cause for concern. Some of the most common signs of alcoholism include:

What should I do if I am addicted to alcohol?

Recognizing that you or a loved one has an alcohol problem is a critical step. While many men and women attempt to control their alcohol addiction on their own, the vast majority fail or relapse. Without question, professional treatment for alcohol dependency is one of the most effective ways to beat your alcohol addiction. At HEALOR™ addiction treatment center in Las Vegas, our experienced team of addiction experts understands that treating alcohol addiction involves addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the disease. With that in mind, our comprehensive addiction treatment plans are custom-tailored to meet the needs of each patient as an individual and may include:

During your initial consultation for alcohol addiction treatment in Las Vegas, one of our compassionate providers will take ample time to evaluate your physical and mental health, assess the severity of your addiction, discuss your options at length, and recommend a personalized treatment plan that best meets your needs.

How long does alcohol addiction treatment last?

Treating alcohol addiction is an extremely individualized process and varies greatly from patient to patient. There are many factors that will affect the length of an alcohol addiction treatment program, including the causes of the patient’s addictions, the severity of their addiction, how long they have been addicted to alcohol, and many others. It is also important to remember that for many patients, alcoholism recovery is a lifelong journey. At HEALOR™ addiction treatment center in Las Vegas, our award-winning team is committed to providing ongoing support to help you succeed at winning the battle against addiction.

Kick addiction to the curb and take back control of your life with alcohol recovery treatment in Las Vegas, NV

Being addicted to alcohol can have disastrous consequences and has already taken the lives of millions of people across the world. Like many other diseases, alcoholism is often something that is untreatable without professional intervention. To get help for your alcohol addiction and finally enjoy all that life has to offer once again, call HEALOR™ addiction treatment center in Las Vegas to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and our acclaimed team of addiction experts today.

How Can A Women's Sexual Health Change During Menopause

Discover How Can A Women's Sexual Health Change During Menopause. Menopause is a new stage in your life, and it comes with new benefits and challenges. While it offers no more menstrual periods and maybe even a new fresh outlook on life, you may also experience some struggles – one of which is unwanted changes to your sexual health. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV are experienced in addressing concerns about female sexual health. By identifying what the problem is, what might be causing it, and how to treat it, you can get back to enjoying your life – and sexual health – during menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the time in your life that occurs 12 months after your last period. Leading up to that point, you might experience anything from hot flashes to changes in your monthly cycles. This stage usually lasts about seven years, but it can last as long as 14 years.

Menopause is a completely normal biological process, and each woman experiences menopause differently. This is because your body’s production of estrogen and progesterone – both hormones made by the ovaries – are unique to you.

Unfortunately, menopause can come with a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, such as mood changes, weight gain, sleep problems, and sexual health concerns.

How can menopause impact sexual health?

During and after menopause, the drop in estrogen in your body causes many changes – some of which are welcome changes, some of which are less appealing. One change you might experience is with your sexuality.

To start, lower levels of estrogen can lead to a drop in blood supply to the vagina. As a result, you may experience vaginal dryness and painful sex. You may also experience a tightening of the vaginal opening, burning, and itching – all of which are related to the hormonal changes going on in your body.

Menopause can also impact other factors related to sexual health, such as:

Finally, some medications that are taken for menopause can impact your sexual health, as well.

What treatment options are available for female sexual health?

Your sexual health is an integral part of your relationships and who you are as a woman. While sexual health changes are very common for women going through menopause, you don’t have to live with these symptoms.

Dr. Singh helps ease menopause symptoms in patients to not only improve their sexual health but their overall quality of life, as well. At your appointment in Las Vegas, NV, we’ll discuss your individual situation, including what sexual health symptoms you are experiencing and for how long. Treatment options can range from medication to sexual health tips (such as using lubricant) to other options to alleviate your sexual health concerns.

Our compassionate and understanding approach helps you feel comfortable and honest discussing your sexual health – all while knowing you’re in the hands of experts at HEALOR™.

Contact us today to improve your sexual health during menopause

No woman should be unsatisfied with their sexual health, including during menopause. Instead of thinking that these changes are inevitable, take your sexual health into your hands with the help of board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with one of our highly skilled doctors to ease your menopause symptoms and embrace your sexual health once again..

How Quickly Can a Nicotine Addiction Develop

Discover How Quickly Can a Nicotine Addiction Develop, the timeline of nicotine addiction and learn how quickly it can take hold. Find out the risks and effects to make informed choices. It doesn’t take long for the body to become addicted to nicotine after exposure to smoking. The brain’s intense response to nicotine makes it difficult for many people to stop smoking after they start. Nicotine addiction can happen even after a few days of smoking, which will lead to health problems in the future.

Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the expert team at HEALOR™ addiction center in Las Vegas, NV can assist you in recovering from nicotine addiction. We want to provide help for you as soon as possible, as the risk of nicotine addiction can be dramatic. The fact that your body can become addicted to nicotine very fast and without effort can also be a concern.

How does nicotine impact the body?

One main reason why a nicotine addiction can develop so fast involves how it functions in the body. Nicotine from smoking can enter your bloodstream through your lungs. The chemical produces positive feelings and distracts you from harm, thus making your body want to consume more.

Nicotine can reach the brain in a few seconds after exposure. The effects will wear off in a couple of minutes, at which point the person will become irritated. The effects can worsen if the person has been using nicotine more often and is more used to the sensations that come with the compound.

Nicotine also triggers the production of dopamine in the brain. The chemical produces positive feelings and encourages the person to keep on smoking. Sometimes, it could also provide a slight bit of energy to the body by increasing one’s heart rate and blood pressure.

Since nicotine produces positive sensations and feelings in the body, a smoker will become overly dependent on the chemical as time moves on.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

Dr. Singh and the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV recognize that nicotine addiction can be intense. The brain may develop a psychological dependence on nicotine. After noticing how nicotine can produce positive feelings in the brain, many want to keep consuming nicotine to activate those reward centers, despite the negative physical effects one might experience when smoking so often.

The social aspect of smoking is another concern. Many people enjoy smoking with others, prompting some to want to keep on smoking because of those connections that have been made. The mental and emotional relationships that come with smoking are often too difficult to overcome, especially when someone is a heavy smoker.

Contact us today for help with smoking cessation

A smoking addiction doesn’t take long to develop, but it is possible to quit. We provide a thorough approach to addiction treatment in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Raj Singh and the rest of the experts at HEALOR™ want to be there for your care needs. You can schedule an appointment for services with us today to help you overcome your troubling addiction.

Is Nutritional Counseling Needed During Medical Weight Loss

Is Nutritional Counseling Needed During Medical Weight Loss? A medical weight loss program is necessary for people dealing with significant weight gain issues. Medical weight loss offers long-term solutions to help people who have health issues that make it difficult to lose weight, such as diabetes or hypertension, and for people who can’t control their weight through diet and exercise.

Nutritional counseling can help patients learn how to maintain their weight with a balanced diet. Board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the experts at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV can provide all the information you’ll need to make lifestyle changes that will help control your weight for many years to come.

What happens during the initial consultation?

The medical weight loss program starts with a consultation that helps identify your specific needs for losing weight. You will provide details on your medical history and discuss your weight loss goals and any concerns you may have. Details on your physical activity level and any stresses you might experience in life will also be evaluated. We’ll also check your blood work to review your blood sugar and other concerns.

A nutritional plan designed just for you

The nutritional counseling plans you’ll follow will vary surrounding your health needs. The professionals at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV will find the right solution to get you to your targeted weight. Our comprehensive evaluation will find any nutritional deficiencies you may have and design a customized plan of different nutrients or various foods that will work for your body and not against it. You’ll also learn the many lifestyle changes you can make to help ensure successful and long-lasting weight loss.

Prevent problems from becoming worse

Part of the work also includes preventing bad habits and unhealthy behaviors that can lead down a path of unwanted weight gain. Dr. Singh can review your behaviors surrounding how you eat and activity levels and advise you on how to adjust to a healthier lifestyle. You’ll receive guidance in how to avoid eating at the wrong times or support in avoiding certain dietary concerns. Whatever the case, you will receive the help you deserve when you look at how you’re eating and what you are doing to stay under control.

Contact us today for more information on medical weight loss

It can be overwhelming to fully grasp what you should be doing for your weight loss needs, especially if you have never tried it before. The experts at HEALOR™ are here to relieve your fears so you can begin down a path of healthy living. Your weight loss efforts will be easier to manage when you have the support of a team that respects and understands your needs.

If you feel medical weight loss is needed to get your weight under control, contact us at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV today to get the right treatment plan for you. Dr. Raj Singh can provide a full nutritional counseling program as part of your medical weight loss plan, as well as any details on how we can serve you and what you can expect from the process.

Can Diabetes Cause Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women

Can Diabetes Cause Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women? Diabetes is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the United States, affecting tens of millions of Americans. While people are generally aware of some of the long-term health effects of the disease, a lesser-known issue for those who have diabetes is sexual dysfunction. Preventing diabetes or managing it if you already have it can help prevent complications, including sexual dysfunction. So, Las Vegas, NV area residents who have the disease or are at a higher risk should consult with double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh MD and the HEALOR™ team.

What is diabetes?

In a person with diabetes, their body fails to produce sufficient amounts of the hormone insulin or uses the insulin it does produce inefficiently. Without effective insulin production, the glucose our bodies create from the food we eat remains in the blood. Diabetes consists of two main types, Type 1 and Type 2, but over time, both types can cause organ damage that results in death. For Las Vegas, NV residents, Dr. Singh and the team at HEALOR™ will use blood tests to diagnose diabetes.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes are mostly consistent across both types of the disease, including frequent urination, increased thirst, unintended weight loss, fatigue, extreme hunger, mood changes, irritability, and blurry vision. One symptom of Type 2 that’s not usually present in Type 1 is tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet.

What are the long-term complications of diabetes?

In many cases, diabetes can be successfully managed, though there is no cure for diabetes. The long-term health implications of diabetes affect nearly every system of the body, and it can increase your risk of death from stroke, heart disease, or organ damage.

Here is a look at some of the most common complications from diabetes:

Can diabetes cause sexual dysfunction in men and women?

Yes, in fact, sexual dysfunction is common in men and women with diabetes. Studies have estimated that as many as 75% of men with diabetes will have erectile dysfunction (ED) during their lives, and men who have diabetes develop age-related ED 10 – 15 years earlier than men who don’t have diabetes.

One reason why men with diabetes have higher rates of ED is that the disease can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, which can affect those required to achieve and maintain an erection.

Sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes is as common as men with the disease, with similar percentages of women who have diabetes reporting some degree of sexual dysfunction. The most common are lack of vaginal lubrication, decreased sexual desire, and orgasmic dysfunction. As with men, it’s suspected that diabetes-related decreased blood flow and nerve damage contribute to sexual dysfunction for women with diabetes.

Consult with our team of experts today

Diabetes does not have to be a death sentence, and that extends to your sex life. Dr. Raj Singh and the team at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV can help you manage your diabetes and avoid complications like sexual dysfunction. Schedule a consultation with our team today to prevent diabetes from destroying this important part of your life.

What Foods Should You Eat During A Medical Weight Loss Plan

Weight loss is different for everyone, and it can be extremely hard to lose and keep the weight off. Discover what foods should you eat during a medical weight loss plan. With medical weight loss, it may now be possible for you to lose the extra weight and improve your health. Dr. Raj Singh, a double board-certified physician, can help you practice good habits and give you the tools to lose the stubborn fat you are carrying around. Schedule a consultation at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV to learn more about how we can help you reach your weight loss goals today.

What is medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is a plan that is designed and closely monitored by a medical professional. These plans can include a low-calorie diet, supplements, exercise, hormone therapy, counseling, and medications. Each plan is unique to fit your needs. Obesity can cause many negative issues, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol. These can have a damaging effect on your health, and they can even shorten your lifespan if not addressed properly. To help manage obesity, we offer behavior modifications, like nutritional counseling, weight-loss medication, and a low-calorie diet.

What to expect with medical weight loss

Our medical weight loss programs are hand-designed by Dr. Singh to fit your lifestyle, personal goals, and medical needs. Your plan will most likely consist of a low-calorie diet, including:

We may provide premade meals to help you transition into cooking meals at home. Eating a healthy diet is an important part of your weight loss journey. Once you start your medical weight loss with HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, you will be asked to attend checkups weekly.

How does medical weight loss work?

Weight loss programs offered at HEALOR™ are targeted to your specific needs to help maximize your success. No two treatment plans are exactly the same because no two patients are the same. Before you can start on a medical weight loss program, you must attend a consultation with Dr. Singh. During this assessment, there will be a thorough exam of your health, including:

During your weekly checkups, we will run a body composition test to make sure you're losing fat weight and not muscle. You may also receive any injections you may need, like MIC, B12, BCAA, carnitine, and triamino. Our office offers multiple advanced methods of medical weight loss, like hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) treatments, nutritional counseling, and weight loss medications. These treatments can be used together to reduce your appetite and change your lifestyle and diet for the better. They may also boost your metabolism. When done correctly, medical weight loss may be able to help you dramatically lose weight and keep it off.

Change your health for the better with medical weight loss

During medical weight loss treatment, you are not limited to one food or food group. Instead, we use a low-calorie diet mixed with nutritional counseling and weight loss medications to help you achieve the weight you have always wanted. Dr. Raj Singh can help you choose the best weight loss program for you during a consultation. Contact HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV for a full consultation to find out how medical weight loss can help you improve your health today.

Reasons Why Celery Should Be a Staple in Your Diet

Discover the incredible health benefits of celery and 10 Reasons Why Celery Should Be a Staple in Your Diet. Boost your diet with this nutritious superfood.Many of us are familiar with celery as the last remaining vegetable on the crudités platter after the cherry tomatoes, carrots, and red peppers have all been eaten, or as the crunch in a cold-weather soup that boosts the immune system.

Still, you might be surprised to learn that crisp, crunchy celery has a lot of advantages for your health. If you’re not already eating celery as a staple in your diet, here are ten good reasons to start.

10 Reasons Why Celery Should Be a Staple in Your Diet

1. It’s Highly Nutritious

Celery has a reputation for being a healthy, nutrient-rich, low-calorie snack. There are 1.8 g of fiber in a single serving (110 g) of this crunchy vegetable. It contains a wide array of minerals and vitamins and has only 15 calories. A serving of celery contains the following key nutrients:

The chemical apiuman found in celery has been shown to strengthen the stomach lining, decreasing the likelihood of developing stomach ulcers and modulating stomach secretions. This is in addition to the water and fiber content that celery is already known for. When combined, the components in this healthy veggie promote regular bowel movements and a strong digestive system.

3. Helps Manage Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major health problem in the United States, affecting one in three people. It is a leading cause of stroke, heart failure, cardiovascular disease, and renal disease. A diuretic chemical found in celery called 3-n-butyl phthalide (NBP) has been shown to reduce blood pressure by 12-14% in animal studies. The smooth muscles that line the blood arteries may be relieved of their tension and therefore benefit. This study was conducted on animals, but extrapolating the results to people would require eating about four stalks of celery.

4. Prevents Cancer

The high antioxidant content of celery helps in the elimination of cancer-causing free radicals in the body’s cells. Both apigenin and luteolin, found in celery extract, have shown promise as anticancer agents. Apigenin neutralizes free radicals and has been shown to hasten the death of cancer cells. To further aid in disease prevention, it appears to promote autophagy, the body’s process for eliminating defective cells or components. On the other hand, animal studies revealed that supplementing with luteolin halted tumor growth and reduced tumor rates by about half.

5. Supports Weight Loss

Including celery in your meals is a good idea if you want to lose weight or keep it under control. It’s low in calories yet still manages to keep you full thanks to its high water and fiber content and crunchy texture. While it’s true that celery has few calories, the idea that it’s a “negative calorie meal” is more myth than reality. Despite popular belief, you won’t expend more calories eating celery than it provides.

6. Control Your Glucose Levels

Diabetes affects around 9.4% of the American population and has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, and vision loss. Celery is useful for treating this condition. In one study, pre- and post-meal glucose levels were shown to be lowered by 9.8 and 19.5%, respectively, in patients with prediabetes who took a celery leaf extract 30 minutes before each meal for 12 days.

7. Lessen Inflammation Due To Long-term Illness

Extracts from celery seeds have been used and studied for years due to their anti-inflammatory effects. There’s evidence that celery seed extract can alleviate the pain and inflammation of arthritis just as effectively as conventional medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. Additionally, it may alleviate pain and protect the stomach from the corrosive effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

8. Benefits Heart Health

Celery is mostly water, but it still packs a nutritional punch because of its abundance of vitamins and minerals like calcium and potassium. It also has vitamin K and folate, two nutrients vital to healthy blood production and clotting. A lower risk of cardiovascular disease has been linked to diets rich in fibrous vegetables like celery.

9. Boosts Memory

In a 2017 study on animals, celery extract was found to mitigate the effects of aging and depression on memory and learning. Similarly, people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease showed improvement in a study testing the neuroprotective effects of celery extract.

10. Improves Sperm Quality and Quantity

According to research, celery may help prevent the effects of a chemical that can reduce sperm count. An extract from celery has been shown to increase sperm count and boost sexual function. Its antioxidant qualities may play a role, as free radicals can have a negative influence on fertility.

The Bottom Line

Many of us can benefit from eating more veggies like celery, and we can do so in a variety of ways. In and of itself, celery is a highly nutritious food that has almost no negative health effects. You should strongly consider making it a permanent fixture in your diet because of how versatile it is.

Fasting Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

Are you feeling listless or has your physical health been declining lately? Discover How Fasting Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health. Learn tips for successful fasting and lead a healthier life.In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, we can easily forget to give ourselves regular breaks in order to get back on track. Taking proper time off is essential for recharging both mentally and physically.

One underutilized but efficient way to do this is fasting — abstaining from eating and consuming water for a certain period.

Fasting may initially seem intimidating. However, it’s scientifically proven to improve physical and mental health when appropriately performed over an extended duration. This article will discuss the various physical and psychological health benefits of fasting.

What Is Fasting?

Fasting is a practice that has been in existence for centuries in many cultures and religions. It involves abstaining from food and drinks for a certain period, usually for spiritual or health reasons. During the fasting period, our metabolism shifts and can cause various health benefits like weight loss, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cognitive capabilities.

This can be carried out in distinct methods including alternate fasting day methodologies, periodic fasts as well as intermittent fasts where short periods of abstention from food are succeeded by longer durations of regular nourishment.

Although fasting may not suit everyone, it is a proven method for improving physical and mental health.

5 Physical and Mental Benefits of Fasting

Extensive research has uncovered that fasting can play a significant role in promoting physical and mental well-being. Here are five health benefits of fasting.

1. Enhances and Aids Weight Loss

Struggling with excess weight has become increasingly common in modern societies, thanks to the many unhealthy, high-calorie foods available. For those seeking an efficient way to manage their weight, intermittent fasting is a promising option.

This dietary approach encourages the body to utilize stored fat for energy by reducing food intake and entering into fasting states regularly. This enhances and aids weight loss and helps the individual reach their desired physique.

Studies have demonstrated that whole-day fasting can be an effective weight loss tool. One study reported a reduction in body weight to as much as 9% and a marked decrease in body fat over 12 to 24 weeks.

Another report showed intermittent fasting is more effective than calorie restriction for weight loss. With these studies in mind, fasting appears to be a viable and beneficial weight management strategy.

2. Improves Brain Function

While fasting has numerous physical health benefits, its effects on mental health are less known. Studies have indicated that it may benefit cognitive function and protect the brain from disease.

An eleven-month experiment with mice revealed that intermittent fasting could significantly enhance brain functioning and structure. Another animal study also showed how going without food for some time can protect the brain, encouraging nerve cell growth to promote cognitive ability.

Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, may also be slowed down or prevented by intermittent fasting. Since inflammation is a significant cause of these conditions, reducing inflammation through fasting may help protect the brain from damage.

3. Controls Blood Sugar

For people with diabetes, carefully controlling their blood sugar levels is essential. Fasting can benefit those with diabetes as it helps regulate insulin sensitivity and lowers glucose levels.

A study of 10 people with type 2 diabetes indicated that temporary intermittent fasting significantly decreased their blood sugar levels. Research has also stated that alternate-day and intermittent fasting are equally as successful in reducing insulin resistance, just like limiting calorie intake.

And while more research is needed, intermittent fasting may be a beneficial approach to managing diabetes.

4. Promotes Heart Health

Making sure your heart is healthy should be a top priority. Fasting could potentially be beneficial to overall heart health. Studies have suggested that incorporating periods where one does not eat can help foster healthier cardiovascular responses over the long term. This can lead to improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol levels and bolster different biological aspects of the body.

Fascinating research also suggests that alternate-day fasting can significantly decrease total cholesterol levels. It can also decrease blood pressure, lower triglyceride levels, and reduce bad cholesterol.

As such, fasting may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other related conditions that are common in today’s society.

5. Lowers Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Stress, anxiety, and depression can all have a negative effect on us if left unresolved. It can compromise our well-being and interfere with our daily activities.

Fortunately, fasting has the potential to aid with specific mental health issues. Studies have revealed that fasting during Ramadan correlates with decreased stress levels, anxiety, and depression symptoms.

More research is needed, but the evidence points to fasting improving mental health. This could be due to decreased inflammation and increased levels of hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine produced during fasts.

Tips to Get Started With Fasting

If you’re interested in trying intermittent fasting, it is essential to consult your doctor first and follow the tips below:

Keeping all of these advantages in mind, you can start implementing intermittent fasting into your lifestyle without worry and maximize its potential benefits.

Final Thoughts

Fasting is a great way to take care of yourself physically and mentally. It’s such a powerful tool that it can help alleviate stress, improve your overall health, boost energy, and even help you shed those extra pounds.

Not only that, but it also has the power to slow down the aging process and increase your mental clarity. Despite its difficulty at first, fasting is worth it when done correctly and for an appropriate duration of time.

Try incorporating fasting into your lifestyle. You’ll likely feel amazing in the long run. Enjoy the process, and don’t forget to consult with a physician before starting.

combat gout

Living with gout can be challenging and uncomfortable, affecting many aspects of your life.Discover the diets to combat gout and reclaim your quality of life. Take control of your health and manage gout effectively. Studies have shown that dietary choices influence an individual’s risk of developing or exacerbating gout symptoms. While making the right nutritional decisions can be difficult, avoiding certain diets and managing this condition to regain quality of life is essential.

In this blog post, we will discuss why certain foods are especially problematic for people with gout and guide you through helpful diet choices.

What Is Gout?

Gout is one of the most common types of arthritis experienced today. It develops as a result of a condition called hyperuricemia, where uric acid crystals are abnormally accumulated in the joints. When this occurs, the crystal deposits inflame and irritate the joint tissues, resulting in pain and mobility difficulties.

In normal circumstances, uric acid is recycled through natural bodily processes. However, when levels become too high, excess uric acid crystals build up and form sharply shaped particles that cause intense discomfort.

Symptoms of gout include:

Your doctor should be able to diagnose gout based on physical examination and lab tests.

Diets To Avoid if You Have Gout

If you or your general practitioner have determined you have gout, the first step to managing and reducing pain is knowing which foods to avoid.

High Purine Foods

Purines are a type of organic compound found in many high-protein foods. Overeating food containing purines can raise uric acid levels, increasing the likelihood of developing gout.

While plant-based foods containing purines are generally considered safe, animal-based protein sources should be limited or avoided. These include organ meats (such as liver and kidneys), seafood, red meat, and poultry. A study showed that individuals who consumed these foods might be at a higher risk of developing gout.


Research has found that a diet high in fructose can contribute to increased uric acid levels and lead to gout flare-ups.

It is important to limit your consumption of products such as soft drinks, sweetened juices, and processed snacks. Since these foods are often high in sugar and low in essential vitamins and minerals, replacing them with healthier alternatives is a great way to decrease your risk of gout flare-ups.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates include white bread, pastries, cakes, chips, pretzels, and other processed grains. These foods have been stripped of their fiber, vitamins, and minerals, leaving just the empty calories.

Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (GI) can quickly raise blood sugar levels, which is correlated with a higher risk of gout. Further, eating too much of these foods can lead to weight gain and obesity, another risk factor for developing or exacerbating gout symptoms.

Examples of carbohydrates with a high GI include:

Other carbohydrates have a low GI, such as whole grains and certain fruits and vegetables. These foods are better for long-term health; try including them in your diet if you have gout.


Alcohol consumption should be done in moderation, as overindulging can increase the likelihood of gout flare-ups. Uric acid is formed when a part of alcohol, known as purines, is broken down in the body. When there is too much uric acid buildup over time, this can cause the condition hyperuricemia and increase your chances of developing gout symptoms.

Individuals who have a history of gout should be especially careful when drinking alcohol, as this can further aggravate the condition.

Foods To Eat if You Have Gout

Fortunately, some foods can help in managing symptoms of gout. These include:

Closing Thoughts

Everyone is affected differently by gout, and everyone’s dietary limitations can vary. While it may take some time to find what works best for you, avoiding high-purine foods, foods with excess fructose, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol should help you manage your symptoms better by reducing flare-ups.

It’s also important to have a comprehensive plan that involves diet modifications as well as prescription treatments if necessary. If you are seeking gout treatment in Las Vegas, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our team can help you customize a treatment plan that can help reduce your gout symptoms and assist you in achieving an overall healthier lifestyle.

Foods in the Fridge That Lead to Weight Gain

Find out which foods Foods in the Fridge That Lead to Weight Gain. Learn how to make healthier choices for a fitter you. Do you find it challenging to make healthy food choices with the foods in your fridge? If so, you’re not alone. With busy schedules and convenient food options, maintaining a healthy diet can be a challenge for many individuals.

The foods in your fridge can significantly impact your weight and overall health. While some foods may seem healthy, they may contain hidden calories and sugars that contribute to weight gain. On the other hand, making conscious choices about the foods you consume can lead to a healthier lifestyle and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

The desire for better health is universal; everyone wants to feel their best. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of certain foods on weight and provide tips for organizing your fridge for healthier food options. Let’s get started on the path to a healthier you.

Foods To Avoid

You must be mindful of what you’re eating to maintain a healthy weight. Here are some types of foods that should be avoided to prevent weight gain:

Foods To Eat

Incorporating healthy foods into your diet is important for maintaining a healthy weight. Here are some types of foods that can promote weight loss:

By avoiding unhealthy foods and incorporating healthy foods into your diet, you can maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of developing health problems.

Tips for a Healthy Fridge

Maintaining a healthy fridge is essential to promoting a healthy diet and weight management. To start, organizing your fridge for healthy eating is key. Place healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins at eye level and keep unhealthy foods out of sight

This makes you more likely to choose healthy options when reaching for a snack. Additionally, consider grouping similar foods and labeling containers to make it easier to find what you need quickly.

Another helpful tip is meal prepping. Preparing healthy meals in advance and storing them in your fridge can make it easier to eat healthily throughout the week. You can also pre-cut fruits and vegetables to make snacking easier and more convenient.

When stocking your fridge, avoid buying unhealthy foods. If unhealthy foods like chips and candy are not in the house, it can be easier to avoid consuming them. Instead, choose healthy options like fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

In addition to these tips, labeling and portion control can help you maintain a healthy fridge. Consider portioning snacks like nuts or sliced fruits and vegetables in individual containers to grab when you’re in a hurry.

Prioritizing Healthy Eating Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle

It’s important to prioritize healthy eating habits to maintain a healthy weight and promote overall wellness. By making mindful choices about the foods you consume and organizing your fridge to support healthier options, you can take positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

For additional guidance and support, we recommend visiting a weight loss clinic in Las Vegas, where you can receive professional advice and support to help you achieve your health goals.

Health Over 60

Maintaining good health over 60 is vital. As our bodies undergo natural changes, our well-being increasingly becomes a top priority. In this post, we’ll explore some valuable tips for staying healthy as we reach the age of 60 and beyond. Consider these tips to maintain optimal health.

Tips for Staying Healthy Over 60

Here are three essential guidelines we must be mindful of as we age:

  1. Stay active: Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining strength, flexibility, and overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening exercises two or more days a week. Also, consider picking up a hobby, like photography, to maintain mental health.
  2. Maintain a balanced diet: Eating a well-rounded diet is essential at any age, but it becomes even more critical as we get older. Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and saturated fats. It’s also important to stay hydrated and reduce salt intake.
  3. Prioritize preventive care: Regular check-ups and screenings are essential for maintaining optimal health. Schedule routine appointments with your healthcare provider for preventive screenings such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and cancer screenings. Early detection of any potential issues can greatly improve treatment outcomes.

Some important vitamins that our aging bodies need include:

Effects of Aging on Bones and Muscles

As we age, our bones tend to become more brittle and prone to fractures. It’s crucial to engage in weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or dancing, to strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Meanwhile, aging can also lead to a gradual loss of muscle mass and strength, known as sarcopenia. Regular resistance exercises — such as lifting weights or using resistance bands — can help maintain muscle mass. Adequate protein intake is also important for muscle health.

Final Words

As we enter our 60s and beyond, prioritizing our health becomes paramount. By following these tips, we can enhance our well-being and enjoy an active and fulfilling life. Remember, always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific needs.

Weight Loss Tips for Ages 50 and Up

Weight Loss Tips for Ages 50 and Up. Starting out on a weight-loss journey after 50 will always be harder compared to doing so in your 20s or even 30s — even if you’re starting at the same base weight or trying to lose the same amount of weight. Discover effective weight loss tips specifically designed for individuals aged 50 and above. Achieve your weight loss goals with proven strategies and expert guidance.

This is all because of the metabolic changes your body goes through. As you grow older, not only does your metabolism slow down, but you may adopt a more sedentary lifestyle — which means you burn fewer calories.

That just means that you need to adjust your weight loss strategies. Here are some tips and tricks to make weight loss easier in your golden years.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Having nutritious and well-balanced meals is always part of any weight loss journey. If you’re trying to lose weight at age 50 and up, it becomes even more crucial.

In general, it’s better to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and to cut down on refined sugars and starches. It’s also highly recommended to increase your protein intake. Protein-rich diets may reduce or reverse muscle loss, as well as boost overall weight loss — and help you keep off the weight you lose in the long-term.

Exercise Regularly

Always remember that diet alone will not help you lose weight. Regular exercise helps you lose weight, build muscle, and improve your overall health — regardless of your age. The CDC generally recommends getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise — such as brisk walking — per day for older adults.

Pick Up Strength Training

The type of workouts you do matters, too. Cardio and other less physically demanding exercises tend to be popular with older adults. While these do help with weight loss after 50 years old, it can be more efficient to add strength training to your workout regimen as well.

Strength training can help boost your slowing metabolism, which will help you burn more calories and reduce body fat. 

Ensure High Fluid Intake

It’s important to stay hydrated when trying to lose weight. After all, working out means sweating a lot, so insufficient fluid intake can potentially result in dehydration. 

Moreover, drinking enough water helps your body convert protein and carbohydrates into usable energy — energy you need to exercise and keep moving. Keeping up a high daily fluid intake may also help burn calories through thermogenesis.

The Takeaway

Losing weight is a huge challenge at any age. However, the difficulty level grows exponentially as you age. That doesn’t mean weight loss after 50 is impossible, though. With the right strategies, it’s still possible to lose weight and stay in good shape after 50. Schedule a visit with our weight loss experts in las vegas.

Is Walking Good for High Blood Pressure

Aking yourself, Is Walking Good for High Blood Pressure. Discover the incredible benefits of walking for high blood pressure. Learn how this simple activity can help lower blood pressure and improve overall health.Walking provides a range of benefits. Besides being a low-impact way to exercise, walking is beneficial for stress reduction and aerobic health — two critical factors for healthy blood pressure ranges. 

In short, walking may just be the best exercise to control blood pressure. Read on to learn more about how walking helps blood pressure reduction. 

Walking Helps Hypertension Reduction by Strengthening the Heart

Walking is a low-impact way to strengthen the muscles of the heart. A stronger heart is critical to blood pressure control since stronger heart muscles require less force to pump blood. 

Because of less force production, the pressure in the arteries decreases. This shows up on the sphygmomanometer as a decreased systolic pressure — the top-end value of your blood pressure reading. 

The Best Exercise To Control High Blood Pressure — and Stress 

Stress causes the body to be in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight. This creates an environment where the heart pumps faster and the blood vessels constrict. This is why during periods of stress, you’ll experience a spike in your blood pressure.

To eliminate stress and the blood pressure spike that goes with it, you can go for a walk. Walking is beneficial for stress reduction, as shown by a 2018 comparative study

How Does Walking Affect Blood Pressure? 

Walking reduces blood pressure through multiple mechanisms. It improves cardiovascular fitness, increasing heart efficiency and promoting better blood flow. With better blood flow comes reduced resistance along the blood vessels. This shows up as lower blood pressure readings. 

How Long You Should Walk for Maximum Results

As mentioned earlier, just 10 minutes of walking can be sufficient for lowering your blood pressure. However, here are two additional science-backed pointers.

First, it’s important to ramp up. If 10 minutes of walking has become too easy, you should work towards increasing your mileage to the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 150 minutes per week

Second, you should stick to walking for about six months. One 2018 study discovered that six months of walking elicited better blood pressure control compared to a group that had inconsistent bouts of activity. 

In short, start with 10 minutes a day every day and build up to walking for about 30 minutes daily. Lastly, continue to do this for at least six months to see results. 

High Blood Pressure? Walk It Off! 

Walking is an accessible and effective way to manage high blood pressure. By starting with just 10 minutes and day and being consistent, you’ll walk your way to lower blood pressure.  if unable to control blood pressure with just simple walking, seek the help of a primary care doctor near you.

unsafe blood pressure level

Learn about the dangers of an unsafe blood pressure level and the associated health risks. Discover how to manage and maintain a healthy blood pressure for optimal well-being.As individuals who value our health and well-being, understanding what constitutes unsafe blood pressure is crucial. An unsafe blood pressure level indicates that the pressure within our arteries is outside the normal range, which can have serious health implications.

Normal Blood Pressure Range

It’s important to note that these numbers can vary slightly depending on individual factors such as age, overall health, and medical history, but generally, the normal blood pressure range for adults is around 120/80 mmHg. Anything significantly higher or lower than this number can be considered an unsafe blood pressure rate. When our blood pressure exceeds this range consistently, it can lead to health issues, indicating hypertension or high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure: Hypertension

Hypertension is categorized into different stages based on the severity of the condition. Stage 1 hypertension is characterized by a blood pressure reading between 130/80 mmHG and 139/89 mmHg. In stage 2 hypertension, the readings are typically above 140/90 mmHg. It’s essential for us to monitor and manage hypertension as it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, and brain problems.

Low Blood Pressure: Hypotension

On the other hand, having blood pressure below the normal range is also not safe. This is what’s known as hypotension. While there is no strict threshold for hypotension, it is generally recognized as having a blood pressure reading below 90/60 mmHg. Some of its symptoms include dizziness, fainting, fatigue, and inadequate blood flow to vital organs. 

Unsafe Blood Pressure Symptoms

When blood pressure is uncontrolled, regardless of whether it’s high or low, it can lead to various symptoms and health risks. Some common symptoms of uncontrolled blood pressure include:

When these issues arise, it’s important to seek medical attention and get the treatment you need.


Maintaining normal blood pressure is imperative. Blood pressure rates above 120/80 mmHg, also known as hypertension, can increase the risk of serious health problems. 

Hypotension, on the other hand, involves having blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg and can lead to symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. 

Uncontrolled blood pressure, whether high or low, can cause a range of symptoms and complications. Monitoring and managing blood pressure through lifestyle modifications, medication, and regular check-ups can help maintain healthy blood pressure and reduce the dangers of associated health issues. 

Should you experience persistent symptoms or have concerns about your blood pressure, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

Staying Healthy Over the Age of 60

As people enter their golden years, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize both physical and mental well-being. Aging brings about various changes in the body and mind, making it crucial to create a strategy to maintain a high quality of life.

This article explores practical approaches to staying healthy over the age of 60. Read on to welcome old age the right way.

1. Engage in Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity is crucial in maintaining strength, flexibility, and overall health. According to health experts, adults in their senior years should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly, along with muscle-strengthening activities twice a week. Simple exercises like brisk walking, swimming, or tai chi can do wonders in maintaining cardiovascular health and muscle mass.

2. Eat Well

A well-balanced diet plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health. Older adults should focus on consuming various nutrient-dense food items, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Also, it’s worth noting that proper hydration is part of an ideal diet. Consult a registered dietitian if you want personalized guidance on the best nutrient sources for your unique needs.

3. Foster Social Connections

Maintaining an active social life helps combat loneliness and promotes well-being. Engaging in social activities, joining community groups, volunteering, and staying connected with friends and family can positively contribute to mental health and a sense of belongingness.

4. Continue Lifelong Learning

It’s never too late to learn anything — no matter what age. Engaging in intellectual pursuits and acquiring new skills help keep the mind sharp and active. Don’t be afraid to enroll in educational courses, participate in book clubs, solve crossword puzzles, or pursue hobbies that challenge you. After all, mental stimulation plays a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. Establishing a consistent routine in a sleep-friendly environment is a must for older individuals. Doing so helps boost the immune system, lower the risk for serious health problems, and reduces stress levels.

Final Thoughts

Staying healthy over the age of 60 requires proactive steps from aging individuals and their caregivers. If you don’t know where to start, exercising, eating well, fostering social connections, continuing lifelong learning, and getting enough sleep can do wonders for anyone entering old age.

Do you need more tips to live your golden years gloriously? Get in touch with our specialists at 702-362-2273 or visit us at HEALOR™ to achieve your healthiest state at any age.

What Should I Do If I Suspect I Have HIV

What Should I Do If I Suspect I Have HIV, learn what steps to take for diagnosis, treatment, and support. Find resources and guidance for managing your health. HIV/AIDS treatment has progressed exponentially over the last few decades, with AIDS-related death rates continuing to decline across the globe. However, that does not mean that we are no longer at risk of becoming infected with HIV and/or transmitting HIV to another person. New HIV cases continue to be reported each year, with patients in the LGBTQ+ communities being at an increased risk of contracting the virus. At HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV, board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh is committed to helping patients take charge of their health by understanding how to decrease their HIV/AIDS risk factors and knowing what to do if they suspect they may have been exposed to HIV.

How do you get HIV?

HIV can be transmitted from person to person through sexual activity, contact with infected blood, sharing needles, and other methods. A mother can also pass HIV to her child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

What does HIV do?

Women who experience painful sex also have problems with lower libido and infrequent orgasms. A loss of libido may result from stress, depression, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications.

How do you know if you have HIV?

After exposure to HIV, when the virus has entered the body, patients may experience mild, flu-like symptoms that can last for up to a few weeks. However, these symptoms can closely mimic other conditions and, in some cases, go completely unnoticed. For this reason, it is essential that patients who suspect an HIV infection get tested. Without an HIV lab test, it is impossible to know with certainty if you are infected with HIV.

What should I do if I think I have HIV?

If you think you have been exposed to HIV, call your doctor and schedule an HIV test.

How soon after HIV exposure should you get tested?

If you believe that you were recently exposed to HIV, it may be too early for an HIV test to detect the exposure. On average, it takes about 4 – 6 weeks after exposure for an HIV test to provide accurate results. Even if you receive a negative HIV test after six weeks, your provider may recommend a repeat test at a subsequent date to ensure the initial test was not performed too early for detection.

How can I decrease my risk of getting HIV?

Some critical steps you can take to minimize your risk of contracting or transmitting HIV include:

During your next appointment with Dr. Singh, don’t hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have about a possible HIV exposure, a current HIV infection, the potential transmission of HIV, or any other topics of concern. Dr. Singh understands the sensitive and personal nature of living with HIV and is committed to helping his patients safeguard their health, minimize the risk of transmission, and continue to lead full, vibrant lives.

Knowledge is power when it comes to HIV prevention in Las Vegas, NV

By knowing what to do if you have HIV or suspect HIV, you can minimize your risk of developing AIDS and reduce the possibility of transmitting HIV to others. Not only that, but understanding your options for HIV treatment and prevention can help you feel more confident, positive, and empowered. To learn more about managing your HIV or getting tested for HIV in Las Vegas, NV, call HEALOR™ today to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh.

Genetics and High Cholesterol

Learn about the role of genetics and high cholesterol and how it can impact your health. Discover effective strategies for managing this condition and reducing your risk.Cholesterol can help your body metabolize nutrients and produce healthy structures for your cell membranes, among other benefits. But an excessive amount of cholesterol can cause heart failure and circulatory conditions. Many times, your genetics could play a role in whether or not you could develop high cholesterol, and you may not even be aware of it.

Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh and the staff at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV can help you manage and treat your high cholesterol. We provide support for people who experience high cholesterol levels, including those where the condition is hereditary.

Understanding how family members can experience high cholesterol

The reason why high cholesterol can run in the family comes from familial hypercholesterolemia. This genetic condition involves a person inheriting genes that entail cholesterol levels increasing in the blood. A defective receptor will cause the cholesterol levels in the body to stay elevated. It becomes harder for the body to manage the cholesterol deposits it collects when this happens.

The problem can be concerning, especially since many people with familial hypercholesterolemia will do everything they can to keep their cholesterol levels down. They may exercise and eat healthily, but they often struggle to keep those levels in check. These people often have to use medications to keep their levels under control, but those medications can often cause unwanted or unpleasant side effects in some patients.

Are you going to experience high cholesterol at this point?

While you have a more significant risk of developing high cholesterol if it runs in your family, it doesn’t mean you’re going to experience this concern. You simply have a higher risk, making it more essential to receive the proper care for your cholesterol needs. Dr. Singh and the staff at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV can help you find a suitable management plan that will reduce your potential of having high cholesterol.

What other concerns can occur?

There are many other points that can lead to high cholesterol. An unhealthy lifestyle where you don’t eat right or exercise can be a problem.

You could also experience high cholesterol levels if you have high or uncontrolled blood sugar levels. The added glucose in your body can harm the lining in your arteries, making it easier for fatty deposits to build in these tissues.

People with larger waist circumferences will also be more likely to have high cholesterol. A man with a waist circumference of greater than 40 inches or a woman with a circumference over 35 inches is at a greater risk.

Contact us today for help managing your high cholesterol

You can trust us at HEALOR™ in Las Vegas, NV if you need help handling your high cholesterol concerns, especially if your condition is hereditary. Double board-certified physician Dr. Raj Singh will review your needs and find a smart plan for treatment that will fit your lifestyle. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Common Foods That Could Be To Blame for Your Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is an adaptive immune response that helps us recover from or avoid further injury, infection, or other potentially harmful stimuli. Discover Common Foods That Could Be To Blame for Your Chronic Inflammation in your body and learn how to make healthier choices for better overall health. However, this reaction can become problematic when it persists over time. Arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and possibly cancer have all been related to chronic inflammation.

While several factors contribute to chronic inflammation, including genetics and lifestyle choices, one significant factor is our diet. Certain foods can trigger and exacerbate chronic inflammation, making it essential to be aware of what we consume. This article will explore common foods that can cause chronic inflammation and suggest healthier alternatives.

What Is Chronic Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is a prolonged and persistent state of inflammation in the body that lasts for an extended period, often months or even years. It differs from acute inflammation, a short-term response to injury or infection.

Chronic inflammation can occur when the immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response and fails to shut it off. This sustained inflammation can damage healthy tissues and organs and is associated with various health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

What Are Common Foods That Can Cause Chronic Inflammation?

Certain foods have been linked to promoting chronic inflammation in the body. These include:

What Can People Eat Instead To Reduce Chronic Inflammation?

To reduce chronic inflammation, it’s beneficial to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. These include:

Other Tips for Alleviating Chronic Inflammation

In addition to making changes to your diet, there are several other tips that can help alleviate chronic inflammation:

Wrapping Up

Our diet plays a crucial role in determining our overall health, including inflammation levels in the body. We can prevent chronic inflammation by avoiding or minimizing the consumption of inflammatory foods like processed foods, sugary beverages, refined carbohydrates, red and processed meats, and certain vegetable oils.

Instead, incorporate fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, whole grains, healthy fats, and spices into your meals. These dietary changes and adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce chronic inflammation and improve overall well-being. need additional help, schedule a consultation with our chronic inflammation experts in Las Vegas.

Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

Discover the best 9 natural supplements for weight loss that can help you shed pounds and achieve your fitness goals Thanks to sedentary lifestyles and access to calorie-rich foods, gaining weight has become a concern for many. This issue has led people to buy supplements promising weight control or weight loss. However, it can be difficult to choose the right herbs, vitamins, and minerals that can help you shed the excess pounds. Which ones are safe? Which ones are just a waste of money?

To help you pick the best natural supplements for weight loss, we have shared some of the proven products available today. Keep reading to learn more.

9 Natural Supplements for Weight Loss: An Overview

Many supplements exist on the market today, so it’s hard to know which ones are actually worth the money. Since supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, consumers are also wary about what these products actually contain. Thankfully, there are supplements that are backed by medical and scientific research, not just trends or marketing.

Before you take these supplements, remember that they’re not the sole solution to weight loss. These products simply complement your daily regimen and diet, which are the main ways to lose excess fat. Some can help you burn calories efficiently, some make you feel full quickly, and a few suppress your appetite entirely. However, don’t rely on the products on their own if your mission is to reduce your weight. If you have underlying medical issues, make sure to consult your doctor first before taking any supplements.


If there’s one supplement that’s been proven time and again to aid in weight loss, it’s fiber. This term refers to a group of carbohydrates that the body cannot digest, passing through the digestive tract intact. Fiber has many benefits and mechanisms that help us shed excess pounds. Beta-glucan, a type of fiber, helps us feel fuller and slows down the breakdown of sugars. Other forms of fiber alter gut hormones and improve the health of our gut microbiome.

Many fiber supplements exist in the market, with psyllium husk and methylcellulose as some of the most popular ones. However, you can still get enough fiber by eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains daily.


The gut microbiome plays an important role in our overall health. Millions of microorganisms living in our stomachs and intestines affect how we process nutrients in food, how we store fat, and when we feel full or hungry. Thanks to these benefits, it’s important to keep our gut microbiome healthy.

Probiotics are supplements that contain good live bacteria, which you can take to boost the number of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. You can also get good bacteria from fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi.

Green Tea

There are certain compounds in green tea that act as stimulants, such as catechins and caffeine. By increasing metabolic rate, these compounds make you burn fat more quickly. Green tea may also help increase the production of hormones like pancreatic lipase, which make it easier for the body to digest fat.

While you can drink green tea, you can also consume it in the form of pills or tablets. If you have caffeine sensitivity, be sure to take green tea in small amounts.

Fish Oil

Fish oil, by itself, doesn’t directly help with weight loss. However, the supplement can help reduce fat deposits in various parts of the body, especially the abdomen. Studies have shown that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil increase metabolic rate. When combined with a good diet and exercise, this supplement may just help you get rid of stubborn belly fat.

There are many fish oil supplements on the market. When choosing one, make sure that it contains the bioactive ingredients that heighten fat burning, particularly Omega-3 fatty acids.


Similar to the effects of green tea, caffeine supplements act as stimulants that help increase metabolic rate. The body becomes more efficient at burning calories, using up fat deposits, and reducing your overall weight. Coffee, one popular source of caffeine, is popular for intermittent fasting practitioners because the beverage reduces hunger pangs and your overall appetite.

Drinking coffee is a great way to get caffeine into the body. However, you can take caffeine pills if it’s the more convenient option.

Vitamin D

Over the years, medical science has established a link between Vitamin D deficiency and obesity. The less of the nutrient you have, the more likely you’re overweight. Theories abound for these connections, but many researchers believe that Vitamin D affects how the body creates fat cells. Lifestyle may also be at play, since less active people usually don’t get enough sunshine, resulting in lower Vitamin D levels.

To get the required daily amount of Vitamin D, you can take supplements containing it. Sun exposure of up to 30 minutes a day can also help you reach the right nutrient levels.

Vitamin B

The Vitamin B group has also been shown to have some weight loss benefits. Nutrients like riboflavin, thiamin, and niacin all help optimize metabolism. In addition, these compounds make it easier for the body to process carbs and fats. In short, the Vitamin B group helps the body turn food into energy more efficiently.

Vitamin B complex supplements usually have all the Vitamin B nutrients you need. However, be sure to take only the appropriate dosages since excess Vitamin B may result in weight gain.

Vitamin C

Most of us know Vitamin C as something that boosts our immune system and increases the production of collagen. However, this nutrient can also affect how the body loses fat. People with healthy levels of Vitamin C are more efficient at burning calories than those without. In fact, people with Vitamin C deficiency are more resistant to fat loss even while doing intense exercises.

Plenty of Vitamin C supplements exist on the market. However, you can get natural Vitamin C from eating citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, and some root crops.


Magnesium is a mineral that we don’t often associate with weight loss. However, this nutrient is key to optimizing how the body processes sugar or glucose in the body. People with low levels of magnesium are more likely to store higher amounts of calories since they can’t be processed properly.

To increase the amount of magnesium in the body, you can take magnesium tablets or multivitamin pills containing the mineral. Whole grains and legumes are also great sources of the nutrient.

Final Thoughts

Every weight loss journey is different, so you don’t have to take all the supplements mentioned above to see results. Consult with your doctor or dietitian, and learn which of these products will help maximize your efforts. You should also remember that weight loss supplements are not the only solution for fat loss. Exercise and a balanced diet are also essential. For more information about natural supplements for weight loss, visit our website.

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